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A little something to keep you warm while I'm out of the country. And another fortuitously timed one, too, what with the real Ikari Warriors appearing on Switch soon! (I didn't time this one deliberately the way I did the Castlevania episodes... just random luck.) 

I'm away from keyboard for quite a while, so it'll be a couple of weeks before the next Works video, I'm afraid. But on the plus side, I got my streaming setup fixed, FINALLY, so there'll be much more of that from now on. See you in a few weeks!


Ikari Warriors & Athletic World retrospective: Anger mismanagement | NES Works #041

Future console first-party SNK makes its NES debut this week, and... well, let's just say there's room for improvement. Ikari Warriors was good and fun in the arcades, and on NES, it exists and doesn't cause your console to self-destruct. So that's something. Also, a half-look at Bandai's first Power Pad title, Athletic World.


Steve Martin

Solomon's Key! One of my first NES game purchases! I could never get past a certain level in the mid 60s (I believe.)

Mark Paterson

I had the Commodore Amiga version of Ikari Warriors which with its one button joystick was even trickier to control. Bullets went in the direction you moved, but you could lock and unlock your soldier in one orientation with the space bar. The best way I found to make it even vaguely playable was to lean back on my chair and operate the extra key with my foot!