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Somehow I managed to put together two 14-minute videos yesterday. Yeah, I don't know how that happened. Anyway, here's an episode slated for the far future, by which I mean a week and a half from now. It's three, three, three games in one!


Track & Field | Rush ’N Attack | BurgerTime retrospective: Arcade fire | NES Works #039

Moving on to April and May 1987, three classic arcade games (well, maybe more like two classics and one "whuzzat?") arrive on NES in rapid succession courtesy of Data East and Konami. Konami's two games share a tenuous link in their cold wars roots, while Data East's game is... well, it's weird.



Just wanted to leave a comment to say the coverage of Track & Field was particularly great, from beginning to end.

Joel Berube

Am I the only one who was hoping there would be some way for Jeremy to tie in a Cold War reference for the Burger Time segment as well?