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Yes, I'm afraid so. I've gone and kicked off an extra side series called, wait for it, "SEGAiden." This won't supplant the usual Video Works features and will only appear when I have time to produce a second video in a given week. But hey! SEGA. 

I'll let the video itself explain the rest...


Sega Ages: Sonic the Hedgehog overview | 'Hog wild | SEGAiden 01

There's more to video game history than just Nintendo, and in this Video Works offshoot, we'll take occasonal looks at essential classic games from SEGA—both historical releases and current reissues. This debut episode is a little of both, intersecting with one of SEGA's most important creations ever and developer M2's attempt to pay it tribute with a new remaster for Nintendo Switch.



I noticed this in some other recent videos, but there seems to be a stray black pixel that's part of one of your overlays. Here it's most noticable around 2:23 when the Sega 3D Classics Collection logo is up. It appears in the lower right, same place as in other videos.

Bastien Nocera

Thanks for the “Generation 16” tip, watched a couple of their videos, and the content is well-researched. Note that I wouldn’t mind duplicates from you either ;)