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Hey folks, sorry to follow up that wild Paperboy 2 episode with something so much less ambitious, but last week was really hectic for me (between a sudden Kickstarter launch and a major household disaster). I wasn't sure I was going to be able to produce any video at all this week. But here we are, coming in right under the wire — a remastered version of Game Boy Works/World #5: Tennis. (Skipping episode 4 for now to tie in with the recent release of Mario Tennis Aces.)

Super NES Works will resume next week!


Tennis retrospective: 40-love affair | Game Boy Works #005 [remastered]

We revisit the first Game Boy sports game that you wouldn't want to throw off the side of a cliff if someone handed it to you. Tennis was pretty swell — clearly patterned after the NES game by the same title, but a lot better in most regards.



Oh damn, I saw that Flip Grip in my media bubble all the time, but I didn't realize it was kind of your brainchild :D

Beefington von Barnstorm

Hope the disaster passes without longterm damage to everyone involved, Mister!