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So there's this.

Unfortunately, the one truly notable element of this game won't be addressed for a few episodes — I had to take this series slightly out of chronological order due to my travel schedule, which means a break in continuity. The first third party title compatible with the 4-Player Adapter appears before the adapter itself! Oh no!

(If you're wondering why I pushed the 4PA breakdown back a few episodes, it's because I'm meeting with Dylan Cuthbert this week and am hoping to see if I can get a little info on its origins from him…)


Trump Boy II retrospective: Executive disorder | Game Boy Works #108

Game Boy gets its second quick-iteration sequel to a previous release for the platform, and it's even less noteworthy than Boxxle II. Like the original Trump Boy, this follow-up contains three card game variants based around a pack of 52. The visuals look a little nicer and have some personality this time, and there's a four-player mode (that we'll look at in a different episode), but it's pretty just, you know, Trump Boy. Again.


Aaron Schafer

What an unfortunate name for a video game....