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Somehow my production schedule landed on two back-to-back Human/Bandai projects. First Ultraman, now this. It was nice knowing you all, but now I am dead.

On the plus side, my ghost hopes to get the kinks worked out of streaming next week, so I'll be sure to post a spectral announcement once those details firm up.


SD Gundam Gaiden: Lacroan Heroes retrospective: Gun-dammit | Game Boy Works #097

Our second Game Boy Gundam game, and can you believe it? It's also not very good. This one is bad in a boring, predictable way: It's a game adaptation of a video series designed in the mold of Dragon Quest. You'd think an obvious formula for success as a video game would present itself based on that pretext, but…


Joel Berube

Cheer up Jeremy! You've still got Actraiser down the pipes, hopefully that'll revitalize your spirits.

James Irish

In the words of Superchicken, you knew the job was dangerous when you took it! But yes, Actraiser, that should turn things around I would hope.