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Huzzah! A new update for Anatomy of Final Fantasy VI! I'll be posting one new chapter of this series in the coming week, after which we're going to take a break from FFVI — too much of writing about a single game leads to stagnation, and already this series is nearly as long as the breakdowns of Super Mario Bros. or Super Metroid. Yow! Of course, I'll finish up FFVI eventually, but I think we could all use a sorbet, eh?


The Anatomy of Final Fantasy VI | 14 | Dive alert

Sabin's chapter is surprisingly lengthy. Even after teaming up with Shadow, sneaking through an Imperial base, fighting through Doma Castle, and undermining the supernatural order of the human race's afterlife, there's still more to do. Shadow won't take part in it, however; if you've managed to hang on to him to this point, here's where he'll part ways.


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