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Sorry about the radio silence this past week. Moving is brutal! But I've been plugging away quietly at this latest look at one of Final Fantasy VI's most interesting sequences as I've had time, and here it is: A continuation of the game analysis. As often happens, writing critically about this portion of the game has given me newfound appreciation for how smartly crafted it was. And as often happens, it makes me wish more game designers would try to do more with less. FFVI's narrative doesn't always make a lot of sense (as you'll see here), but it works anyway.


The Anatomy of Final Fantasy VI | 13 | Triple triad (part the third)

With the introduction of Cyan comes a weird new special command: Bushido (formerly SwdTech). It's almost really interesting as a command, but it suffers from a deep flaw that renders it largely useless - or, at the very least, ensures you'll never make use of its advanced permutations.


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