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...the end of 1989, I mean. The 25th and final Game Boy World episode for 1989 is now live. I tried to make it an interesting one. Maybe more interesting than this particular game actually deserves, but I figured I should make an effort even if TOSE didn't. We're not completely done with 1989 yet, though. Stay tuned!


Game Boy World #025: Master Karateka (Brøderbund/TOSE/Bandai Shinsei, 1989)

This is it: The end of Game Boy's first calendar year's worth of releases. Master Karateka brings the library of releases (at least in Japan) to 25... but, unfortunately, it doesn't bring 1989 to a rousing finale.


Steve Martin

I had to listen three times, but you said Spelunky instead of Spelunker. I know, I know, nitpicking at its best! Great video, sir!