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Hello, all. You are supporting this video project at the "get a book PDF a couple of times per year" level or above, which means you've probably been wondering, "Where the heck are the books?" The last volume I published was Good Nintentions 1985 back in October, which has been nearly a year.

I apologize for the tardiness on this front. My reckless decision to leave behind a stable paycheck and make Retronauts my primary source of income (and to fold these video projects into Retronauts) has made my life pretty topsy-turvy this year. In a good way, don't get me wrong! But it has been something of a wild ride, and I've never worked longer hours in my life than I do now. That has slowed down book production.

But there's another factor at work with the book delay, too. I'm in the process of establishing a publishing partnership with the cool folks at Fangamer to produce my current and future book projects under their imprint. That has slowed things down further, but once we get everything sorted out it will be very good for the books in general. Nothing is set in stone quite yet, but I hope to finalize details this week, as the next book is now complete and ready for copy editing, then production.

What does this mean for you? Well:

First, everyone supporting at the color edition tier get a free upgrade. The move from print-on-demand to Fangamer means proper offset printing (for higher quality) AND all-hardcover editions. The B&W tier will be unchanged, but the color books will now be super-classy hardcover color books. That's awesome.

Secondly, my plan is to publish three books this year, and you'll receive them all (instead of the promised two). First is NES Works 1986. Secondly, I'm intending to rework Good Nintentions 1985 into a matching NES Works 1985 hardcover edition. And finally, I'm working on a new Anatomy of Games volume as well. All of this is pending Fangamer approval, of course, but my plan is to make up for the long delay by providing you with the bonus overhaul of last year's book.

Third, I intend to produce three books per year going forward. Again, proving Fangamer approval. Next year's lineup tentatively will be Super NES Works 1991, Virtual Boy Works Complete, and an omnibus combining the two existing Game Boy World books into a single jumbo hardcover Game Boy Works volume.

You will definitely be getting your NES Works 1986 PDF edition this month. Physical editions will take a little longer to deliver since they're going through a proper printing process, but everyone supporting at physical book tiers this month will receive both the 1986 and 1985 volumes (once again, pending approval) once they're complete.

I've attached a sample spread of the new book here to give you a sense of how it's coming along. Thanks for your patience and enjoy!



El Pescado

Partnering with FanGamer is the absolute best case scenario. Their products are the highest quality. I can't wait to see what you guys put out together.

Stephen “Seven” Perteet

I was wondering if the books thing was ever going to happen, not that I minded really. Keep up the great work!