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Well, I guess technically it's Mode Seven that's returning, but like, whatever, man. (I included a preamble to definitively answer the "why change name??" question. Sorry if that's all known info to you cool patron types.)

With NES Works 1986 complete (expect news on the book version of that within a matter of days), my attention will be focused primarily on Super NES until I work through the entirety of the 1991 catalog and get that book together as well. 

Anyway, please enjoy this video. I apologize in advance for being completely awful at SimCity. I think it's neat and I enjoy goofing around with it (I'd love to have this version of the game on Switch!), but I have never made much headway with it. Fortunately, the next couple of games on the list fall more into my wheelhouse…


SimCity retrospective: Civic responsibilities | Super NES Works #004

We resume a retrospective journey through the Super NES's 1991 U.S. lineup with this wonderful adaptation of the Maxis PC classic SimCity. Developed by Nintendo and Intelligent Systems, SimCity showed off a different side of the Super NES. Also in this episode: An explanation of the change in name from Mode Seven to Super NES Works.


El Pescado

I absolutely love this version of SimCity. It's absolutely phenominal. I wish I never transferred my Wii VC games to Wii U so I could still play it without all the failures of the Wii U's Wii VC mode.

Miles Wacker

My 8 year old son loves this game, perfect for the Minecraft generation and me too. Great Video!