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Fan Art featuring Wonder Woman, hope you'll like it!

Alternatives and textless versions available in attachments!




Quick correction for the second picture "it baffles me"


Awesome fan art and alternatives.


Wow I absolutely love the finished colored drawings with the alts and especially the design on the diapers. I appreciate it thanks.


It is canon that WW is rendered powerless if her hands are tied up by a man.


Finally Wonder Woman gets the ABDL attention she deserves. (And secretly wants)

The Cad

Good choice of subject given Wonder Woman’s ‘loving submission’ streak and executed very very nicely. Would be nice to see an alt where she is also wearing a few more bits of her costume - say her bracelets and lasso - but yeh, awesome!


Once again you have create a wonderful cutie pie=) I wish, she would never awake from her hypnosis, because now she is safe and for such a little girl it is absolutely forbidden, to go out and try to safe the world all alone and at that only wear a diaper;-)