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Latest batch of work on The Hive!

I've been toying around with Renpy this week. Since I have zero programming skills, it's pretty intimidating to learn  programming language, even basic, but it seems less hard that was I was afraid of.

For Menus and general User Interface, I tried to do it on my own, working a bit on the titlescreen you can see above but realize that I would loose a lot of time doing it by myself.

So I'm getting some programming help! A patreon nicely offered help some months ago and it would speed things up with the UI work.

I reworked a bit the ingame menu (top bar), there will be a menu screen (folder icon), a save screen (save icon), a relationship screen (heart icon) and an inventory system. This is still a mockup, I don't have anything implanted in the game yet.

I've gone for a very simple/cutesy design for the UI to match the feel of the game. Even for stuff like there was some trials and errors before coming to something nice.

I like Renpy for the liberty it allows, so we'll try to have a gallery where pictures are added once certain scenes play in game.

Something else I'd like to have is an inventory system where you can combine objects together to advance in the game, like in old point and click games. If it's not possible, we'll go for a regular inventory but that would be less fun.

The last addition to the game will be a relationship screen where you can track  the progress of your relation with different characters and the state of their regression.

Clicking on the pictures will lead to a character panel. The text is just a placeholder for now.

I also took some time to find sound fitting for the game. 

Had to bought some licensed music for visual novel so that should sound nice. For the sfx, there's enough leftovers from Perpetual Change.

Next time, I plan to work on some new outfits for Lola and Maddie!




Man this game is looking excellent I can't wait for the demo in the future!


When will the game be released?


Uncanny how much Lola looks like an animated version of my girlfriend lol


Already looking great!


I’m so excited for this project

Ryno Sensei

i can not wait


I think it's more amusing to ask yourself if you ever thought when you started drawing ABDL that it would turn into you learning how to program.


Loving the work so far. I've been tinkering with renpy myself, and while I have some elements of it understood, I haven't even touched the UI part yet. Good looking work.


There's no demo yet, this is just mockups. If we're lucky, we'll get a prototype out in September but it will be a prototype, not a full demo.


Thanks! Honestly, I'm getting help for the UI, that's the first thing to do in the game but it's also the more complex.


This looks great. Can't wait for the playable release.

Blake Wall

Your game development skills seems to be improving good work


@PieceofSoap You could release a small demo of what you have now. To see what the good bad and the ugly are so that you can make the improvements that at that time Like up to the current point. I’m super excited for a playable demo or beta either way I can’t wait!!!


Thanks, I'm getting help from a programmer to import all that stuff into the game


There is nothing yet, all of this are just mockups, elements I arranged in photoshop and exported separately for the programmer to put in the game. I'm excited to work on a demo as well but it will take some time.


It's exciting to see you're quick at work on the next game!