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Hello guys! How's your monday going? I hope it's going ok! Mine is going to the shitter, but hey, less blablabla and more content!

So I've just thought about it and I thought the best course of actions is getting some other places to communicate with you guys, so I've decided the following:

Twitter: twitter.com/themodelcorner 

Instagram: ModelCorner 

Facebook: facebook.com/themodelcorner 

In Twitter, I'm going to make announce posts that I've made in here and in other networks.

In Instagram, I will upload random wips and bits of models I'm working at the moment.

On Facebook... well I don't know. But we will have it too!

Fortunately, we won't have any of that.

I am honest with you guys when I said I'm surprised.

One of my biggest worries I've had before and during the time I've been in Patreon is miscommunicating with you guys. Communication is essential. Basically, like I've said before, not having the proper communication will end up with tons of issues, misunderstandings and more importantly, bad impressions.

I've tried my best communicate all the ideas and being as clear as possible. Normally people would say "It's just a lot of text" but I don't care. I rather write a lot and say what I want to say, than writing a summary, miss a lot of points, then having to clarify something that should have been clear if I didn't miss points.

So yeah, due your opinions, guys, we will use Patreon as the main platform and nothing else for now.

Now, expect a post later today or tomorrow about model pre analysis. Have a good day!


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