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You guys are gonna LOVE this season. Tons of new characters! Season one is a fantastic intro but it really does just get better and better.


I am not like 100% sure, but if I remember right, the hair cutting is related to the royal status. Because that is the place where they put the crown. So by cutting the hair, they are cutting their ties to the royal family.


Neil in the live series of episode one, they had the power of Sozin’s comet. And as for Aang flying at the start of the episode, he was falling whilst using air bending to control his dissent I imagine it’s harder to get off the ground without a glider but still airbenders are light and agile enough to fly easily.

Raymon Irizarry

The way that lighting and fire relate, is that they are both pure energy. Lightning bending is a high level technique that requires both aptitude (not everyone firebender is able to do it) and years of training.