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I do wish fairy tail would keep characters dead. It’s one of my favorite anime’s but the not keeping some people dead is annoying. This arc was pretty good imo but it def has moments where it’s slightly Bs


When the Gajeel death chapter came out in the manga there was a big backlash from the community but Mashima had two senerios set up.


That's the only problem with long shonens too. You know people aren't going to die. But when you're going week to week and actually getting invested into the show it's easier to feel stuff


Mirajane’s transformation is the cube that was the base of Tartaros that later on transformed into a monster when Mard Geer activated the spell “Alegria”. Thats why her transformation is called Mirajane Alegria. Also Faxx, you love and watch One Piece so you should be used to fake deaths and lethals strikes not actually killing characters…


yukino stated her sister was taken from her back in the tournament arc it hinted at angel being her sister but damn thats hundred episodes ago


need to see some dr stone reactions, its awesome

Larissa VanDuzer

I suppose it does depend on how you are viewing it. No matter how many times I watch it, I watch it in the moment of the characters so I feel the sadness, hurt, happiness, etc. But everyone has their own way. I was really glad Gajeel didn't die. I like happy endings though so... Anyways, still a great reaction and can't wait to see what you guys think of what will happen following this.


There is only one character I rly think should have stayed dead this arc. As it would have been a good ending for their character, and the show kind of gains nothing from keeping them alive as they have played their role in my opinion. I dont rly feel ready for Gajeel or Wendy's stories to end though. They've just begun. But the amount of fake-outs while emotional felt unecessary.


I agree with both of you. I agree with Fax that the repeated fake-outs make them feel a bit less impactful each time. However, with Gajeel the "confession" to Levy made the moment great for me even being pretty sure he'd live. And that's where I agree with Neel, even if the main cast always lives. The show still makes me feel emotional all the time, even with the fake-out deaths. Because the show makes me genuinly care for the characters, feel their pain and happiness.


I think two people should’ve stayed dead in this arc but I’ll mention the two when they reach that episodes so I don’t spoil


I'd love to hear more about what the show could emotionally do "more" without killing of main cast though. Main cast has emotional moments. Igneel that had been main character Natsu's goal for like 100+ episodes to find dies in front of his eyes. It's fair it didn't hit Fax specifically, just curious what type of shows has hit that for you without killing main cast?


haha ye same. I can only think of the one. And Im gonna assume one of yours is mine. Coz I think almost everyone can agree on that one lol.


Actually I just remembered 1, arguably two more characters that should have stayed dead in addition to my original one. Curious to see if we have the same names when we get there :P


I feel Fax’s point is that he doesn’t feel anything in the ”death” moments, when they are coming up, if few episodes later or if you know the character is gonna live. That’s why fake outs are bad, you don’t need to kill characters, but don’t keep them alive when those situoations come up. That scene would be just as emotional if it ended up that someone would have just cancelled the spell, and Gajeel never dissapeared. And even more, if he had actually died


No I get that part. But he also specifically said he didn't feel anything when Igneel died. Igneel did actually die. So if killing off a character that has been part of the MC's main goal for 100+ episodes in a row doesn't feel emotional. (but not maincast being the dying ones) And maincast having tragic things happen doesn't cause emotion (such as Natsu seeing it happen, might have been some other stuff he mentioned can't remember.) Then we have checked off: maincast tragedy (not emotional) sidecast death (not emotional) So beyond maincast dying, what would cause emotion for him specifically. That is ofc individual for each person. Was why I was curious if there are any shows he has seen where no main cast dies, yet he still felt very emotionally touched by the show.


juvia is one of the people I wish stayed dead I honestly wasn’t too big of a gruvia fan and I wanted him to realize he lost her and the one sided relationship was done before he ever took her serious

kenn junior

im a lil late to these but to me Fairy Tail isnt that dark of a show to just kill someone off like JJK. its not that type of show. To me Fairy Tail the guild is too top heavy to just kill off one of the "main" group. Natsu, Lucy, Happy, Erza, Gray, Wendy, Charle, Gajeel, Lily, Elfman, Mira and Levy arent killable. You kill off one of them and the group gets worse in a guild thats already thin when it comes to strength. You kill off Gajeel who in the lesser part of the guild takes his place?