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Great reaction guys. Can't wait for u guys to react the prequel trilogy. All of your questions that u guys had after your reaction about Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vaders past including Obi-Wan Kenobi's past will all be answered as you guys slowly start the prequel trilogy episodes 1-3.


before the prequel came out, there was just this trilogy and as such, episode 6 was more of a episode 3. Then the prequels came out, which are three movies you definetely schould check out. Also there is an animated movie and series called "The Clone Wars", I can recommend them as well. Episode 7, 8 and 9 are Disney canon, which is (for me) sadly official canon. Disney scrapped a lot, and if the three movies would have been good, I wouldn't have minded too much but I personally didn't like the three disney movies...


so has anyone mention to them yet that Darth Vader voice actor is the same one for Mufasa from lion king


There are 9 episodes. In release order the next 3 are prequels and then the following 3 are sequels to this.


Prequel Episodes 1,2,3, and (rogue one), originals 4,5,6, and sequels 7,8,9


Here is some extra bit of information. The Emperor believed in something called the Rule of 1. He wanted to be the only Sith Master and rule the Galaxy forever. He would kill his apprentices before they got too powerful and would try to overthrow him as master. Darth Vader made a perfect apprentice for the Emperor because Vader's suit is weak to lightning which is the Emperors favorite move if you hadn't guessed. So when Vader lifted the Emperor and threw him down the shaft, the Emperor immediatly changed the target of the lighting to be Vader and increased his power to its limit to try and stop Vader and damage his suit enough so Vader couldn't kill him. Also regarding Vader's suit, Vader has been able to survive without his suit for days only because he was able to use the dark side of the force and keep him alive until he could get his suit either back/repaired.

Lukastace NovaSword (edited)

Comment edits

2023-08-09 12:09:58 darth bane's rule of 2 >>>
2023-08-08 10:56:58 darth bane's rule of 2 >>>

darth bane's rule of 2 >>>


The Emperor did not believe in the rule of 2, he believed in the rule of 1. Where he is the sole reigning dark lord of the Sith and be Emperor of the Galaxy forever. He has broken the rule of 2 at least twice. The first was taking on Maul as an apprentice while he still was an apprentice and the second time was when he became sith lord he got two apprentices, one being Darth Tyranus and the Fosh Jedi Vergere. Both were his apprentice at the same time.


Is everything okay I feel like you haven’t uploaded anything in awhile? Just asking out of concern. 🫡🫶🏼


They haven’t even updated us on anything. Yay paying for no content


I wouldn’t go that far. They’ve still uploaded like 25 reactions in the past month. You’re definitely getting what you paid for. I think they just like to do big recording sessions and upload everything all at once rather than spreading it out, leading to the occasional dead week like this whenever they aren’t able to get together for whatever reason.


Yo guys, are you going to react to episode 1,2 and 3?