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Harry Potter 6

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Lina Distadio

YES! My favorite people posted! So excited ❤️

Lukastace NovaSword

did neel unironically just ask "how would you see that if it's a book" 💀i thought it was a joke for the first 5 seconds

Lukastace NovaSword

imma answer some questions y'all might have and clear some things up the reason ginny asked harry to take her hand when he had to destroy the book was because she could apparate (teleport) iirc, which is also the reason she disappeared after harry opened his eyes. so harry held her hand so he could apparate with her to the room of requirement. also ron pretty much learns to apparate in this book as well, jesus the amount of details they left out caught me off guard, they didnt even mention regulus black here also, they only showed us a snippet of harry's dad being a dickhead to snape and stuff. in the books, after harry saw snape's memory by using protego (the uno reverse card spell), and saw how his dad was basically a bully to snape, he saw his dad in a negative light for a bit, and asked sirius about how his dad was during his conversations with sirius when he'd appear in the fireplace. obviously, harry was disturbed upon finding out his dad was a bully, but sirius mentioned he matured and stuff and stopped doing so by his 7th year (last one) at hogwarts. fun fact: james potter, sirius black, remus lupin, and peter pettigrew were the ones who created the marauder's map. they each had their own codenames/nicknames among their friend group: moony, wormtail, padfoot, and prongs. moony = lupin, cuz he turned into a werewolf in the full moon, wormtail = peter pettigrew, cuz he could turn into a mouse, padfoot = sirius, since he could turn into a black dog (which is why harry said "they've got padfoot" to snape in the last movie), and prongs = james (harry's dad), who could turn into a stag, which happens to be harry's patronus. yep, those 4 could all turn into animals when they were younger, another detail the movies left out lmao. the group were really close friends, which is why harry was so mad after finding out that sirius black sold his parents out to harry, as well as why remus and sirius were so keen on killing wormtail.

Lukastace NovaSword

the shadow realm, apparently 😭 fax if youre seeing this message dont consider it as us hating or being rude pls, we're just being curious

Raymon Irizarry

The ginny part wasn't in the book. At least not the Room of requirement part. Also, Ginny is too young, she hasn't been taught to apparate yet. She's not the one who took him there. Remember that after Harry uses Sectumsempra, Snape finds them, and after healing Draco tells Harry to show him his potions book. Harry freaks out and brings him Ron's book, which has Ron's name misspelled because of his "Misspelling Quill" (Thats what I call it, don't remember the name). Snape calls him out on the Nickname "Roonil Wazlib" and Harry afterwards, freaked out about what he had done, went into the room of requirements and hid it there. (I don't remember if he placed it or chucked it, either way, he never had the book after that)

Raymon Irizarry

Rest of the info you got right. And I agree, them skipping the apparitions' classes (Or at least mentioning them) and not mentioning some more details about Regulus was dumb on their part.

Lukastace NovaSword

you're right, i didnt recall ginny apparating in the book when writing this but thought it was a movie only thing, which is why i didnt say it happened in the books when referencing it. also iirc ginny and harry's kiss didnt even happen remotely in the way showed in the film, but it was after they won a quidditch game, right?

Raymon Irizarry

I can't say for sure about the kiss, but I do believe it was at least after the third game of the season. I believe, and don't quote me on this, that it happened when they were in Grimauld Place, but I'm only 70% sure on that.

Lukastace NovaSword

okay i just went over it again, yup it was after the final quidditch game for the year which harry missed bc he was in detention after using sectumsempra on malfoy

James Merlaut

Something to explain regarding the Half Blood Prince that isn't covered in the movie. The epilogue of the book has Hermione explaining Snape's upbringing a little bit. Snape's mother was a witch and his father was a muggle, making him a half blood in the wizarding world. Plus Prince isn't used as a title but as a name; his mother's maiden surname was Prince, and It's a similarity between Snape and Voldemort. Both were ashamed of their muggle heritage and chose new names. Tom Riddle became Voldemort and Snape became The Half Blood Prince... or half Prince, the Wizarding side of his family.

Gary Kline

I've skimmed through most of the beginnings of these movies with you guys and I REALLY wish the one guy (dont know your names) explained which movies he's seen exactly and how long ago it was or if he even remembers anything. Your reactions are as if you've never seen these movies but you literally said you did while saying "so I know quite a bit about them" so to ME it seems like your reactions are fake? could the guy im talking about please explain this? I want to feel like im watching a genuine reaction.

jakoby mahama

You guys make me sick I wish I nevered paid y'all especially the Indian one.

Stella Keil

Damn, I know I'm late to the party, but I just have to say: I am flabbergasted. What the hell do you mean, it doesn't make sense that Dumbledore triumphs over Voldemort in the book, bECaUsE yOu CaNT sEe iT? Neel, fully grown man, discovers the concept of the written word and imagination for the first time. That's literature man, you can describe shit, haha. Also the denial in the end is way too funny, because that's totally all of us, the first time watching/reading part 6