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Fate Babylonia 4

Watch "Fate Babylonia 4" on Streamable.


Robert Cordue

Glad to know you want to be in Gilgamesh's pants Fax, and also that you are enjoying it.

Robert Cordue

Also yes that old man does have the same voice actor as Kirei.

Robert Cordue

Also the fate that is coming out is a special, fate strange fake which was a series of light novels and it is getting an anime. The trailer for it is here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DGD1NPn0kGg It will release on the 2 July this year.

dani oz

This season is really great imo. Great animation and even better sound design. The issues when it came out was this was literally part 7 of Grand Order. So many people kept away since they had no context for earlier parts and none of them were released to begin with. Context is one thing but you also never really get the build up to get attached the MC. In the end Grand Order was made for fans of the Grand Order game, i mean fans literally got to vote which part would get an anime. And honestly the prologue movie was just okay and part 6 (the camelot movies) just sucked. I mean 2 movies is 10 episodes at best, while part 6 Camelots story atleast in the game is longer and more complex than part 7 Babylonia.

Luke Evans

Can I just say thank you for putting Fate in $5 tier so I can be caught up and see if you drop a fate series in advance