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Harry Potter 3

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theonplay theonplay

Lets goo! The best harry potter movie in my op

Robert Cordue

It's a tie between this and chamber of secrets for my favorite


The opening scene of each movie with the big WB supposedly gets darker and darker after every movie. So during the first one it’s all bright and yellow, and the more movies you watch the more dark and shadowy it gets. Nice little fun fact for the production


Next one is my favourite 🥰

Raymon Irizarry

So, there are 2 types of patronus forms. The incorporeal form, and the animal form. A successful cast will produce the animal form, while an incomplete cast will produce the wall. (However, people who know how to cast it can choose to not reveal its animal form.) The main difference is that the incorporeal patronus will give limited protection, so it can't provide the defensive power of the corporeal patronus, which has the form and substance of an animal. Fun fact, being able to cast a True Patronus is a sign of being a strong wizard.

Raymon Irizarry

I believe that the reason that Harry was able to make a strong patronus in that moment, is because he was happy that Sirius was in his life now. He did mention the possibility of moving with him after this school year and leaving the Dursleys, which for him, is probably the happiest he's ever been in his life.

Lukastace NovaSword

both the book and movie for this one was amazing. it's been a long time since i've read the books and dont remember a lot of the movies but can someone tell me, do they ever explain the origins of the marauder's map in the movies? and who "moony, wormtail, padfoot, and prongs" are ;) it was a dope detail in the books, i don't remember when it's explained though, is it explained in the movies at all? also the next one is even better in my opinion, though the 5th and 7th books are my favourite. they introducing the unforgivable curses in the goblet of fire iirc, things going to get interesting

Gary Kline

I've skimmed through most of the beginnings of these movies with you guys and I REALLY wish the one guy (dont know your names) explained which movies he's seen exactly and how long ago it was or if he even remembers anything. Your reactions are as if you've never seen these movies but you literally said you did while saying "so I know quite a bit about them" so to ME it seems like your reactions are fake? could the guy im talking about please explain this? I want to feel like im watching a genuine reaction.