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Since I'm pretty much done with main content, I've been focusing my time on polishing and cleaning up Terajuma, which was the --main-- rework this version. Grand Dream City was the second main one, but I don't feel like talking about that for this post. 

I'm really trying to emphasize the life on Aevium and bring lots of activity to various parts of the region.

This location is a new area called [Mynori Sea].

It a northern port area, directly north of Kakori Village.

Here are some examples of what I mean:

I really love how Terajuma turned out. It's entirely new, yet entirely familiar. Everything feels right.

But other than that, what's been going on in the development world?
Well, we implemented our final Aevian Mon that will remain a secret until release~!

And -other- than that, it's just been fine tuning events. Making sure things work. Fixing positions of sprites, making sure fields are set up correctly. Lotsa boring stuff.

Once I'm done with Terajuma, I will be heading over to the Ana Quest and FINALLY finishing that up once and for all. It's time to move forward, people!!!!!! 

Thank you guys for all the support :). I hope you all have a wonderful week.
I'll try to be more frequent with these posts too. I've just been deep within school stuff (which is ending soon!).

Thanks again, guys. Love y'all!



So atmospheric and lovely, I look forward to it alot, take care of yourself Jan!

Motoko Tsuchimikado

How to make Pokemon playable, mature and beautiful by Jan.