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Okay okay. So.  I was going to talk about something else today, but I have to ramble on about something that has casued me Great Pain.

Scripts are so annoying. They are very very annoying. Ok let's rewind a bit!

Back around v10's era, I introduced new transitions ala HGSS style when encountering trainers/wild Pokemon. They looked great! I loved how the transitions were! But alongside them came a new issue-- That in hindsight I feel like an idiot for not putting two and two together. --


What the hell do I mean by flickering? Well. If you have Rejuv installed right now, load it up. Pay attention to how the game loads into the gameplay. Notice anything? A flicker perhaps? No? Okay, then let's open up the CyberNav and see if we can notice the flickering there as well.

yeah, and there are some odd things that happen with warps too. If there's no map connection and it's done via events, the screen would blip twice. Lemme give you an example of that:

Please excuse the messy events.

You see how the transition isn't clean? It's rough. Disgusting even.

For some ungodly reason I thought this was a product of the transfer to MK, even though this issue has been plaguing me since foreveeeer. But it's precisely because it was forever ago that I found out the origin to this issue!

The game is transitioning to things twice in a row! Every time it loads something! And you know what was causing it? Out of all things?

Battle transitions. I. I didn't think the script for battle transitions would mess with the way the game handled all transitions.

I removed the HGSS transitions. It fixed literally every issue.

So unfortunately. With heavy heart, I must declare the HGSS transitions dead (For the time being.)
On the upside? Encounters are wayyyy faster. I never realized how much the old transitions slowed things down. That's cool right? Right?

I'm not coping. Shut up. You're coping. One last image.

Where is this? What is this? I dunno, but it's hidden. 

That's all. New Post next week too. I'm so mad. Tower.

thank you. supporting me. love u guys. except the ones who are mean to me.

I don't like you.

ok bye.



Who would be mean to Jan 🙃