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V13 Progress

This past month I've been going in Overdrive:tm: when it comes to working on the story for V13. It's been a wild ride, but I can happily say that V13's story is 85% done as of this post! I have two sections left to do. One being nearly done. 

So what comes after the story? Well, I still have the behemoth that's Route 4 to work on. I have a few sidequests that are on the longer side that need taking care of. What are my plans? Well, I had around 10 sidequests planned for this version. I'm prioritizing more important/longer quests first so that near the end I can zoom by the smaller ones with little to no issue.

Still hoping to finish most things by the end of September, but it's looking unlikely.
I rather work hard on something than rush it to meet a deadline, though. If I can get 90% done by the end of September, I'll be really happy!! Once I'm done with story content, I can jump on over to sidequests, like I said. I'm much more willing to share stuff involving those than I am with actual main story stuff. That being said, I think I can show these two screenshots out of context. Where do you think these locations are? What are their purpose? I'm excited to hear your guesses :).

Movie Nights

Unfortunately, we've only had two movie nights after I introduced it as a wayto hang out with some of my patrons. Unfortunately it's really hard to plan these. Especially with my sometimes hectic schedule that pops up to throw chaos into things. Not to mention that... There just aren't very many good movies to watch??At least on streaming sites. A lot of the are boring/luls. So it was becoming a bit stressful to have something picked out each week. It says something when suggestions are lacking too lol.

While movie nights aren't gone, I think I'm going to stick to a once a month schedule. I'd rather have one nice hang out session, rather than keep going with the way it is now. Hopefully that gives me more time to pick something more quality lol.

Red Diamond Tier Commissions: 

So I've actually gotten a lot of these lately and there's nothing else I can say but... Thank you. Honestly, from the bottom of my heart I am so grateful that you're willing to support me so much. I never would have thought this would ever be an option for anyone, but here we are lol... 

That being said, commissions take a long time and it's starting to cut into development time. For now, I'm putting commissions on hold. Once I finish V13 story content, I will pick them back up. And as a promise, all commissions will be done before V13 is released. I just really wanna knock this out of the park while the Motivation is Hot(tm). If I'm honest, I'll probably dash through all of them once the game is in beta testing. As that's usually a time when I get to sit back for a while and let things flow in. Busy few months coming up, haha.

(If I haven't gotten to your commission consult yet, I'll get to that after I finish V13 story content as well)


That's all for this week! 


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