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Now here's the return of a character I haven't drawn in a while! For those who follow me in my early days on dA, I created an island queen, who is now known as Queen Selena of the Moon Islands

Hundreds of years ago, she ruled over a small set of islands. Boisterous and compassionate, she stood tall, literally and figuratively as a beacon of strength for her people.

Selena has a mastery over a mysterious magic that runs in her bloodline, which passed down to her present day descendant, Mia of Crescent Island.

The strange black floating pieces of armor on her body has a peculiar origin... Some time in the past, she had an encounter with an amorphous spirit from beyond reality - her memories are muddled a fair bit, as all Selena could remember are sensations; sheer power and sensuality. Inspired, she managed to tap into a very small portion of this power, summoning things like obsidian blades, for example (pictured above) to assist in battle.

....Y'know, this pic looks good enough that, I may even color it in the future!

Selena © MFS




I am never commissioning you an obscure OC of yours again. Hehehehhehehe...


I've been meaning to show it (and another comish) for a while, but dunno where to show, whether on my Amour focused Twitter or dA, since stuffs. It would just feel awkward if I were to have one of Mostly's characters on my page as opposed to his, yeah?


I look forward to seeing this in color, I'm sure it'll kick ass! XD