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I'm not worth your time, I'm a failure.



Whoa whoa


You are a great artist and a winner!


Just know that you matter and that we all here love you and care about your well being very much. I’m praying for you and really wish nothing but the best for you

Azure Lounge

You do what you have to, as a human being that has limits and flaws, like everyone else. And we all tend to typically stumble now and again, and need time to recover, like myself still. But in truth, failure should be a way to learn, recover properly, and move forward, my good sir.^U^;


I've said this before but I don't mean it any less, you're more than worth our time. You're amazing at what you, and you're a genuinely nice person. You're by a mile my most respected artist and there's a reason we've all stuck around. You're so much better than you give yourself credit for in so many ways.

Scribe of Bahamut

MFS, you are not a failure, you are a fantastic artist and I am happy to support you.


MFS you are fantastic and we love you. You are worth the support and a terrific artist. If you need time off to recoup then please do so. We will be here for you

technodude "Archer" 458

dude i don't know who said this to you or why you're thinking this but you're wrong also if you start to consider suicide the phone number for the national suicide prevention hotline is 1-800-273-8255 (at least in the US)

Zexus Moneypenny

I've been there. I fight depression everyday. But the thing is. I looked upon those who love me to help me. And that sometimes didn't help. I learned that it's because you will never please humanity. They will work you to your last breathe and still kick you when your down. I believe in God. God makes me feel special everyday. I don't need worldly credibility. I know God always loves me. That to me is enough. I will pray for you to recover from this pain your feeling. But just remember that you are special

Big Boi

Whatever you're going through, we are here for you


You are worth it and you are not a failure. It is normal to feel these things of self failure and insecurity, but those pass because it is a feeling that can be overcome. You are an artist and a human being with a strong will and when you are down, people like us will help pick you up. Please have a great day, be safe and rest to feel better.

Iron Joe

Jesus Christ, dude, no you’re not. You weren’t the last time you said that and you won’t be the next time you say it, not that there should be one. Get help. There’s only so much some random guy like me can do.


Dude I have been a fan sense the early 2010s you are my favorite artist of all time hell to the point I spend 10 of my own god damn dollars just to help you in your artistic endeavours so please if you need time off to relax your mind body and soul or just hone the craft of your trade or whatever else please do it I don't want to lose such a remarkable and amazing talents.


Buddy, I have followed from the very BEGINNING of your career, and I have been a fan since then, and every single penny spent is 110% worth it, so I don't see any need whatsoever for you to be down on yourself. If you're feeling overwhelmed or exhausted or whatever, take time off to recover, there's nothing wrong with that, OK?