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After the defeat of Myotismon, Arachnemon finds herself restored along with the Digital World that he ravaged in his conquest of both digital and real worlds. Frustrated by the betrayal of her (now former) master, she decides to wander off on her own, but if being foiled by those annoying Digi-Destined was bad enough, she found that her cohort, and frequent admirer Mummymon had also returned.
The duo explored the Digital World as it changed over time, and, catching a Digimon Train, they arrive at the Forest Terminal's Fortuneteller Village. Pushing through the clearly fraudulent stalls, one catches her attention with a strange fortune: "In a world beyond ours, a spirit of machines will push you past your limit." Mummymon laughs, saying that there's no such thing at all among the Ancient Digimon Spirits, and they walk off.
Several (Real-world) years later, and not much has changed in Arachnemon's life, having grown bored watching on the sidelines as good fights evil multiple times in the Digital World - though she notes a recent adventure that brings back memories. Recalling the odd fortune back in the village, she decides to leave her temporary home. Whether this "spirit of machines" existed didn't matter to her, but a change of scenery was more exciting.
Emerging in the real world (but not without some trial and error) at last, she ends up being wound up among a group of heroes. Normally disinterested in their goal - she finds one of their number matching the fortune exactly: Gearmon, The Spirit of The Machine! 
Utilising the spirit's ability of Overdrive Evolution, Arachnemon (her original spider-like form) becomes stronger, changing into a form which mixes her human and spider forms: Mygalomon! Along with using her more familiar abilities, she gains new skills, including the Spinnerette Missile, the 8-Limb Form Stance, and Eyes of Arachne. She reluctantly joins the heroes in their apparent quest, as the only source of her new powers is with them, and the transformation, much like other evolutionary forms, is temporary.

And thus my first piece of 2019 begins with an addition to the stuff I make: some regular fan-art! (though this isn't stopping me making some more... lurid stuff with this fan-made look) Remember the Halloween pic with Arachnemon? (or Arukenimon, as the localisation oddly calls her) My fascination with her continued to the point where I wanted to make an extra form for her, called Mygalomon, so named for the genus of spiders that include tarantulas, so that meant I designed her to be large, heavily built and pretty strong, whilst merging both her human and spider forms, as shown to the left.

As for the character who grants her this new power? You'll see more of that later...

[UPDATE: Now available for all Tiers!]

Digimon Adventure 02 | Digimon Frontier © Toei Animation, Fuji TV 

Digital Monsters Overdrive | Mygalmon by MFS



Inki Crow

She looks badass and battle-ready. I'd really would like to see more of her in the future. Well done on this one, mate.~ ^v^/

Azure Lounge

Personally, I find sharing these regular fan art works and concepts very captivating (personally almost as satisfying as the fetishy content itself). But in any case, this is honestly very nice to see, and as always, am more curious in regards to your ideas you'll be working on.~ ^U^


You and your spiders, it seems. I wonder what she'll do with Gearmon in the future, eheheheh... Oh, and non fetish stuff on here? It's good to outlet here for all sorts of fun stuff you wanna let out, so feel free to show what's on your mind, Mostly. Or on your canvas, as it were.


Holy Crap, that’s one hell of a redesign. (I like it a lot)