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Hello everyone,

Well, my first news post of 2019... Isn't quite as pleasant as I first imagined. I am aware that there hasn't been anything new since the beginning of the year, and for that, I deeply apologise. I created this Patreon with the promise of showing you some new stuff before everyone else, a peek into how things work, and just showing some fun stuff, mostly, but I've been failing to meet that promise lately.

This is why:

From last year to now, my drawing has progressed from a hobby to a full-time job, I've become increasingly focused on doing commission works, both publicly and privately, in order to basically keep making a living - the Patreon is helping greatly, and I am ever thankful to all of you for your continued support, but I found it is not quite enough. Combine that with a recent relative's holiday plan (with the prior spending to match), and I had been working overtime - throughout the nights with no sleep recently. You may have seen a few recent posts on dA - that's not all of them, as I'm working on more as we speak, working through a backlog of commissions to make ends meet.

As a result of said self-negligence, I am currently a physical and mental wreck; sleeping throughout the day, and working throughout the night. I've become insomniac, and gotten too used to it. It's taken a toll on my health, and I became hysterical, and increasingly worried and frantic; thinking to myself that, if I sleep, I fear it may be my last.

I managed one good three hour sleep last night, so that's at least a first step towards better health. However, I do promise in the meantime, I will definitely be making exclusive stuff here, just not as often - at the moment I'm thinking bi-weekly instead of weekly (though if I make some good sketch-work too, I'd be glad to show that as well). In fact, there should be something coming here very soon, though I confess, it may be my only work I am confident to show for this month.

I hope you can understand, and thank you so much for your continued support. Be well.




You had this happen before, man. Take the break and get some sleep. So that you can do this and not feel overwhelmed. Have time for you.


Mostly, I do understand that you need to work hard to pay bills and put food on the table, but you also need to rest as well, man. It's not right for you to not sleep at night at all. Please, if you need to, see a doctor about your insomnia, or try to go to bed at a certain time, or do whatever it takes to go to sleep. I'm sure you've been exhausted, as well. I don't wanna see you wear yourself out.


Your health comes first man, take better care of yourself! Sleep is important!

Inki Crow

Oh dear. I can kinda relate on that part, man. I have a problem with doing commissions overtime. But if this really keeps up, try seeing a doctor about that insomnia if necessary. Your health goes first.


I figured there was a backlog, but I never realized how bad it was affecting you. Stay safe and I appreciate your honesty, a lot of people would've kept quiet. Take care for the time being, remember to put yourself first.


Hey, your physical health is more important than making sure art is submitted. Sorry it's been a non-stop mess for you lately. Hope things calm down and relax for you soon


We're here for you, take as much time as you need

Iron Joe

Do what you gotta do, man. We can wait.