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Hello everyone! Got two things to go over, and well, before I go onto the Patrons' Choice Poll for October, I do want to announce a significant change starting around November 3:

Up-Front Charge

I will enable the up-front charge feature introduced to Patreon not long ago. What is it? It means that for anyone who just starts pledging or changes their pledge to a higher amount, they have to pay it up-front, as in immediately - then after that, you just normally pay it at the end of every month. If you're already pledging what you wished, then don't worry, it hasn't affected you. Only for the above conditions has the up-front thing applied.

Patrons' Choice: October 2018

Thanks for participating in October's Patrons' Choice Poll! It was a close one between two particular characters (to the point where I may consider something for the runner-up, of this, and the previous Patrons' Choice Polls!), but one sets her royal foot into first place... Look out for the Patrons' Choice this month! And as mentioned, it will be available on all my fetish-channels, but anyone who pledges (any amount) will get to see it first!

Thank you again, Patrons, and be well!




That was sounded pretty cool to hear. But I can't wait.