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[EDIT: Now available for $1 Tier!]

Happy Halloween everyone! Er, at least to those on the 31st today. A drawing I tried earlier got me thinking back to the Digimon franchise, and wondered who I haven't drawn in earnest yet... and something perhaps appropriate to this month's occasion. 

Enter Arachnemon - or Arukenimon in the localisation (though I'm using the former in the title, as it makes more sense to her spider theme!), who made her debut in Digimon Adventure 02, and oh yes, the silver-haired beauty of her human form made quite an impression! So much so that... well, I'll tell more of that later.




Oh, spoopy! As you know, I never got into Digimon (all the playground kids called it a Pokemon wannabe) but I always enjoy your Digital Goodness stuff. To be honest, sometimes they make some really good "waifumon" that make me really upset I never got into Digimon at all.