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And I am sick of it. I've not been able to make anything here, often because of constantly trying to make rent or daily bills. However, I would rather that than continuing the Drawing Drive for longer, because dealing with... certain aspects would have made me far more upset than usual.

While the most I could are some commissions, and maybe a sketch or two, I felt you needed to know the situation here.

Perhaps I am somewhat compromised due to not getting any sleep in any nights - because I was working overtime overnight trying to make rent on time, but I failed.

I've failed that, and I failed you and failed myself.

That's the sort of thing here.




Please, try not not stress yourself over failing anyone. Your own health should always be a priority and you focusing on that is nothing I or any reasonable person would object to, even if it means a slower rate of output from you.

Arrow the Sparrow

Speaking as someone who's also had to balance overnight work, commissions, and Patreon, I have an idea of how taxing all of that can be. As peefs said, you really should take time for your own health and make sure that you're as rested as you can be - anyone with any rationality will understand