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(Commissioned by Patron DM-3000, which continues Luss T.'s reporting blitz! ... and in addition, I put a little extra in the next drawing after the main one.)

I.. uh... I'm afraid don't have too much to add to this one, folks; I got a little unprofessional. I know I was at the Sparkle Theater interviewing Princess Peach making her acting debut but after that...

Ahem. I'll have to arrange another interview, maybe after the play (Dashing Thief Strikes Again!) to get a proper insight.

(Mmm... I love Peachy feet.)

What was I writing about again?

~Luss T.

Princess Peach: Showtime © Nintendo




So that Madame Flurrie in the background...


But hey, at least she enjoys the interview with the new star. Hehe ^^;