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“Sadie?” You said, turning toward your girlfriend. You called her name just as she dug into a bite of ice cream. She looked back at you with wide goofy eyes. She nodded and flashed an ice cream smudged smile back.

“Mhm” She managed to get out.

“Can I ask you something?” You said gently, she nodded again.

“Do you think we’ve been… I don’t know, wearing a lot of diapers this summer?” You asked slightly concerned. Sadie furrowed her brow as she chewed down her treat.

“What do you mean?” She asked with a clear throat. You pointed down at the bit of diaper sticking out from her jean shorts pants holes.

“We’ve been 24/7 for like, a month now I think? Yeah, I think the last time either of us wore regular underwear was at the end of June. It’s almost the middle of August now.” You said, forming half a question with your tone. Sadie tilted her head to the side and shrugged.

“Yeah, so what's your point?” Sadie asked, going in on another bite. You shrugged back and looked out the dashboard of your car.

“I don’t know, isn’t that, kind of a lot? I’m sure you’ve read the stories online. If you start wearing and using your diapers all the time. It can start affecting our potty training.” You said in a slightly worried tone. Sadie paused to consider your words for a moment. She finished her bit and cleared her throat.

“I hear what you’re trying to say. It has gotten super easy to pee lately. Almost too easy sometimes.” She said, sounding like she wanted to continue at the end. You stayed silent to let her finish her thought.

“Honestly, sometimes I don’t even realize I’m going, or even gone in the first place. That’s how automatic it’s become for me. I can hold it if I want to. If we stopped wearing diapers today, we’d probably need to go a lot, but I know we could make it.” Sadie said.

“I completely agree with you. I don’t think we’re incontinent by any stretch.” You said, it was Sadie’s turn to wait for you to finish the thought.

“But…” She said, nudging you to continue.

“But… I have noticed the signs. I was at home one night and I started wetting myself in the middle of a conversation with my Mom. I’ve never done that before. The crazy part was I didn’t even think about it. I didn’t realize I was doing it until it was coming to an end. Is it normal to wet yourself in front of your mom at our age?” You asked.

“For an AB/DL it might be.” She countered, clearly trying to make the joke. You smirked at her.

“I’m serious though.” You said back, Sadie understood. The conversation paused for a moment. The two of you watched people walk up to the ice cream stand to order. Sadie broke the silence after a minute.

“I wet the bed a couple nights ago.” Sadie said. You looked back at her in surprise.

“Really? Did you do it on purpose?” You asked, Sadie shook her head ‘no.’

“No, I didn’t wake up for it. I went to bed in a dry diaper, and I woke up the next morning in a wet one. Zero recollection of waking up for it, or feeling the need to go in the first place.” She said candidly. “That wasn’t the weirdest part about it though.”

“What was?” You said, biting on the question.

“I didn’t even realize I wet the bed until a couple minutes after I woke up. It felt normal to be wet. Even crazier than that though… I was okay with it. Not just okay with it, I liked it. I didn’t feel sad or worried my body is changing. I felt oddly happy about the whole situation.” She said.

“Hm.” You said, chewing on the words for a moment. Part of you felt concerned. People can wet the bed once or twice in their lifetime after becoming potty trained. You knew that wasn’t the case here though. This was a clear sign your extended diaper use was cutting into both of your control.

On the other hand, there was something exciting about the fact you two were growing more dependent on your diapers. It was clear Saide couldn’t go to bed now without some level of protection. The diaper lover side of you won the battle.

“I’m okay with that too.” You said, when it came out, it felt right. Your girlfriend was becoming a bedwetter. Was there anything you really found wrong with that? If you were being honest with yourself, that was a fantasy coming alive. Sadie smiled at your response.

“I thought you would be.” She said, elbowing your side as she did. You two fell silent again, letting the conversation percolate. You saw Sadie shift her weight. You’d seen that move enough times to know what was happening. You caught another glimpse of the diaper spilling out of her pants. The center was growing an even deeper shade of dark yellow. It sent a shiver of excitement down your spine. On instinct, you felt your bladder release into your own diaper.

“Are we ever going to actually get out of diapers?” Sadie suddenly asked you. The question caught you off guard.

“What do you mean?” You asked back.

“What I just said. Do you really see a scenario where we stop trying to wear diapers? I love being in them. You love wearing them. Why are we fighting it in the first place?” She asked seriously.

“Incontinence though? We’re going to become diaper dependent if we keep going at this rate.” You countered. Sadie’s facial expression didn’t change.

“Do you really care about that though? I don’t.” Sadie said.

You didn’t know what to say at first. You let those words bounce through your skull. Was Sadie serious? Did your girlfriend really just ask if you care about becoming incontinet? She seemed like she wanted to. The rational part of you instantly screamed yes. You knew the consequences you’d face being incontient. You’d need to wear diapers all hours of the day and night. Anytime you went out to see friends or spend time with family members. You’d have to wear an adult diaper. Not just thin Depends you can get from the store. A thick diaper designed for heavy wetters. Is that really the life you wanted to live?

A deeper part of you added to this conversation in your head. You had always wanted to go back into diapers. You’d spent nearly everyday questioning if normal adult underwear was the right choice for you. You were an adult now. You could make your own choices. The child in you had been kicking and screaming to go back into diapers the moment someone took you out of them. Your girlfriend was offering to go back into them. Full time. Together. Was there anyone else you needed to impress? If your significant other not just supported it, but wanted you to go back into diapers, was there ever going to be another time in your life to try it out?

“Heh.” Sadie chuckled. It shook you from your train of thought. You looked back over to her.

“What?” You asked. Sadie knew the answer from your silence.

“I think we’re finally going back into diapers.” She said in a dignified tone. You expected the mature side of you to put up more of a fight. As your diaper warmed again though, it was surprisingly easy to swallow a counter.


“This is already a great idea.” You said to Sadie as you walked through the doors. You breathed in the wonderful combination of plastic, cheese pizza, dirty coins, and sticky sweet soda. The infinite rows of arcade games blinked and flashed bright colors. You could hear lazer beams firing, balls rolling up tracks, and aggressive button smashes. It was everything you could want from Chuck-E-Cheese.

“You thought I was crazy for wanting this. What’s a better way to spend my birthday than diapers and Chuck-E-Cheese?” Sadie quipped. You thought her ear to ear smile was endearing. She wanted this. Not just for fun, but to satisfy her little side.

“Let’s play games!” Sadie said with a little childish lisp. You loved it when she talked like that. She scuttled into the sea of games toward the back counter. You kept your eyes locked on her butt the whole way.

Sadie was wearing her classic summer-wear combo. A tank top and short jean shorts. Her diaper bulge curved around her diapered butt. It was the only way you saw it now-a-days. Thick and padded. You couldn’t believe how obvious it was, yet she didn’t seem to care. The waistband of her shorts only covered everything when she pulled her shorts all the way up. Which was hardly ever. Even now, you could see a solid inch of diaper peeking out. If she bent down, you wouldn’t just see more padding spill out the top, but you’d clearly see the padding between her legs. And she was only a little wet at this point…

Seeing her dive straight in calmed your own nerves. You were still getting used to wearing out in public. It was needed at this point. You didn’t trust yourself to hold it while you were distracted with the flashing lights of a game. You would certainly dribble unconsciously. Besides, you didn’t have to worry about that anymore. That’s what your diaper was for. Satisfied with taking in your girlfriend’s view, you followed her into the crowd.

You got your coin cup, and drinking cup from the counter. Sadie insisted on getting soda immediately. You followed her to the drinking fountain. She started pouring her favorite into the large cup.

“Do you think we should pace ourselves?” You asked, half-meaning it. Sadie playfully rolled her eyes at you as she finished pouring.

“What did we bring extra diapers for?” She responded. You couldn’t argue with that logic. Knowing you had padded back up helped you relax. You felt your already weakening mental barriers dissolve. You let yourself open up into your diaper. You expected a near full bladder's worth of pee to dump into your diaper, but you weren’t just surprised to find only a small dribble eek out; your diaper was already dense and wet.

“Don’t leak on me.” You said with a wink. Sadie smirked, then started chugging her soda. You expected her to stop around halfway, but she finished the entire cup.

“Ahhh… Yeah, I probably will.” She said playfully. “Come on, let’s game!” She said, she grabbed your arm and pulled you into the crowd.

“What should we play first?” She asked, you didn’t have much of an opinion. You were okay with any game at that point. Sadie’s arm pull had slipped into a hand hold. She tugged you along to the Jurassic Park Jeep game. You felt yourself get bubbly with excitement over it. You hadn’t played the game since you were a kid.

“Oh I love this one!!” You yelled out to Sadie, she was already jumping into the car.

“Then get in, diaper boy! We have dinosaurs to shoot!” She yelled. You looked around instinctively to see if anyone heard that, but you stopped after a split second. You were in Chuck-E-Cheese. Everyone expected you to be a diaper boy here.

You watched Sadie bend down to throw coins into the slot. You could tell that the soda was already working its way through her. Dark pee stains were already starting to creep up the back of her diaper.

“Someone looks wet.” You teased as you both hopped into the car. Sadie blushed, then stuck a hand up your shorts. She squeezed at the center of your diaper. Her face melted into its own teasing look.

“Looks like it takes one to know one.” She said, before sticking her tongue at you. The two of you laughed, but you couldn’t dwell on it for long. The screen came to life. Your attention was immediately pulled into the game.

The two of you hollered and moved to each action in the game. It felt like second-nature for the two of you at this point. You’d been doing nothing but wearing diapers and playing video games all summer. Both of you instinctively sunk into your respective rolls. You knew Sadie’s playstyle by this point, and she knew the same for yours. You complimented each other perfectly in the fight.

“Gewt it!” Sadie yelled, pointing toward the velociraptor eating your windshield. You felt yourself shift to the side in response. The sudden jerking motion forced a gush of pee out into your diaper. You didn’t notice it. The accident soaked into the already wet padding, ballooning your diaper out even further. You kept playing, but your mind was still relishing in the childish lisp Sadie had squeaked out. You don’t think she noticed it. She only did it when she was feeling extra little. You didn’t tease her about it. You didn’t want to discourage her from doing it again.

You two put up a decent first try, by the time you reached the third level you started to struggle. A couple of coins later, and you started to hit a wall. There was only so many dinosaurs you two could hit at a time. The nostalgia of the game started to wear off. By the time your fourth death rolled around. It was time to move onto something new.

“Watcha wanna play next?” You said as the screen flashed ‘GAME OVER.’ Sadie placed a finger on her lips.

“Hmm…” She said, her eyes gazed up, before suddenly lighting up as it hit her. “Ooo!” She yelled, her volume increasing, “Let’s go in the ball-pit!” She suggested.

“Isn’t that for little kids though?” You asked. Sadie just pointed to her waist, then yours.

“Aren’t diapers for little kids?” She responded with a wink. You couldn’t argue with that logic.

“Come on!” She said, pulling herself out of the car. You looked again at her diaper as she slipped out. Her shorts were certainly droopier than it was before you two got in. In fact, you almost wanted to recommend a diaper change. But it could probably wait until after the ball-pit.

You walked across the arcade toward the ball-pit. You felt a deep sense of happiness as you walked amongst the others. You felt like you belonged here. The diapers certainly helped, but it was more than that. You got to share this with Sadie. She was deeply into it. That only helped you sink into little space even further. When you saw all the colorful balls, you felt the last bit of adulthood fade away.

“Jump in!” Sadie yelled, you watched her bend her knees for a wind up. She pushed off her legs and launched into the pit. She pulled her legs into her chest for a cannon ball. She apexed in her jump, then descended down hard into the balls. She crashed into them. Balls splashed from the pit up into the air. You felt compelled to follow Sadie’s lead. You followed the same path as her, jumping high into the air, then crashing into the pit.

You and Sadie didn’t say much. Your little sides easily took over. You swam and giggled together in the sea of balls. You’d playful throw a ball at her, and she’d retaliate with her own. It felt natural for you two to play together. It wasn’t forced. You bounced off eachother’s energies.

“Uh-oh…” You heard her say suddenly. Sadie’s face melted from gitty to shock. She looked down at her submerged waist.

“Wha?” You said, dropping the ball in your hand. Sadie dog paddled to the edge of the pit. She pulled herself up onto the ledge, and then back onto her feet. You recognize her problem instantly. Sadie’s jean shorts had two distinct wet crescent stains. Her diaper was also drooping out the sides of her legs at this point. She was thoroughly soaked.

“I told you to watch yourself after drinking all that soda!” You said, teasing but being sympathetic at the same time. She seemed a little bummed about leaking. She looked down at you as you got out of the pit. Her frown tightened into a smirk.

“You’re one to talk!” She said, pointing down at your own shorts.

“What are you-?” You said, you looked down at your pants. Your brain almost couldn’t comprehend what it was looking at. Your shorts mirrored Sadie’s. Two heavy wet crescent stains sat at the edges of your diaper. You leaked right through your diaper too while in the ball pit.

You looked up at Sadie. You two had your own unspoken language. You motioned toward the door, and she nodded. You both waddled toward the exits in your soaked diapers. You were surprised at how heavy it sagged. You didn’t even notice that in the ballpit.

Sadie pushed the door open. The warm humid air blew into your faces. It was a surreal feeling as you stepped into the parking lot. Here you were with your girlfriend. Walking out of a Chuck-E-Cheese on her birthday. The two of you needed diaper changes because you leaked through your pants in the ball pit.

You felt yourself think back to just a couple months ago. You barely even knew Sadie before school ended. She’d just been the girl you dreamed about getting with someday. Now you two were in a full-fledged AB/DL relationship. You both were leaning hard into diaper training. A younger version of yourself might have felt anxious about taking those steps; but you couldn’t be happier about it now.

“Hang on.” Sadie said, stopping you in the lot. You looked over at her.

“Yeah, what do you need?” You asked, but she wasn’t looking at you. Her eyes stared intensely at the asphalt. Her face muscles tightened, and her cheeks started to flush red. She bent her legs and popped her diapered butt out. You heard her whisper a groan as she clenched. You couldn’t believe it.

“Are you…?” You said. Sadie didn’t respond. She only seemed to push harder. You watched her push for nearly a minute in the middle of a parking lot.

“Ahh…” Sadie sighed, her face relaxed. Her pursed lips melted back into a smile. Her legs straightened again. She looked up at you. “All better!”

“Did you just… mess yourself??” You said in shock. You’d seen her mess before, but never in public like this. Sadie just shrugged.

“I needed a change anyways.” She said plainly. She didn’t wait for you to respond. She started walking toward the car. You didn’t follow. You stared in disbelief.

Each step Sadie took into this lifestyle never fell short of amazing you. In this case, it wasn’t just the public messing that shocked you. It was how nonchalant she was about it. It was as if you told her she had something in her teeth.

You needed that in a girlfriend. It wasn’t the looks, the smarts, or even the way she treated you to an extent. It was the positive outlook she had on being 24/7. You’d dreamed about sharing that with someone your whole life. You didn’t realize until now how important it really was to you.

“I need to marry this girl.” You realized, before following behind her to change out of your leaky diapers.

The End.

MC 2021
