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“We need to get this party started! Don’t be a bitch about it, just take the shot.” Lydia said, extending the glass out to her friend. Mindy flashed back a smile before grabbing it out of her friend’s hand.

“Didn’t you just take a shot out of this one? Do you have one that’s clean?” Mindy asked trying not to be a bother. Lydia was already knocking hers back. She felt the rum burn hot as it slid down her throat.

“Ahh..” She exhaled, “Don’t be a wimp on me, Mindy. Be a big girl and take it.” Lydia said. Mindy sighed before resigning to her fate.

“Fine, but you better not get me sick.” Mindy said, playfully elbowing her friend in the ribs. She knocked the glass back between her lips, feeling the same burn race into her belly.

“I’m not going to get you sick, Silly. I feel great! Like, super super super great! I feel so happy and bubbly. Like, I could build the biggest, most tallest sand castle of all time right now!” Lydia said excitingly, immediately after her face turned into confusion. “Wait why did I just describe it like that?” Lydia said, while subconsciously whipping snot from her nose onto her sleeve. She felt a finger lift up and plant itself into her nose. She let the finger wiggle around in her nostril to make sure it was completely clean in there.

“Lydia? Girl? What’s going on? Why are you acting like this? How much did you have to drink before coming here tonight? You look stupid wasted with eyes like that! Hahah” Mindy said, feeling the buzz rush quickly to her head. The room felt more colorful with each passing second.

“No no no, I swear this is all I’ve had!” Lydia said, looking back down at the shot. She finally took the finger out of her nose. “This is the only shot of… um… of…” Lydia thought, trying her best to think of a liquid that wasn’t water, milk, or apple juice. It wasn’t much use. “…This um stuff!” Lydia said, she could tell Mindy wasn’t convinced. In fact, Mindy looked borderline concerned for her friend. Lydia continued with her story, “I went to the store, and the pretty boy behind the counter… Ugh so cute. I don’t even care if he has cooties. I wanted to hold his hand sooo bad. But anyways! Stay on topic Lydia, you get silly when you get off topic. So he… who was I talking about…? Oh yeah! This boy, he was sneezing at the store, said he was feeling really funny. He was even sucking his thumb when he said it. I thought that was so weird at first, especially when he said his Mommy didn’t want him to do that anymore. I tried it once in the car before walking in here though, it’s not that bad. I get why he did it….” Lydia said, trailing off at the end. Her eyes looked faraway past Mindy.

“Uh…” Mindy said flabbergasted. She looked behind her to see what Lydia was staring at. When she saw nothing but an empty hall, she turned around and placed a hand on Lydia’s shoulder. “Okay, Lydia. I think you’re done for the night. Come on, let’s get ready for night-nights. Er. Bedtime. We’re getting ready for beddy-bye together like smart adult kids.” Mindy said, she stepped away from Lydia. She placed her forehead into her left hand.

“Oof… What was in that… it looked just like Rum when you poured it… I feel funny… I… I…” Mindy said, looking back up to Lydia.

“Lydia?” Mindy said.

“Mwumum…” Lydia whispered softly around her thumb. A dark patch started growing in between the legs of her red pants. Streams of pee grew and streamed down to her shoes. Within seconds Lydia went from lightly wetting herself, to spreading her legs and fully releasing into her pants. Her eye lids fluttered in the ecstasy that washed over her mind.

“LYDIA!” Mindy yelled, slapping her friend in the face.

“OWCHIE!!” Lydia screamed in recoil. Her stream subsided. “What the hecky!!” Lydia yelled, popping her thumb out. She started rubbing her cheek with the same hand.

“You were going potty! And that’s not where you’re supposed to go potty. You’re suppose’ to go in the uh…” Mindy said, strangely drawing a blank in her mind. The section of her brain that dealt with potty training seemed dark now. She knew that potty training existed amongst adults. But right now, she couldn’t even come up with the first step. “When you have to pee pee you…” Mindy said out loud, hoping her brain would figure it out by then. Still. Nothing.

“Suppose’ to go where?! Hm?! Tell me smarty pants. If you’re such a big kid that you go pee pee somewhere special, then I’m all ears.” Lydia said, still pissed off at the slap. She finished rubbing her face and placed her hands on her hips.

“Well, look. You can go in a place that’s not your pants, like I will go in a diaper sometimes. Not all the time. But if I drink a lot, my Mommy will take me out of pull-ups and into diapers instead so. That’s a different place than your pants!” Mindy said uneasy. Lydia rolled her eyes.

“Yeah, whatever. Everyone knows you can go pee pee in a diaper. That’s nothing special. You’re just a little kid like me. You don’t know how to use the potty either!” Lydia said, sticking a tongue out and blowing a raspberry with it. Mindy took this deeply offensive gesture to heart. She had zero emotional control. The tears started pouring helplessly out of her eyes.

“You- *sniff* - you big meanieee!!” Mindy said, devolving quickly into a hot blubbering mess of snot and tears. She pushed past Lydia’s initial attempts at an ‘I’m sorry’ hug. Mindy couldn’t stand to be in the same room as her best friend right now. She looked through the spaces in between her fingers to get to the door. “Stupid. Meanie…. Poo poo dumby!” Mindy yelled before she opened the door. She knew those words were harsh, but she couldn’t stop herself. Every ounce of emotion raced through her without hesitation or control.

Mindy, red cheeked and still crying, ran back into the living room where the main group sat on the floor. The other three girls looked up from there crisscross positions at the crying girl. One of them, Amelia, quickly sat up from the floor to comfort her friend.

“Hey! Woah! What happened, Mindy? Are you okay?” Amelia said, making the distance between her and Mindy. She threw the girl into a hug and pulled Mindy into her shoulder.

“I… Lydia said something really really mean to me.” Mindy said in between sniffles. Amelia rubbed her friend’s back.

“Of course, she did. Don’t worry about it, Mindy. Whatever she said. I’m sure it wasn’t true. You don’t have to think about it anymore.” Amelia said.

“Don’t need to think about the potty…” Mindy thought, Amelia was so confident and smart. Mindy felt compelled to mirror her entire existence off someone as cool as her. She let any of the remaining thoughts about the potty or controlling her bodily functions leave her mind.

“Come on! We’re just about to start playing Catan.” Amelia said, leading Mindy toward the circle. Mindy wiped away a final tear as she was guided down to the floor. She nestled in close next to Amelia and the other girls.

“Thanks, Amelia. *Cough* I appreciate that.” Mindy said, coughing blatantly without trying to cover it. The other girls felt unsettled by that, but there wasn’t anything they could do about it now. They all subconsciously leaned a little away from the cough. But within minutes, everyone had already forgotten about the encounter.

“Were you able to work through that Laplacian, Rebecca?” Anna said while picking up a pair of dice.

“Meh.” Rebecca said with a shrug. “Why don’t you ask Tracy!” Rebecca said, angling her body to echo her voice down the hall and into the kitchen.

“Hey we almost finished it! Hold on, I’m almost done with the nachos. I’ll just be a few more minutes!” Tracy yelled back from across the house.

“We worked on it all day. We went until we were pooped.” Rebecca said, catching her phrasing at the end there. “Like, we were exhausted by the end of it.” She corrected. The dice finally crashed onto the board.

“Six! Awesome! I’m getting a crap ton of wheat!” Anna said, cutting off Rebecca. Amelia peered closer at the dice.

“Wait a second, that’s not a six, right? There’s too many black dots there to make it into the number six.” Amelia said, pointing down at the cubes.

“Um, that’s totally the number six. See? One, two, three, f-four, five…” Anna said, her voice faltered. Amelia was right, there were way more black dots face up than she initial thought. Anna furrowed her brow, she didn’t want to seem dumb in front of all her friends. So instead, she just tried to pass it off as the number six anyways.

“… six! See, only six dots on the dice. That means that I’m the smart one, who knows all about numbers, and you’re the dumb one that doesn’t know how to count.” Anna said confidently, crossing her arms. They pushed up against her tits, forcing them spill over.

“That’s not nice thing to say! You being mean.” Amelia said, “All you has to say is you were right. Don’t be a big jerk about it!” Amelia spat. She grabbed a handful of road pieces, cocked her arm back, and threw them across the board at Anna. “Neh!!” She exclaimed in anger as the pieces landed on target.

“Hey! Baby! Mommy says that only Babies throw things!!!” Anna said, grabbing her own pile of road blocks and launching them at Amelia. Although she just called out Amelia for doing the exact same thing, Anna couldn’t control the anger welting in her.

“Okay, okay! That’s enough!” Rebecca said, standing up. She lifted her arms up, indicating for the two of them to stop their temper tantrums. “Everyone is being poopy here. I think it’s only fair the you two go in time out. Daddy does that to me when me being bad. You two bad. You go in corners.” Rebecca said, finding her vocabulary shrinking with each sentence.

“Ugh!” Anna grunted, getting to her feet. Her face turned a deep crimson red. She balled her hands into a fist, then pumped them down in frustration. “If they think I’m a baby. Then fine. I’ll act like a baby.”

Instantaneously after she pumped her fists, a torrid of pee started draining into Anna’s pants. It took absolutely zero effort to relax into the accident. She didn’t care about making a mess on the carpet, or pee staining her only pair of pants. This was about sending a message.

“Na’na! You going pee pee!” Rebecca yelled out.

“So what? Everyone here dumb stupid baby. You go pee pee too!” Anna said, pointing down at Rebecca’s pants. Unbeknownst to her, a circular wet stain had grown for her crotch.

“*Gasp*!” Rebecca let out, she looked down at her pants to inspect the damage. “Not wearin’ pull-ups. Can’t jus’ go pee pee…” Rebecca muttered to herself. She pawed at the accident for a few moments. There wasn’t anything she could do about it now. Even if she wanted to, she knew Mommy would be mad at her for taking off pants to try and dry them.

“Whateva’ Na’na you tink you smarts Was dis number!?” Amelia said, holding up three digits. She was so engrossed in getting even with Anna, that she didn’t even notice her legs beginning to bend. She subconsciously stuck her butt out from her torso.

“Duhhh….” Anna said, it was her thinking words. “uhhh…ummmmm” Anna said, staring at her friend’s fingers. Her mind was only able to latch onto the counting for less than a second, before that train of thought dissolved into the background. Her eyes grew dull. Anna quickly got lost in the thick baby forest of her mind. She didn’t know what she was supposed to do in this mystery situation. Her mind thought output a random response.

“Diapie! You needa’ diapie.” Anna said, pointing down at Amelia’s butt.

“I… *grunt*” Amelia couldn’t finish the sentence. She was losing her mind over the fireworks erupting in both her brain, and bowels. All of the muscles surrounding her fluid control didn’t make sense anymore. It was far too confusing for someone her mental age to handle anymore. Amelia wasn’t sure what to do about the building sensation in her lower tummy. So she let it pass naturally into whatever she was wearing.

The mess moved easily into the seat of her pants. All Amelia could do in that moment was relish in the warm mush spreading across her bottom. It felt strangely comforting. The feeling of a messy accident caking into her backside. It brought the same common level of comfort and joy as sipping from a can of soda. Normal, with a little rush of excitement.

“Heheee…” escaped Amelia’s lips. She brought a hand up to her mouth before popping a couple fingers in between her lips. She instantly started sucking them to get the maximum pleasure in her brain from both messing, and mindlessly sucking at the same time.

“Diapers!” Lydia’s voice suddenly rang out from the doorway. She was wearing nothing except a thick adult diaper slung around her waist. She held the rest of the adult diapers in a case above her head.

“Whaaa? Where you get diapies!?” Rebecca said, waddling up closer to the package. Anna, Amelia, and Mindy dropped everything they were doing and did the same. Each of them had their eyes transfixed on the package. It was like staring at a shiny screen of gold.

“When I left da store, I stop at anotha’ store to get diapas. I know it was weird, but I wann’ed dem.” Lydia said, placing the case down on the floor before ripping it open. She opened the plastic so forcibly, that a couple neatly folded diapers popped out of the case, and onto the floor. Each girl was able to snatch a diaper for themselves.

In the doorway on the other side of the room stood Tracy. Mouth slack jawed. A cocktail of fear and shock in her eyes, and a cooling plate of nachos.

“What the ever-loving FUCK?!” Tracy said instinctively at her college friends, all in wet and/or messy pants, grabbing diapers for themselves. The plate slipped out of her hand. It crashed on the floor, then shattered into pieces. The gooey cheese and chips spread out onto the tile. The other girls stopped diapering themselves for a moment and looked at each other.

“Trace-Trace notta’ baby?” Mindy asked.

“She da only one not go pee pee?” Anna said back.

“I poo poo…” Amelia corrected. The group didn’t respond to that. They each looked at one another, before wicked smiles began growing on their faces.

“We gonna make her baby!” Lydia yelled out, she suddenly started at an all-out sprint toward Tracy.

Tracy didn’t have much time to react. In the heat of the moment, her fight or flight kicked in. Her body easily chose flight. Her legs kicked off the kitchen floor as she started booking it for the faraway hallway.

Lydia and the girls followed right behind her. They were only fifteen feet away. Tracy knew she wouldn’t be able to outrun the girls forever in this house. Her only way out was through the front door, or a window. Getting to the door would be nearly impossible at her current position down the hall. Instead, she took the next best option, and quickly jumped into an open bedroom. Tracy slammed the door behind herself and locked it.

She didn’t even have time to draw in relaxing breath before she heard the sound of five angry adult babies attempting to break down the door.

“Come on!!!! Come pway with us Tacy!!” Anna’s voice yelled out from behind the door. She was throwing her entire weight into door.

“Yeah! Be a baabbiieeee!! Itz so mush funner!!” Mindy yelled. Instead of slamming her shoulder into the wood, she was banging loudly onto it with her fists.

Tracy didn’t pay attention to them, at first. She quickly walked across the room to the window. She opened it and peered down to see how far of a drop it was. She was only on the second story. It would hurt, but it was easily survivable. It would be the perfect escape out of there.

She looked back at the door.

Tracy knew this moment was coming the second she heard whispers about this disease on online AB/DL forums. She always wondered if she was ever brought face to face with it. Which way would she decide? Would she do everything she could to keep herself safe from catching the virus?

Or would she do everything she could to get it?

“No one would know… They would think I was just unlucky and caught it…” Tracy thought, her feet already taking steps back toward the door.

“No.” She said, stopping two feet away from it. “I’m an adult. I need to get the hell out of here. I don’t actually want to be a baby. That’s… That’s just my fetish talking…” Tracy said to herself, looking back out the window. She felt nothing while looking out into the night. The sight of headlights coming down the road. Freedom. It stirred nothing inside of her.

She slowly turned her head back around to the door.

Her hand was already on the knob.

Tracy relaxed her shoulders. She opened her mouth up wide and opened the door.

She breathed in every ounce of air she could, as her baby sisters spat and coughed directly into her face.

“Hoorrayyy!!” they cheered as Tracy’s pants grew a familiar dark wet stain.


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