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Every month I tell you all how much your pledges mean to me. I may sound like a broken record but it's the truth. I would not have produced half of the content I've made over the years if it wasn't for all of you. It's a privilege to write for this community. Thank you, thank you, thank you for your pledge!

We've got plenty story updates coming up. I just got another commission about a bedwetting story I'll probably have time to write this month. I also have the next chapter of Living With This in the final editing stage. Stay tuned!

Thank you everyone. Stay padded!




Are you still planning to update the Paisley story? Was excited for that in the April update but haven’t seen anything :(


So many stories to write, yet so little time! I have ideas laid out for it, but I haven’t figured out an end. I don’t like giving hard dates on when/if a story happens because then I feel responsible to deliver on that promise. That’s stressed me out a lot before, but I’ll spend time this month seriously considering it!


Thank you so much! I love reading your work!