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(This story was commissioned by a patron. Message me if you'd like to do one too!)

“Phew, thanks for the help, I really appreciate it.” Darren said, he brushed away the beads of sweat on his forehead. He looked down to take mental stock of all the cardboard boxes on his new apartment floor.

“You’re welcome! I’m more than happy to help. Anytime you need it, really, just let me know. Where do you want this last one?” Serena said as she walked through the doorway.

“Anywhere, I’ll get to it when I can.” He said, pointing in the general direction of the others. Serena walked over to the pile.

“So, technology, huh? That must be a really difficult field to get into.” Serena said, placing the box precariously on top of another. She wasn’t paying much attention to the boxes, but rather the chiseled features of Darren’s face, his brown cotton candy like hair, and sky-blue eyes.

“Yeah it’s been years in the making. I’m excited to start with this company. I’ve worked in the university systems for too long, I’m ready to get back into consulting. I’m reaching more of my potential value here.” Darren said, resting his body up against the wall. Serena subconsciously mirrored his relaxed action. She placed her hand on top of a box for support.

“I bet, yeah I work at home with my roommates- Oof!” Serena yelled out; she felt the weight of gravity abruptly pull her down to the ground. The box slid out from under her and toppled to the floor. Her hands reached out instinctively. Her arms compressed with the weight, saving her from falling flat on her face.

“Woah are you okay!?” Darren exclaimed, rushing quickly to help Serena up from the fall. He extended his hand down to her side for support.

“I’m fine, I’m fine. I’m so sorry about that.” Serena said. She took Darren’s hand and let him pull her back up. “I’m sorry I did that to your…. stuff…. um…….” Serena said trailing off at the end. Her gazed looked down at the cardboard box. The flaps had opened from the fall, causing all the contents to spill out.

On the floor next to the opening were two packages of adult diapers and a light pink adult-sized onesie.

“Fuck.” Darren said. His hands shot lighting quick to the diapers. He grasped the plastic cases and threw them back into the cardboard box. He made quick work of the onesie right after. Darren pushed the box back upright and folded the ends in together again.

Serena felt like she was about to jump out of her skin. What do you say to someone after finding their diaper stash?

“I…” She said, trying to find the words. He waved a dismissive hand at her.

“It’s fine, don’t worry about it. This stuff is my um…. yeah just, it’s all good. Thank you for your help, I think I’m all set now.” He said, ushering Serena out toward the door. She felt immense guilt surface inside her. She didn’t mean to spill Darren’s secrets out onto the floor.

“I’m sorry! It’s totally okay if that’s like your thing. I don’t think it’s weird or anything, your secret is safe with me.” Serena said before reaching the doorway. Darren maintained a calm demeanor throughout Serena’s plea.

“It’s okay, that stuff isn’t actually for me it was a thing I did to a previous partner. It’s completely okay, don’t worry about it. Thanks again for the help.” Darren said, flashing an endearing smile. Serena returned the look and nodded.

“Okay… well, if you need anything else, I’m right across the hall!” She said trying to sound cheery and nonchalant. Darren nodded before he closed the door.

“*Sigh* You blew it. You totally blew it, Serena.” She said to herself. Her feet pivoted 180 degrees around to bring her face to face with her own apartment door. She took two steps and opened it. She was greeted instantly to the sight of her two roommates, Remy and Luna, backing away from the peephole.

“HOLY HELL GIRL!” Remy yelled, as Serena shut the door. “That beautiful man has a diaper fetish?! That’s going to make it a million times easier for me to get into his pants now.” He said, Serena looked up and flashed a dirty look.

“Okay first off, rude of you to snoop on us like that. And second, what makes you even think he’s gay? And THIRD, you CANNOT use his diaper fetish against him to score points!” She snapped back.

“I think it’s a brilliant idea, actually.” Luna said, she placed a hand on her chin. “I think I heard him say he was in technology. Consulting? He’s got money. I’d walk in there right now with my tits out and a diaper if it meant he’d be into me.” She said, already flipping her phone out to look up how to get a case shipped. “Actually, that’s not a bad idea…” She mumbled. Serena shook her head and exhaled sharply.

“Guys come on, we’re not doing this, we’re not going to fight over the guy who just moved in across the street. We’re adults. We can talk this out amongst ourselves.” Serena said, but the two of them didn’t say anything back. Their faces were down at their screens, already looking at the different shipping options.

“Yes! This one can overnight to us.” Luna said with a snarky tone of superiority. Remy scoffed and looked over at Luna’s phone.

“Uh! What site is that? I could only find two-day shipping.” He said, his neck craned over to flash a peak at Luna’s screen. Luna tucked her arms to use her body as a screen shield.

“Piss off, Remy! Find your own diapers to swoon this guy over.” Luna said back.

“*Sigh*” Serena let out, “I guess we are doing this…” She thought. Part of her wanted to think she was better than this, but a larger part of her was already pulling the phone out of her pocket.


“You know you look ridiculous right? He can’t even see the diaper. Those jeans are too baggy.” Luna said to Remy. She took another quick peep through the door hole to check if he was walking back down the hall yet.

“He’ll know. It’s tasteful, unlike yours. People with a diaper fetish can spot someone else’s diaper a mile away. I think he’ll appreciate the less forward approach. You look ridiculous with half your diaper peeking out over your shorts. He’ll know your desperate.” Remy said, he sounded confident in his plan. It almost made Luna second guess her strategy.

“Eh, I’ll take my chances on the guy liking a busty woman in a tank top, short jean shorts, and a lot of diaper showing.” Luna spit back.

“Okay do you guys even realize how ridiculous you sound. To win over the new guy across the hall you bought adult diapers, which is crazy, but you think shoving them in his face is going to make him fall in love with you. All because you THINK he might have a diaper fetish? What if he had those diapers because his ex-liked them? Or the million other reasons he could have that stuff!?” Serena said, trying to be the voice of reason. Remy and Luna looked blankly at each other for a moment.

“You’re just mad you couldn’t find the overnight shipping site too.” Remy said back.

“…” Serena looked back. She uncrossed her arms and threw them into the air.

“Yeah and who’s fault is that!? You couldn’t just send it to me?! Now I have to wait another day until he can see what I look like in a diaper!” Serena said in defeated frustration. Luna and Remy looked back and smirked at one another. Luna broke away and investigated the peephole.

“Oh shit! There he is!” Luna said, seeing Darren’s figure appear from the down the hall. She gripped the handle and twisted. Remy used his body weight to fling the door open. The two of them burst out into the hallway. The apartment door fell shut behind them.

Darren jumped at the sudden motion, almost dropping his bag of Chinese food. His eyes scanned their faces at first, before snapping to Luna’s waist.

“Oh...” He stuttered; his eyes locked onto her exposed diaper waistband. Luna took the lead by taking a step closer toward him.

“Hi there, my name is Luna. I live across the hall with Serena and this guy. Your name is Darren, right?” Luna said in a low sexy tone. Darren responded with his eyes fixed on her diaper.

“Um…hi there… Luna, yeah I’m Darren. It’s great to meet you.” He said, taking a step closer to her. He appeared caught off guard by their sudden appearance at first, but the tension subsided the longer he gazed at her padding. Remy knew he was losing ground in this fight. He stepped in front of Luna to get face to face with Darren.

“And my name is Remy, it’s great to meet you.” Remy said, he extended his hand out for a handshake. Darren accepted the gesture. “I also love to wear diapers. I wear them all the time, 24/7.” He said, Darren chuckled at his direct rhetoric.

“I didn’t know I’d find the AB/DL scene so quickly out here. Normally it’s researching online to find out who’s around you. What gave it away? Serena finding my diaper stash earlier?” Darren said lightheartedly. Remy tried to steer the conversation into his room.

“Yes, she told us adult babies all about it. You got toys or a nursery in your place? I’d love to see it.” Remy said, trying to test his luck. Darren was surprised by yet another forward advance, but he liked the attention.

Darren was perfectly aware of the effect he had on people. This wasn’t the first time someone had so obviously shot their shot like this. It was the first time two people came at it from the diapered angle though. He felt his deep sexual desires flare at the sight of these two.

“Ahh…” Luna whispered loudly behind them. Her stance had widened. The crotch of her diaper filled with golden warm pee. It pooled in the center before absorbing into the padding. She pushed Remy to the side to regain a foothold in the conversation. “I’m wet.” She said to Darren. “Could you change me? I’m out of diapers.” Luna said, placing a hand on Darren’s chest.

“Oh well…” Darren said, his eyes looked around the hall. His hand rubbed the back of his neck. He looked back at Luna, “I’m never one to turn down a diaper change for a lovely lady like yourself.” He said, taking the hand on his chest. He tugged at her arm toward his apartment.

“Are you kidding me?!” Remy said exacerbated. Luna let him pull her toward the apartment door. While Darren unlocked his door, Luna looked back at Remy. She stuck her tongue out at him and winked. A moment later, she slipped between the door with Darren. It closed shut behind them.

“It’s on now. She wants to piss herself to get his attention. I can go harder than that.” Remy thought, he spun around to face his own apartment door. He opened it and walked back into the living room.

“That doesn’t look like the face of a winner. I heard everything. You didn’t think to pee pee either?” Serena said to him. Remy didn’t stop walking, he kept on toward his room.

“This guy is into Adult Baby stuff? He’s about to get one. I’m heading to the pharmacy.” He said, he looked back at Serena as his legs took him down the hall, “Also, pee pee? Getting into character much?” Remy said.

“Did I say thatt? Hooollly cow this stuff is actually working.” Serena said, spinning her laptop screen around. Remy stopped walking and peered at the screen.

“What is that?” He said, coming back into the living room.

“It’s this video stuffs I found online. If he wants a dumb diaper girl, then this is supposed to help me. I’m tharee minutes into this one, and my brain feeling fuzzy.” Serena said, turning the screen back to herself. Remy stared daggers at her.

“You bitch, that was going to be my idea!” He said to her, Serena didn’t look up from the screen. She responded in a monotone voice; eyes locked into the flashing visuals.

“Wha? That’s why you going to your work? To steals stuffs from them?” She said, eyes unblinking.

“If you guys are taking it this far; I need to up the ante. We know the perfect concoction to subdue higher level function in the brain. Best of all, it’s not even that addictive. Unlike yourself, I’m not going to fry my brain for some guy across the hall.” He said, Serena didn’t seem phased by his insult.

“If Daddy wants dumb baby, then I’ll be dumb baby. Being dumb baby is good, being dumb baby is right. Daddy wants dumb baby… then I’m…. dumb….” Serena said, looking faraway in the screen. Remy watched as she slowly brought a thumb up to her face. The nail slipped in between her lips, she nestled it right above her tongue. Her cheeks collapsed inward. The sound of suckling pops cascaded from her mouth.

“One of my roommates just pissed herself, the other is melting her brain, and I’m about to steal drugs from work to turn myself into a baby.” Remy thought, “Is this really worth it for the hottest guy I’ve ever seen, and never working again if I just play as his baby?” He finished in his head.

He stood there for a moment, then spun around to find his keys.


“I had a wonderful time last night; we should do this again soon.” Luna said to Darren outside her apartment door. “Are you sure you don’t want me to pay for all the diapers I went through? You just kept feeding me sooo much juice, Daddy!” She said playfully.

“Of course not, my little girl can drink all the juice and use all the diapers she wants.” He said, grabbing the handle for her. “You can come back and play whenever you want.” He said, opening the door.

It wasn’t the smell that surprised Darren the most when he opened the door. He was generally used to the scent of pee infused used diaper. What caught him off guard, was Serena standing ten feet away from the door. Naked in a wet droopy diaper, hair matted, and her thumb planted firmly between her lips.

“Dawddy!” Serena squealed, jumping joyfully up and down. “I’wm wet Dawddy! I needa changieeee!!” She squealed, pointing down at the soaked diaper dangling from her waist. The diaper was filled to the brim. It nearly sagged to her kneecaps. Dribbles of her pee leaked out the sides with each bounce.

“Serena, what the hell is wrong with you?!” Luna said, not out of fear for her friend, but rather the clear pass she was making at Darren.

“Wow you guys take this lifestyle seriously! Hello there little one, do you need a change from Daddy?” Darren said, Luna looked back at him and scoffed.

“I thought I was your little one?!” She said, her voice filled with jealousy. Darren looked back at her sympathetically.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t know if this was something you all did together! She clearly needs a change though.” He said, turning back to Serena, “Don’t you little one?”

“Dada!” Remy’s voice rang out from the hallway. Darren’s gaze flipped from Serena to Remy across the room. His eyes had a hazy red hue that accompanied his drooping face. He clapped his hands together for added effect. His childish act and lisp matched his outfit well.

Remy had on a frilly baby bonnet and matching pink skirt. His pink pacifier, clipped to his light pink shirt, accented his outfit well. He wore it not only because his new brain wanted to, but if he was going to compete against these girls, he had to get girly himself. The pacifier sucking sissy waddled up to Darren, his legs spaced apart from his double diapers.

“Look at you! We have three adorable cuties in this room!” Darren said, his attention falling back to Remy’s. Luna locked eyes with Serena. She could tell there was life left in them. Enough to understand that their contested Daddy was giving attention to someone else.

“Um, Dada.” Serena said, waving her hands up back and forth above her head. “Me big babiee now, I um, not know tings a lot like um…. I don’ know wha’ da potty is or… or um… wha da numbas are! I needa Dada to change me and teach meee pwease? AND I stiwll needa change!” She pleaded to Darren. He did his best to conceal his growing arousal. As emotionally discipline as he was, there was only so much of this he could take before his urges got the better of him. He started gravitating toward the droopy diaper girl.

“Let’s get this girl changed then. You clearly can’t do it yourself.” He said.

“Nu-uh!” Serena said truthfully, she barely got the diaper she had on now before another round of videos disabled that part of her brain. She pointed at the open package of diapers next to the couch.

“What the hell happened to these two?! They’re going way too far with this.” Luna thought to herself as she watched Darren put the squirming Serena down onto the floor. Moments ago, she thought Darren was hers for the taking. She spent the entire night playing his baby, while these two cooked up their own ways of turning themselves into ones. She needed to go further. If they were going to dig deep, and go all the way, then she had to get at their level.

“It makes sense why there’s a puddle on the floor, there’s only so much pee pee your diaper can hold before it leaks, little one!” Darren teased. His fingers pinched her tabs then pulled them apart. They came off with a wet sounding rip.

“Hehe… sorry Dada… Me jus’ go pee pee, me no know.” She said, before the front of her diaper fell onto the floor with a loud *flop*.

“I can see that, but you don’t have to prove it to me!” He said, pointing at her crotch.

“Huh?” Serena said, looking up from the floor. She was dribbling into the saturated diaper, entirely involuntarily. “Me no know I hada dada!” She said back, a fit of giggles followed around her pruning thumb.

“You certainly need diapers then. Come on, butt up, we got to do this quick, so you don’t piddle on the floor.” Darren said. Serena’s wet diaper pulled out beneath her. Darren slid a fresh new one into place. Serena’s bum landed back down onto the dry soft padding. The front came up in between her legs. Tapes stretched open, before Darren stuck them firm into place.

“Um, Daddy?” Laura’s voice said from behind.

“Yes?” Darren said, swiveling his head around.

Lauren was hunched over. Her face was deep red; blood vessels popped out of her forehead. She strained as her eyes looked directly into Darren’s.

“I…” Luna said, suddenly a muffled fart popped out of her diaper. Luna’s body finally accepted her commands. The solid warm mush pushed into the back of her diaper. “… going poopy.” Luna finished, she didn’t mean to say it that way, but with the childish state everyone was in, it felt right to go with it.

“Uh-oh! Is someone having a poopy accident? You know only babies have accidents like that.” Darren said, Luna nodded, her face still straining.

“Mhm… Yepp… I’ma big baby Daddy…. I needa… Hrmf…. Diapies because I… Mmmm… Go poopie.” She said, just as the last bit of mass caked into her diaper. “Phew…” She sighed, standing straight again. “I think I had an accident, Daddy….” She mused, putting a finger to her lips. “I didn’t know I had to go until it was too late…” She finished to get his attention. Darren smiled, standing up from Serena on the floor. He could see from the three babies around him what was going on.

“Look.” He said, walking up to Luna. “I love everyone here; I don’t want this to be a competition. I hate to do this but…. Why don’t you all sort this out amongst yourselves, and I’ll be back tomorrow. We can all be friends here. There’s no competition!” He said, looking honestly at all of them.

“But…” Luna said, tugging at his shirt, she felt infantile tendencies creep into her thoughts in this dirty diaper, it was easy to continue her babyish role, “Can I still get a change?” She said, Darren nodded.

“Come on.” He said, leading her to the bathroom, “Let’s get you cleaned up first, then I’m on my way.” He said. Luna reluctantly agreed.

Remy and Serena locked eyes the moment they left the room. Throwing cold water on this situation wasn’t going to help. They were all too far at this point. Luna felt the same way even after he left. There was no compromise between the three of them. They all knew what the end result was.

Whoever became the biggest baby by tomorrow, won.


“Hello?” Darren said a second time. His knuckles knocked again on the door. “Are you guys in there?” He said. He placed his ear up to the wood.

Instead of hearing footsteps, the sound of muffled giggles greeted his ears. Darren furrowed his brow and gripped the doorknob.

“Hey guys are you okay?” He said, swinging the door open. “Woah…” He said, at the sight of them all.

The three of them were on the floor in various poses, naked except for their diapers. Serena was sitting crisscross with a thumb stuck deep into her mouth. Her eyes looked hazily up into the ceiling. Luna was on her back, blowing bubbly raspberries from her lips. Remy was on all fours playing with a toy truck, running it back and forth on the ground.

“Uh, are you guys alright?” Darren said, walking up to the group. They smelled strong of full diaper. The three of them didn’t pay much attention to Darren’s presence. Their minds couldn’t comprehend other beings outside of themselves now anyways.

“Luna?” Darren said, he knelt down next to her.

“Ooo…” She said, “Daa…” She dribbled, her eyes had the same red haze as Remy’s. Darren put out his hand holding up three fingers.

“Do you know how many fingers I’m holding up, Luna?” He said to her. Luna’s eyes floated around the digits. Her brain felt zero meaning behind them. She couldn’t attach value to anything in the first place. She didn’t know what that concept of ‘meaning’ was.

“Uhaa…” She babbled, rolling on her side to get closer to the fingers. Her wet hands grabbed at them. Darren let her pull them closer. She brought them up to her face, before wrapping her lips around them. She started sucking, letting her tongue slurp each one.

“Mroom mooom…” Luna gurgled around Daren’s fingers. The faraway light in her eyes went out again. Her mind sunk back into a bubbling mush of blank white sensations. All of her existence was teething on Darren’s chewy fingers.

Darren heard a wet *Pop* come from behind him. Serena immediately started giggling at the fun muddy sensation growing in her diaper. Some part of it felt wet and warm too. She couldn’t pinpoint these feelings exactly, but it was in the general lower half of her body.

Remy tumbled to his side. He over calculated the force of his arm moving the truck. It caused him to lose balance and fall.

“Boof!.... *Sniff* *Sniff*” He started, thick crocodile tears already beginning to form below his eyes. Darren watched them pour down his cheek as he devolved into a crying snotty mess. The front of his diaper saw beads of pee push out the front from oversaturation, and stream down to the floor.

Darren stood up. He looked around at the three of them beneath him.

“This is going to be a great place to live.” He thought, before walking over to the supplies of diapers, pill bottles, and spiraling laptop screen.


Cerulean Syn

I love how everyone was tryna out-baby each other. This was pretty great