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“Awesome, the chemical smell isn’t present when we shower it in baby powder. Let me write down here to tell the prototypers that; maybe we could send them all pre-packaged with powder infused in them.” Natalie thought to herself.

“That’s been a linger problem with these diapers. No one is going to buy them if they smell weird. We knew this was going to be a problem when we infused the chemicals. Looks like a genuine solution here. Thank goodness, it only took until Version 8 to get to a diaper that A. Feels plush and soft B. Doesn’t smell like a chemical bath and C. Looks cute.” Natalie thought, she picked up a pen with her right hand and began writing in a second notebook. The note topics were already pre-designed by her lab assistants.

“Test subject: Dr. Natalie Fredrick. Remarks: I wave my rights and will test these diapers on myself. Primarily to preserve the accuracy of describing the diaper’s effects on the human mind. Cataloging quality assured mental effects are paramount in this study. There was also only a small pool of volunteers who lacked sufficient mental capacity to begin with.” Natalie wrote in the structured notebook.

“Date: 5/07/2035

Location: Mojang Laboratories

Test Subjects Mood: Calm, Focused, Motivated, Good Spirits

Food Ingested Today: Granola, Yogurt, Mint Tea

Diaper Version: #8

Chemicals in Diapers? Y/N, Dosage: Yes, 15 mg

Number of Tests performed by Subject: 0 (First)”

“Alright, pen down. I’m ready for the diaper… It’s outer plastic crinkles loudly to the touch. I think that’s going to play very well with our target AB/DL audience. From the research our team did beforehand, the bulk and sound of the diaper is critical. Hm, a gentle warming touch to the bottom when I lay down on it. That’s new. That must be from the new chemicals. I’ll make a note of that when I get off the floor and fishing taping this diaper on me. The two tapes on each side gives this a tight, yet snug feel around the waist. Great job, design team!” Natalie thought before standing up. She grabbed her pen and started writing down notes of her experience.

“Instant warm sensation to the touch. Sensation changes to a gentle tingling around the diaper area. Likely chemically induced.” Natalie wrote. She placed the pen down next to the structured notebook. Natalie exhaled and placed two hands on her diapered hips. She took in the view around her Lab.

“Who knew, going to university for twelve years, working as a lab assistant for six years, and a lot of ass kissing would land me back in diapers. Heh, is that poetic justice? On my part? I’m not sure if that’s what the expression means. Wait, I thought poetic justice was when the ending of a journey has a fitting end? Or, no I think it might be when like, the actions from before deserve the ending because they weren’t warranted in the first place…. Um. Yes? I think that’s it.” Natalie thought, her face contorted into a curious expression. Her mind went quiet for a few moments after that. Her gaze slowly drifted back down toward her waist.

“Oh wow! Look at this diaper! Did the design team add new colors to it this time? These patterns are suuuper cute!” Natalie exclaimed; her greedy hands shot the front of her diaper. She started grabbing at the pretty designs of bunny rabbits and monkeys.

“They really went all out here! The way the pink flows in with the blue over this way. And then it splashes into all these rainbow colors on the back side… and then this monkey is SUCH a cutie with his banana in his hand. Ugh, I wish I had a banana like him…….. Maybe I could suck on it.” Natalie thought, her mouth suddenly felt vacant. Like something was supposed to be in there, but there annoyingly wasn’t. She felt herself suck the bottom of her lip into her mouth.

“That’s better. Okay so what was I… Oh! That’s right! I’m suppose’ to write about how I’m feeling!” Natalie remembered as she caught a flash of the notebook on the desk. She picked the pen up next to it and started jotting down her thoughts and emotions.

“I feel sooo happy today at school! I’m bubbly and starting to think about that monkey a lot. He had a banana. And I wish I had a banana too. I could just use my thumb though. Is not like people have to know. I’ma try it… Okay I just tried it. HOOKED. I’m not taking it out anymor. I think its more funner in there.” Natalie stopped for a moment while she enjoyed sucking on her thumb. She slurped around her thumbnail while she lazily looked around the lab. Looking at the funny glass beakers and tubes were so silly to Natalie.

“Someone left all their toys out.” She thought before looking back at the notebook. She gripped the pen in her free hand and started writing again.

“Dear Diary,

I been sucking my thumb mor. Iz more fun then it not in mouth. Mommy said that sucking on thumb no good for me. But I love it! Me suck thumb a lot now. And I dont care what momm y says.

Yestordaiy I saws cute boy in the park. He wasnt on the swings, so he kinda lame, but maybe I can tells hims to get on swing wihth me! Might have cooties tho?” Natalie wrote. In the middle of writing a sentence, an intense weight suddenly built in her bladder. It hit Natalie with zero warning. She dropped the pen and placed two hands between her thighs. She began hopping from one foot to the other.

“Oh no… I gottsta go pee pee. I needa pee pee. I don’ wanna pee pee in diaper. Mommy say I’m too big to go pee pee in my diaper. I need… I pee pee… da…. Uh… oh…” Natalie thought. Like water spilling over a damn, she was powerless to stop it. Instead of trying to fight it, Natalie let herself go with the flow.

“Mmmm I go pee…. Peeee in my diaperrr…. Hehe… I use diaper for pee pee!” Natalie squealed around her thumb. Her diaper sagged further down her thighs as it soaked up her accident.

“Need new diapie.” Natalie thought, “Me wet, need to put on new diaper.” She said, letting her hands drop to her sides. “Hmf! Why thumb not in mouth. Ugh!” She thought, grabbing the sides of her tapes. She ripped the off the front of her diaper. The weight of the sodded padding caused it to land with a dull *thud* onto the ground. Natalie was completely naked from the waist down.

“Hehe bye bye diaper! Iz gonna get a new one. Buh first, I need to catch up on thumb sucking!” Natalie thought, shoving her left thumb into her mouth. She couldn’t help it, her eyes closed in pleasure. “Mrmrmm, thuwmby wumby tawstesss sooo goooodddd.” She muttered.

“Thumbwy stways in mouth all da time. Maybe I can gets new pacifier that I keep in my mouth all da time. That way I have free hands. But wha’ about suckin’ mah thumb? I still wanna do dat sometimes. Well, I guess that I’ll keep my thumb in my mouth sometimes still. I don’t have to always have a pacifier in my mouth. Maybe I can split the time? I can use a pacifier in the morning, then switch to sucking my thumb in the afternoon… Yeah… I can still suck my thumb when I want to. If… I want to suck my thumb… that is. I mean… I don’t have to…. Suck my thumb. I can hold off on it sometimes. I’m….. wait… why am I sucking my thumb?!” Natalie thought, letting her thumb pop out of her mouth. Natalie blinked a couple times to get her mind back into reality.

“Woah that was….. I went under instantly! I felt like I was a little girl again! That was insane! I need to look at the notes. What did I say? … Wow, I started writing in it like it was a diary? This stuff is incredibly potent…” Natalie said, looking down at the diaper on the floor.

“Oh my god, it’s YELLOW?! I peed in it! I don’t even remember doing that! I don’t think I even cared? Wow, when the hell did I wet this thing? Haha, I was so under that I didn’t even feel myself go to the bathroom. Crazy. I need to write all of this down!” Natalie said. She began furiously writing the results of her first experiment down on her journal.

“Final Notes After Experiment: Mentally inhibiting chemicals react quickly with the mind. Was under regressed mental state within minutes. Did not notice cognitive decline. Felt like a natural backward decline.

Fixation on oral stimulation. Immense desire to place objects orally into the body. Experienced extreme jealously over beings with ‘suckable objects’ in their possession.  

Colors felt vibrant. Appeared brighter and more ‘colorful.’

Bladder control felt muddled. Experienced a bladder accident and did not feel regret. On the contrary, I think my regressed state enjoyed the wet feeling and lack of control. Occurred within five minutes of wearing the diaper.

Lingering Effects From Previous Diaper Use:”

Natalie stared at the line for a moment. “Lingering effects? I didn’t even think about residual side effects from them these chemicals. They told us that they were non-addictive. Hm. I’ll make sure to take this part seriously. If I notice any mental side effects, I’ll stop the experiment immediately.” She thought, turning back to the paper.

“Linger Effects From Previous Diaper use: None. First Use.”

“That should do it.” Natalie thought, closing the notebook for today. “Alright, with the diaper test out of the way, time to look at Agent PCP in the other room.” Natalie thought, she started walking toward the exit. “I was wondering how… hang on.” Natalie said, looking down at the cool breeze between her legs. “Oh.” She thought, looking back at her pants on the lab table, and the wet diaper on the floor. “Ha! Silly me, I forgot to put my pants back on! And that diaper is still on the floor. Jeez, such sloppy lab edicate on my part.” She whispered, before walking back to her clothes. “That isn’t like me to forget like that. Normally I’m super type A about keeping a clean lab.” She thought, as she started putting her pants on. She had to fumble around with the button a couple times before getting right.

“People make mistakes sometimes… No biggie.” Natalie thought, brushing off the mental error. It isn’t that abnormal to walk out of a room without any pants on…


“How did it go today?” Maria said from the kitchen sink. Natalie barely looked up from her lean cuisine.

“Hm? Oh, the new diapers we’re testing? You know I can’t tell you anything else about it.” Natalie said, rolling her eyes. “Maria loves to get into my personal business. She’s been doing this more recently. When she first moved in she was never like that. Kept to herself. Typically, just stayed in her room. Granted, she was getting over the divorce of her 10-year husband. So, it makes sense she was reserved for a while. But still, just because she’s feeling better doesn’t mean she has the right to know everything I’m thinking and feeling. Especially when it comes to my work life.” Natalie thought.

“Ha, you’re right. Sorry, it just sounded so interesting when you told me about it a couple weeks ago! A diaper designed for these Adult Baby folk that actually turns them into babies for a short amount of time. I can’t even believe a market like that exists!” She said, scrubbing a pot in the sink.

“Yeah, it’s certainly interesting alright…” Natalie said, sounding uninterested in the conversation. The sound of running water filled the air for a full minute. Neither spoke, until Natalie broke the silence.

“Hey so, I’m not trying to insinuate anything here, you’re my best friend and you can stay here for as long as you like, but-“Natalie said, but Maria cut her off.

“I don’t know, Nat. It’s been tough trying to find work over on this part of the state. I don’t exactly have the savings to get out on my own right now. I’ve got a lot of applications cooking right now. I’m bound to find a new job in the next months TOPS. I won’t be in your hair for much longer!” Maria said, turning toward her friend at the kitchen table.

“I didn’t mean it like that, Maria! You make it sound like you’re a nuisance or something. I was just curious. If you need any help applications, you know I’m a always here to help.” Natalie said. “… That way I can get you out of here sooner…” She thought.

“I know, you’re always been there for me for stuff like that. Even in Highschool you’d let me copy your homework.” Maria said, turning back to her dishes. “It sucks, because all my employers keep asking me why I haven’t worked for the past year, and I haven’t come up with a good answer. I spent the last 6 months getting over my husband, and 6 months before that getting our lives ready to adopt a kid. It sounds fine when I say it out loud to you, but in interviews I come off as lazy.” Maria said.

“Make something up then. You don’t have to tell them you were getting ready for a kid. Say you were divorced a year ago, and you’ve spent the last year recouping. Tell them he was an alcoholic or something. You got to do what you go to do to get these jobs.” Natalie said to both cheer up and offer advice to her friend. Maria nodded.

“I suppose. I’m not that good at lying though. I’ll have to practice in the mirror.” She said, placing the pot on the drying rack. She shrugged her shoulders, “But don’t worry, Nat. I’m trying. Like I said, another month here and I’ll be gone. I promise you.” She said with sincere eyes. Natalie smiled and nodded. The sound of her chair scraped across the kitchen floor

“You’ll make it work.” Natalie said, placing a reassuring hand on her shoulder. “I need to head to bed though, I’m slated to test the diapers early tomorrow. I’ll see you when I get home if I don’t see you in the morning.” Natalie said.

“Okay, goodnight! And hey, Nat.” Maria said, grabbing Natalie’s arm. “Thank you, again. For everything. You’ve been an amazing friend to me. I owe you big time.” She said.

“Hey, don’t sweat it. You’d do the same for me.” Natalie said, pulling away and ascending up the stairs. “I love her, but damn does she lack motivation to get out of here…” She thought, “Everything she just said was a line of bull. If she’s actually out of here in the next month, I’ll be shocked.” Natalie thought, before turning into her bathroom.

“Grab the toothbrush… toothpaste… start to scrub…. I still can’t believe toothpaste doesn’t do anything for you. Basically, like sucking on a mint. It’s the scrubbing that really cleans your teeth…. Brush in the cup. Spit. Wash my face…. Towel dry… And…” Natalie said, turning her head to the toilet in the corner. She smirked and thought, “The seat I failed to use when I needed to use the bathroom today.” She joked to herself.

“The seat feels frigid tonight. I need to remember to keep this door open, so heat gets into it… Oof, this toilet paper feels rough too. Is this a new brand?... No, it’s Scott. But damn, they must have done something to their formula. This feels like sandpaper down there. Whatever. I’ll pick up a new case tomorrow.” Natalie thought, throwing the paper into the toilet beneath her.

“Alright, PJ pants UP this time. Not walking out without any pants on like I almost did at the lab.” Natalie chuckled to herself, before walking out of the bathroom, and into her bedroom.

“The best part of the day… Ahhh…. The cool silk of these sheets…. So easy to lay down here… And let the day just… *Yawn* uahh… let go….. don’t need……….. to…….. think about……………………… work……………… Just…………………………………. My.................................................mmm...................................... Natalie’s last sleepy thoughts escaped her, as she slipped into sleep. She finished her train of thought in her twilight:

“……. thumb.”



Super into this one!