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It felt like a dream. You never thought it was possible to find someone like Fae. It wasn’t her smoke show of a body or bubbly personality. And oddly enough, it wasn’t even the fact she was a diaper lover like yourself. What put this over the edge into borderline fantasy land, was that she said yes to this.

“Are you serious?” You said, your head snapping to the side to look at Fae on the other side of the couch. She smiled and nodded her head.

“Yeah. I’m completely serious. I’ll do it if you do it.” She said, pointing down at your exposed diaper waists. You felt horny pleasure course through your body. Your girlfriend confirmed it. She’d go through with your wildest fantasy.

“You’re okay with unpotty training yourself with me, then go through it again like we’re two years old again?” You asked, trying to keep your voice from shaking too much. This was too hot. It had been a lingering fantasy in your mind for a while now. Blow through enough diapers to the point where you have absolutely no control anymore. Then go through potty training as if you were a little kid again. The idea of feeling the helpless sensations again. Standing up to rush to the potty, only to uncontrollably gush into your diaper on the way there. It was intoxicating.

“Yes. I will unpotty train myself with you, so that we can go through potty training together.” She said in a low sexy tone.

“This isn’t a short-term fantasy, Fae. This is going to be months of untraining. And once we get there, we might never get back to full control. Not to mention the fact we’re going to have to wear diapers out in public and tell or family and friends.” You said concerningly. Fae didn’t respond to you. Her eyes pierced deep into your own.

Slowly her arms pushed herself off the couch. She maintained eye contact with you all the way up. Her bare feet took two steps forward on the soft carpet. She stopped right in front of your plastic play pen. The one you use for when you’re both in little space. She laced her two hand in front of her waist, and gently pushed her diapered bum outward.

Looking you directly in the eyes, she let go. The base of her diaper started growing dark. Deep shades of yellow pee traveled up from her crotch all the way to the top. She flooded what looked like an entire days worth of pee into her diaper. The warm pee nearly spilled out as her diaper reach maximum capacity.

“I want to become unpotty trained.” She said, as the last dribbles flowed into her soggy diaper. “What are you waiting for? Diaper boy? Why aren’t you wet yet?” She said, the edges of her sharp lips perking into a sexy smile.

There wasn’t a shred of doubt after that. You let your bladder release into your own diaper. The warm pee spilled down the front and pooled into the back of your bum. It was the last time either of you willingly clenched down for a long, long time


There was one single rule you both followed to unpotty train yourselves: Never, under any circumstances, hold your bowel and bladder muscles. It didn’t matter if you were diapered or not, in public, or at a family gathering. You wet and messed yourself 24/7. And that was it. There wasn’t any other way to destroy your control. You followed that simple rule as if it were the very fiber of your being.

Fae started noticing her control slip away faster than yours. Likely because she out drank you everyday. She pounded glasses of water like she was an alcoholic. Around the three month mark she saw signs that her control was taking a hit. It took less than five minutes for a glass of water to go through her body and splash out into her diaper. She’d catch herself dribbling right before a rush of pee dumped into her diaper. If she stopped wearing diapers at this point, she’d dribble slightly into her pants before stemming the flow. She’d have mere minutes to find a bathroom before having an accident.

You came off to a slow start, but you started pulling ahead around the six month mark. Your bladder and liquid in take became harmonious with one another. By time you finished downing a glass, you were already dribbling out into your waiting diaper. By this point, your bladder warning signs, which only occurred roughly half the time, would flash mere seconds before you started peeing yourself. You wouldn’t be able to trust yourself in big boy pants at this point. Unless you paid 100% attention to your bladder, you’d feel dark stains run down your pants before you even knew what was going on.

Messing became automatic by the twelfth month. Both Fae’s and yours bowels felt soft and difficult to clench down onto. If you felt a mess move through your body, it was spreading in the back of your diapers within seconds. Your muscles had weakened to the point where there was no stopping it. You could possibly stem the tide for a minute or two, if you were aware of an incoming mess, but more often than not, the only time you knew you’d mess was when you stood up or sat down. The sudden added weight of your diapers had become like white static background noise.

After eighteen months of 24/7 diaper use, the two of you had become completely diaper dependent. There weren’t any warning signs. Your bodies didn’t have the ability to stop themselves from wetting and messing freely. You didn’t just wear diapers because they were fun anymore. You NEEDED diapers. It’s what caught your minutely movements. Otherwise you’d make a wet sopping mess in your pants. You were back to level 0 of potty training.

“I think we’re ready.” Fae said to you one morning, as she assessed the state of her wet sheets around the sides of her diaper. Leaking through nighttime diapers and onto the plastic coating of your shared bed happened almost every morning. You shimmied your waist to get a feel for you own diaper. It felt like a balloon around your waist. Ready to pop an avalanche of pee in your bed.

“What do we do first then?” You said to Fae. She was already up and walking toward her drawers. Her hands grasped the handles and pulled open. She dug a hand into the drawer and fished out a pull-up. She held it up for you to see from across the room.

“Well, we think we’re ready to go into big boy and girl underwear. Why don’t we start with pull-ups!” She said, tossing one to you from across the room. It landed with a flop next to you. You picked it up and felt the soft thin padding with your fingers. It was way thinner than your thick day time diapers. It could maybe hold one full wetting before it leaked.

“These are so thin…” You said, throwing off the blankets and untapping your diaper. Fae nodded, her diaper had already come off, landing with a thud on the ground. She stepped her legs into the pull-up and pulled it up to her waist. Fae released her fingers, the waist band snapped into place.

“Welcome to our second potty training!” Fae exclaimed happily. “I’m going to play some Switch in the bed before breakfast.” She said, hopping back onto the bed and grabbing her switch off the side table. She booted the system and flipped to her favorite game. She knew she couldn’t get too engrossed into the game. She had to pay attention to her bladder for the first time in a year and a half! She used half of her conscious thought to keep an eye on any warning signs. After 20 minutes of playing, she didn’t feel anything.

“Hm.” Fae thought, shutting the game down and placing it back on the table. She began moving off the bed, “This might be way easier than I…” She said, trailing off as she stood up. She noticed only then the weight of her heavy pull-up drooping down between her legs. “I didn’t even know I…” She whispered, looking back onto the bed. A dark puddle of pee looked back at her. “… had to go…” She thought, looking back down at full pull-up. Turns out it might be a little bit harder to go through a second potty training


Potty training is hard. Really fucking hard.

Both of you realized this was no small task on the first day of your second potty training. Both of you managed to soak through an entire 16 pack of pull-ups in a single day. There wasn’t a warning system in your body anymore. The only time you knew you had to go was ten minutes after it already happened. The feeling of a warm mushy diaper around your crotch was second nature. It was like feeling room temperature air on your skin. How were you supposed to be consciously aware of that 24/7? You and Fae ditched the pull-ups after two days. You were using them like diapers anyways.

“Let’s go back into diapers and set specific times for ourselves to try and use the potty. That way our minds get used to the schedule. Maybe that will help?” Fae rationalized the next day. You agreed, knowing that was a strategy toddlers use. You both decided on sitting on the potty once when you get up, four times throughout the day, and once before nighttime.

That… sort of worked out. You successfully used the potty for the first time in over a year! But, it wasn’t from your ability to hold and release. You went into the potty as if it were a diaper around your waist. Freely and without any warning beforehand. The only sign you’d gone was the surprising sound of a dribbling splash hitting the water. When you and Fae taped yourself back into diapers, they’d grow wetter and heavier with each passing minute. Not a single sign from below before. You still could only tell when you’d gone by shifting your weight and feel your diaper had grown droopier.

“Muscle exercises!” Fae thought after a week of waiting your time on the potty. This seemed like the most promising idea of them all. “We clench down as much as we can, for as long as we can, and the website said overtime we’ll start getting feeling back.” Fae said, demonstrating herself by squeezing her legs together. She scrunched her face as she attempted to clench her bladder. She exhaled and released back to a normal stance.

“Anything?” You said uncertainly. Fae shrugged her shoulders.

“I think so? I don’t really remember what it feels like to clench anymore. Maybe I did?” Fae said, trying to associate distant feelings of muscle movement with bladder control. It all felt so fuzzy down there now. Her muscles had become completely relaxed and soft. Atrophied to the point of no control. She was supposed to feel numb and confused down there.

Both of you remained determined to regain some resemblance of control back. Anytime you could remind yourselves, you’d clench down onto your bladder and bowels. You were attempting to rebuild your control from the ground up. It wasn’t going to happen overnight. Gradually, you felt yourself gain a weak ability to flex your muscles. Not stop the flow, but at least you could identify the muscles to attempt holding it.

After two months of muscle training, both you and Fae felt the smallest amount of control return to your bodily functions. Warning signs were fleeting and far between. However, you had gotten to the point where if you really paid attention, you’d have about 5-10 seconds to run to the potty before you completely wet or messed your diaper! It was enough for Fae to get cute about the situation and put a potty training chart up on the wall for both of you. Complete with happy faces for making it at least once, and frowny faces for not making it at all that day.

With each advancement comes the dreaded, inventible wall. You and Fae felt the faintest signs of control returning to your bodies after two months. But another month later, and you hardly progressed from that point. Your potty charts showed four straight weeks of frowny faces. You had come close one time when you happened to walk by the potty one day and felt the need to go right there. Trying as hard as you could, like weight too heavy to hold anymore, you started spilling out into your diaper uncontrollably by the time you started fumbling with the button.

The both of you waddled into your fourth month with zero successful trips to the potty. Your hope was dwindling. The final blow landed one afternoon on your sofa.

“Oh!” Fae said, suddenly standing up from the couch. You looked up at her curiously at first, then recognized the urgency in her eyes. “I hafta pee!” She yelled, quickly walking around the arm rest and around the couch. Fae stopped dead in her tracks. Her diaper puffing out from the waistband of her pink pony PJ pants. She looked at the wall of frowny faces across the room.

Part of it was what felt like a lifetime of potty training staring back at her. It seemed like it would take years to get back to regular underwear. Another part of it was the fact her diaper was already warming from below. Merely seconds after the feeling had hit her. But most of all. Deep down. The real reason you and Fae were still horrible at potty training. The will to get out of them just wasn’t there.

“Eh, maybe I’m not old enough for potty training yet.” Fae said with a smirk as she plopped down on the table. She gave the crotch of your soggy diaper a playful squeeze. “You certainly aren’t too.” She said with a giggle. You didn’t have any defense to that. She was right. Maybe you two would be big to try again next year.  Maybe.



Nathan Johnson

What a journey to go on with someone <3


You're laying out my dreams on paper 🤣


goodness this must be what its like to be unpotty trained! I guess you would know haha ! I like the idea of having 5-10 seconds and then flooding yourself