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Hey guys!

I’ve got something a little different for you guys today. I wrote a story a couple months back about a diaper dream I had that night. Well, the truth is, I dream about diapers a lot. I wear them all day, so it makes sense that a lot of my dreams revolve around them. I also sexually enjoy diapers, so any sex dream I have involve diapers. Basically, with my dreams, in the words of a magic eight ball, “All signs point to diapers”

I keep a dream journal of nearly all my dreams. I started doing it because I was curious as to what I’d find. I’ve written down a lot of my diaper dreams and I decided I’d share some with you in paragraph-ish form. I thought it’d be neat to show you guys how my mind reacts to diaper scenarios. They’re kinda like my “Diaper Experiences.” I’m not sure if you guys are going to be into it, but I thought it was worth a shot.

If you guys want to share your diaper experiences in the comments below, I thought that could be really fun!! 😊Maybe we could even spur inspiration for a story or caption. Any who, without further delay, here are some of my dreams since I started keeping track in May. These aren’t all my diaper dreams, just some I thought you guys might like. I can share more on a regular basis if people like this!

May 29th

I walked outside my house to smoke some weed. One of my childhood friends was out on my porch already smoking. She was only wearing a t shirt and a light pink Molicare. The diaper was absolutely soaked and she was sagging noticeably. I was surprised not only by her presence, but by the wet diaper she had on.

“Sky I didn’t know you wore diapers!” I said to her. I was ecstatic to find someone like me. She smiled at me and shrugged.

“I just said fuck it one day. You did too.” She said, pointing then at my diaper. I wasn’t wet, which made me feel oddly superior to her in that moment. I decided to flex on that.

“I’m not wet though.” I said, she scoffed at me.

“Okay for like a few minutes.” She said, which ended up being true because I wet myself later on in the dream without noticing.

June 7th

Running through these tree houses at night. Think literally the Ewok villages on Endor. Light orange glow lighting my footsteps. Mystic lady in one of the houses. She stops me by placing a spell on me.

“Do you want to be in diapers forever?” She says to me. I nod my head yes.

“Wow, quick to answer that one.” She said to me, I looked down and I had one of my diapers on. I couldn’t move any other part of my body from the neck down.

“If you want everyone to see you as a little baby, then commit to it. Wet your diaper.” She said. I knew the implications, so I hesitated for a moment. Did I really want to be a baby for the rest of my life? I said fuck it and started pushing pee out into my diaper. It felt warm. The lady laughed at me.

“Okay, Baby.” She said to me, I felt dizzy and lightheaded after that. Like she put some mental adjustment on my brain. I zoned out and laid lazily on the floor.

June 22nd

Running through a spooky house. Think dim lit dark hallways. I run past a mirror that makes me feel kinda funny. I walk back to it, and I see myself wearing a diaper, baby bonnet, holding a rattle, looks like a playroom in the background.

No one says it, but I know that if I keep looking at the mirror than that’s what my life will become. I stare at the mirror even harder. Suddenly I’m in the playroom wearing all the baby clothes, but for some reason I only had a pull-up on. In my head I wanted it to be a diaper so I peed in it.

There’s this part where people outside the daycare gave me the choice to come out and return to my old life if I wanted to. I debated it for a while, but ended up staying in the daycare. The dream changed to non-diapery things from there.

July 8th

One of the MANY dreams I have where I’m nervous I’ve leaked in public, and people can see. At a friends house chatting at their bar. I feel the seat underneath me is wet. At first I assure myself that my diaper will hold, but I feel pee leaking out. I panic and don’t do anything.

My friends boyfriend asks why I’m acting all weird. Tell him it’s fine. He comes around the bar and looks at the chair. He scolds me for not being able to hold it like a big kid. I actually started to cry in this one, but luckily I left their house and the dream shifted.

July 12th

This was one of the longest dreams of my life. I was jumping through doors and played out different scenarios. (Probably because I watched Monsters Inc. or something when I was in little space XD). I was at an old high school party, park garage, police station, it was nuts.

Jumped into a nursery. Marveled at how many diapers there were. I grabbed some so I could stock my own supply. They reminded me of my own diaper, so I looked down to see if I was wet. I was a little, and knew I could keep going without a change.

September 2nd

This was the dream I wrote the story about! The real dream went like this. I was at a restaurant and I needed to throw away my plate. I walked downstairs and saw this hazy, foggy arcade. I walked up to the counter to get some coins, and the lady asked if I wanted to get “Baby-brained hypnotized.” I hesitated, but then nodded my head yes.

She took a TV mounted on the wall and shoved it right in front of my eyes. I felt my brain get fuzzy and I lost the ability to think. The image in front of me was a girl rubbing her wet diaper with a blank far away look. It was so easy to slip into that same mental state. The woman’s voice giving suggestions was a female and for some reason I knew it was my girlfriend’s. I started babbling and soaked/messed my diaper. Rolled around and played like a baby on the floor before someone walked in. I mentally “sobered up” and went back upstairs.

October 3rd

I had this really interesting dream where there was a “Diaper Camp.” Every AB/DL artist/writer was invited to share content. People could sleep over in these cabins. Each artist had their own building. For some reason I WASN’T INVITED > : ( haha. I didn’t care though, it was actually fun talking to my mind’s physical embodiment of these artists. Nothing happened with my diapers. I did notice I was wet at one point, but I didn’t care.

October 15th

There are moments in my dreams where I can lucid dream. That means I’m aware that I’m dreaming, and do whatever I want from there. In this dream I had the ability to travel through time. I knew I was dreaming, and I decided it’d be more fun to have the ability to wish for anything I wanted.

It’s like scientific law. If Maggie knows she’s dreaming, and can do whatever she wants, that equals diaper time. I wished to be in a diaper, not have control of my potty training, and to be in my home nursery. My mind became playful and fuzzy. Playing with toys and babbling were like crack. It was so much fun.

A motherly woman walked in (It wasn’t my real mom), and said I needed to change. I purposely acted babyish and said “Oh, did I wet myself?”

“You didn’t even know you wet yourself? You need diapers. We’re not potty training you anytime soon.” She said to me. I felt so babyish in that moment, that I just started babbling in front of her.

“Use your words! You’re big enough for words! What’s wrong with you?!” She said to me. I knew I was dreaming though, so I just kept babbling at her. Eventually she gave in and started changing me. The dream shifted from there.

October 26th

This one didn’t have much diaper content, but there was a part where I was eating an ice cream cone, and purposely smeared it all over my face to act like a baby. People thought it was funny. That was it though ☹

October 30th

This is random, but I was playing a hockey game. First to 6 points. 1-0 them. 2-0 them. 2-1 them. 3-1 them. 4-1 them. 4-2 them. 5-2 them. 5-3 them. 5-4 them. 5-5 tied. 6-5 US! I still can’t believe we won it. Super intense. ESPN should do a story on it imo.

November 20th

This was one of the most intense mind-effects I’ve ever felt in a dream. So it started with me walking around my old college campus. I walk into one of the dorms and find an old college friend’s room. We start chatting about life and how much things have changed. She brings up the fact it looks like I’m wearing diapers, and for some reason I didn’t feel weird or embarrassed by it. We had a lovely chat about it and she expressed she’d always had a diaper fetish.

“Do you want to be my baby?” She asked me. I giggled and said yes. She showed me this TV screen and said, “Watch this then.”

I watched for what was in reality a couple seconds, but it felt like hours. It was just spirals and lullaby sounds.

I turned around from the screen and she said, “Good baby.” My mind dropped. A white light flashed across the my eyes. I hit the ground on my diapered ass. My mind couldn’t form any words or sentences. I literally could only babble to her.

She thought it was cute and said she had to go, but assured me I could play baby for as long as I’d like. She left for a few moments, then came back again and said “Good baby” again. I didn’t think I could, but I dropped even further. The whole dream stopped making sense. It’s hard to explain, but basically I was in a complete state of mindlessness. It was really cool tbh.

I wet myself during this. She pointed it out. But lately in my dreams ( and real life) I’m wet all the time, so it wasn’t a surprise.

Hope you guys liked this! Again if people think this is neat I could talk about more dreams and any I have in the future. As well as dreams I remember having in my teenage years and early 20s.

I’d love to hear about your guys’ dreams in the comments!! I think it’d be fun to see how everyone else dreams about diapers. It’s a big part of our lives, so of course it’s going to creep into our nightly visions. Thanks guys, I’ll be back a few more times this month for some closing chapters and captions 😊 Hope we all had a good thanksgiving!



There was this one time I put on a cursed diaper and I couldn't remove it, and I couldn't stop wetting. Like, for the whole rest of the dream I couldn't stop wetting, but I wasn't leaking either. At some point I was performing with my band and I messed too during a bass solo, but still couldn't stop wetting. Kinda surprised I woke up dry after the dream...


When I was still dry at night I used to have dreams like that and think “no way I’m dry” but through some miracle I wasn’t.

Anon A. Mouse

On the subject of dreams, I'm curious if anyone has ever played with the concept of "lucid dreaming," both in general and in regards to AB/DL. Its been much harder for me to lucid dream as of late (past few years), but it was always really fun and interesting when I could do it on a pretty regular basis.