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You weren’t sure how you wanted to approach the situation. Should you text her first? Should you call and ask her to hang out? You paced around your room in agony trying to contemplate your next move. You’d wasted the whole morning working up the courage to send SOME kind of message to her. But nothing. Not even a simple, “Good morning” text.

You knew what was coming. You’d seen her diapers. What else could that text from last night mean? “Something really important.” You already knew everything about her. There was only one thing that could come out of her mouth. And if you played your cards right today, she just might tell you about her diaper fetish.

Your fingers drummed across your cellphone case. You played scenario after scenario in your head. You tried building the conversation in your head.

“Hey, it’s cool if you like diapers. You look great! I-I like diapers too… You can like, totally wear them in front of me… don’t even worry about it.” You thought, before immediately shaking your head.

“That’s terrible.” You muttered. Your let your lips flutter while letting out a long exhale. You felt a mix of frustration and anxiety wash over your chest.

This was big. It’s not everyday that your crush tells you about her diaper fetish. Hell, it’s not everyday that anyone tells you they like diapers. This could be the start of something wonderful. A potential diaper-centric relationship with your crush? The one you’d already fantasized about countless times. You couldn’t help but steal a few rubs from your groin while you contemplated where things could end up…

You stopped though. Feeling the phone in your hand vibrate. You flipped the screen around lightning quick.

Your eyes widened, and your pupils dilated.

“Wanna come over? Lol” The text read from Sadie said. You felt your fingers tingle with excitement as you instantly typed your response.

“Yeah sure, I’ll be right there!”

Your right hand instinctively put the car into park. There was no one else in the driveway. She was 100% alone in the house. You placed your head on the steering wheel and drew in a deep breath.

“You got this. Okay… You got this.” You muttered to yourself as you did your best to fight off another wave of anxiety. Your breath steadies, but your nerves slowly come back to you.

Your fetish was the most important part of your sex life. It ran deep. You’d never been into much anything else. Girls in diapers were hot. The fact that Sadie possibly wore them ignited a fire in you hotter than anything you’ve seen on the internet. There was so much riding on today. So much you wanted to happen.

You flicked the car keys back, and the engine cut off. You drew in one more breath in the silence of your VW, and pushed the front door open. It squeaked as it extended, before closing with a cloud *CLUNK*

The sound of your footsteps crunched off the dirt driveway. Your eyes gazed straight ahead as you made your way to Sadie’s front door. Thoughts raced so fast through your mind, that you didn’t even have enough time to make sense of them.

The wooden steps creaked under your weight. You took note of the worn paint chipping off the common foot path to the front door. You could see into their living room through the front window. The hair on the back of your neck stood straight up the moment you saw her.

Sadie. Simply sitting on the couch on her phone.

This was real. Almost too real for you. You’d come over Sadie’s house a million times, but never on circumstances like this. Never with a chance she might tell you about her potential diaper fetish. You could barely keep a cool face as you walked up toward the door.

You’d done it a thousands times. It was practically a reflex at this point. Your left hand knocked twice on the door. Then your right hand grabbed the cool metal knob, and twisted it open.

As the front door swung open, you were instantly hit with Sadie’s home aroma. In the height of moments like these, when it came down to the brass tax, you were always cool. You felt your normal self push through the blizzard of anxiety as you turned the corner into the living room. Sadie looked from her phone and you two locked eyes.

“Looking up techniques to beat me on Smash I see.” You said with a smug tone. Sadie’s face instantly grew into a smile.

“Oh you wish, you know I’m gonna stomp your ass today.” She snapped back. She pursed her lips but maintained her smile. “Come on.” She said, jumping up from the couch. She waved you toward her room. “Let’s get it going if you’re so confident.” She said. You smirked and followed behind her.

Your eyes locked directly onto her ass. You expertly scanned for any bulky signs of a diaper. You felt a shot of disappointment run through your chest. It didn’t look like she was wearing anything puffier than normal underwear underneath her sweatpants.

“It’s alright. A little unrealistic to think she’d be wearing one the moment I walked in.” You thought to yourself. Your eyes looked back up to her ponytail swaying back and forth. You always thought it was one of the cutest parts about her. She turned the corner into her room, and you followed a few seconds later.

Her room looked the same as it had last time. Some clothes thrown around, tons of handmade knickknacks and half used cups strewn across random surfaces. The Switch set perfectly below her large mounted TV. Her retro Van Morrison poster always made you smile.

“Here you um…” Sadie said, as she turned on the TV and Switch. She paused as she looked around her room. After a few seconds, she nodded and looked toward you. “Yeah alright. So I’m going to be right back. Chill on my bed. I’ll just be a second.” She said. Her face looked normal, but you could tell there was the slightest bit of strain in her cheeks. Her eyes seemed just the slightest bit thinner than usual in that moment. Before you could read any further though, she walked out of the room.

“Okay, kinda weird.” You thought to yourself. You jumped onto her massive bed. It was aligned up against the wall, so it was the best spot to lean up against and see the TV. You nestled into your usual spot on the right side of the bed.

You fished your phone out and flicked it open. Your text conversation was still up from before.

“Fuck. Okay, how the hell do I bring this up?!” You thought, as you clicked your lock button. You looked up at the ceiling. The nerves you had from before started drifted back. They weren’t as strong as before, but seeing the messages rekindled those fears.

“Maybe I should just ask her straight up? Girls like that… right?” You wondered, trying to play the scenario out in your mind. “Hey Sadie, so do you like, diapers?” You shook your head. “No, no. Maybe I could casually mention I have the fetish too? That might not be a bad idea…” You wondered, but that didn’t sound good either. You wracked your brain for another idea, but suddenly, you lost your train of thought.

Sadie’s voice rang out from the hallway.

“Hey, I need to show you something.” Sadie said a few feet away from her doorway. Her voice was oddly cautious and reserved. A sudden 180 from her tone just a few minutes ago before she left the room.

“Okay.” Was all you said back. The word seemed to spill out of you almost instantly.

For a moment, nothing but silence filled the room.

First you heard a heavy sigh from Sadie. Another pause for nearly ten seconds.

Then you heard the floorboards near the doorway creak. Sadie was starting to walk into the room. You felt your heart start to race a million miles a minute. The paralyzing nerves you had from early rushed back into your body. She walked in faster than you could formulate a plan of what to say.

She came into view. Your eyes shot a quick reconnaissance glance at her waist. You didn’t want to make it obvious that you were staring, so you quickly looked back up into her eyes. It all happened in less than a second, you didn’t have enough to time recognize any bulk around her waist.

Sadie stared at you with needy eyes. You looked right back into them. Her demeanor had changed from her normal bubbly self, to shy and reserved. Neither of you spoke at first. Eventually, Sadie broke the silence.

“Remember when I told you I had to talk to you about something?” She said, her voice quiet, as if someone was listening in.

“Yeah you texted me about it last night, right?” You said, doing your best to sound nonchalant, yet reassuring at the same time.

“Well…” She said, looking away from you for a moment. She shifted her weight to one leg. “I’m just going to come out and say it.” Sadie said, it was obvious that whatever she had to say was incredibly difficult to get out. She paused for another few seconds, then looked back up into your eyes. Her face looked determined. She let out a quick exhale.

You expected her to say something. Instead, you watched as her hands glided toward the waist of her jeans. Her fingers slowly moved from her hips, down toward her zipper. Her left hand slowly unbuttoned the waist of her pants. Her right finger pinched the zipper. She held it there for a moment, then slowly, unzipped her pants. Once fully unzipped, she grabbed her waistband, and opened it to give you a clear look of her underwear.

White padding, with surprisingly cute little bears printed on them.

It was a diaper. There was no mistaking it. It was the same kind you found under her bed from earlier. You felt high. The girl you’ve loved throughout high school is showing you her diaper.

“I… like to wear diapers.” Sadie said. The words washed over you like pure euphoria. Sadie opened her pants further, and shimmied them halfway down her thighs. Her thick adult diaper was in clear view. This was everything to you.

“I. I love diapers.” You responded, your brain continuing to take the reins. Sadie’s face lit up. Her shoulders relaxed, and her eyes softened.

“Oh thank god… that was… That was waaayyy harder than you could ever imagine.” She said, letting herself lean up against her closet door for support. She looked genuinely relieved at your response. “I had always thought so. You always looked away in school whenever someone said “Diaper” or “Daddy”. I could tell by your facial reactions you had something. Then when you brought the fetish up the other day I just… I was nearly certain at that point.” Sadie said.

This was everything to you. You couldn’t have dreamed up a better moment than this one. You stared at her diaper, drinking in the most perfect aspects about it. The way it pushed her legs to the side. The colorful prints on it, indicating that she loved the babyish aspects of the fetish. You realized after a few moments of diaper staring that you hadn’t said anything in response.

“Oh yes! Sorry… I…” You said, Sadie started giggling at your clear dumbstruck response.

“You like them?” She said, pushing her hips out a littler further for you to get a better look.

“I- I think they’re so hot, Sadie.” You said, looking back up into her eyes. She blushed and looked away from you.

“Really?” She said in a smittin’ tone, she looked back at you. You smiled and nodded.

“Yes! I love them, and you look simply amazing in them. You wear them perfectly.” You said, doing your best to sound encouraging. Her body language opened up after that last comment.

“Do you…?” You said, feeling a wind of confidence rush through you. Sadie knew instantly what you meant.

“…Yeah… I do.” She said, looking away bashfully again. Her cheeks flushed an even deeper shade of red. Her eyes flicked back up into yours. “Do you… like to wet them too?” She said. The words hit you hard. This was every fantasy you could ever imagine actively playing itself out.

“Any time I can get my hands on some. My parents are kinda nosey.” You said.

“Oh! Well, you can wear them anytime you’re here!” She said, instantly falling onto her knees. She fished around underneath her bed and pulled out one of the same diapers she had on. Sadie got back onto her feet and extended the diaper toward you. “I mean, if you’d like to.” She said, realizing in the moment how unusual of a gesture it was offering someone an adult diaper to wear.

Your looked at the diaper with thirsty eyes. You looked back up into Sadie’s and said:

“Of course I’ll wear diapers with you.”


The sound of your diapered butts crinkled as you hit the bed at the same time. The two of you were wearing shirts, diapers, and that’s it. You two looked at each other as if you were two kids in a candy store. Sadie grabbed her controller and opened Smash.

“I’m gonna destroy you so hard, I bet you’ll be pissing that diaper in defeat.” Sadie said with a flare of flirtation. You scoffed at her absurd assessment. You shot back with another diaper-filled flirtatious remark.

“Not if I make you wet yours first!” You said.

“You’re on” Sadie said.

The game started, and the two of you jumped instantly into your virtual world together. Part of it felt just like every time you two had played video games together. Jokes, moments of glory, and tons of trash talk. It was a staple in your relationship. Yet, all of it felt so new at the same time.

With every shift and movement of your body, you could hear your diaper crinkle. The same with hers. Sadie was already a very animated gamer. Nearly every action on the screen caused her to move. Each jerk and weave caused her diaper to audibly crinkle. She loved to change positions too. She played sitting on her knees, giving you a clear view of her thickly diapered ass. You especially loved when she laid back and let her legs flop to the side. Her diaper was on clear display. She looked comfortable, almost as if she was used to wearing diapers and playing video games in her room.

After a few rounds you felt it. The familiar pang in your bladder. Normally when you were with Sadie you just got up and used the bathroom. But things were completely different now. You two were wearing the potty around your waists.

But should you let it go? Would she think it’s kind of weird to wet a diaper in front of her like that? You two had only found out about your mutual fetish not only a few hours ago. What if she thought things were going too fast? Today was already an amazing day. You could just hold it and cash in on this already amazing diaper experience.

The discomfort in your bladder rang out again. You could wet yourself right now if you just gave a little push. You looked over at Sadie to check the state of her diaper. Unfortunately, though, her legs were crossed. You couldn’t get a good read on its state.

You looked back up toward the screen.

“Fuck it.” You thought. If you were going to go all in. You might as well go all in.

Warm pee dribbled out at first. You stopped on reflex once you felt it absorb into your padding. You relaxed even further, and soon enough; a steady stream of pee started flowing into your diaper. You felt it warm and expand in front of you. It had been a while since you had wet a diaper. You relished in the beautiful squishy feeling around your waist.

“You good?” Sadie’s voice said next to you. It shocked you out of her your wetting stupor. You hadn’t realized you had been staring blankly ahead of you.

“What? Sorry.. I..” You said. Your brain was working overtime trying to think of a logical reason for you zoning out like that. Sadie smiled and answered for you.

“I make the same face. I already went too.” She said, before immediately opening her legs. Her diaper was yellow and discolored just like yours. If not, even a little soggier.

You stared in disbelief at her wet diaper. After a few seconds, you looked back up into her eyes.

Instantly your lips locked.

“Mmm” She whispered instinctively. You grabbed her and pulled her closer into your intense make out.

She placed her hand on the front of your diaper. She pushed the warm squishy padding into your dick. You couldn’t help but moan to her in pleasure. A second later she started rubbing your wet padding up and down.

You responded by placing your own hand on her diaper. You started gently rubbing in circles around her groin. She clearly loved it.

“Mmm, I think I had an accident, Daddy.” She whispered into your ear.

“I think we need to change you into a new diaper.” You said. Sadie shook her head while still maintaining your kiss.

“Nu-uh. I wanna stay in my wet diapies.” She said, rubbing even faster with each passing word. She could tell you were getting close.

“Are you gonna come for me, Daddy? Are you gonna cum for me in your wet diaper?” Sadie said, expertly rubbing your shaft. All you could do in that moment was nod emphatically.

“Cum for me, Daddy. Cum… Ugh.. Fuckkk” She whispered, as she felt herself crescendo into a mind numbing orgasm. You couldn’t help yourself either. A split second later you released too into your already wet diaper.

“Oohhh!!” You yelled out. The two of you collapsed into a blissful, post-sexual encounter heap. You two could feel the warm sweat on each other’s skin.

You both panted. Exhaling, your chests expanding up and down. You two laid there together, diapers filled with pee and sex.

You both moved your heads toward one another. Your eyes locked. You both smiled.

“I know what we’re doing all summer.” Sadie said.


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