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(Hey guys, some of you may notice I already wrote a chapter 4 for this story. However, I decided to re-write it a month ago. I didn't like the flow, and I felt like I could do better. Sooo New direction with the story! I think we'll all like this one better :) )  

“Three… Two… One.” Paisley said, as the clock flipped over to 7:36 A.M. On cue, the creeks of floorboards started to wine. Paisley smiled and chuckled to herself at how predictable Ruth had become. With each passing second, Ruth’s steps grew louder as she approached Paisley’s room.

“Come on, Granny…. I really gotta go this morning” Paisley wondered in that moment. She wiggled to feel the pressure in bladder. Her muscles ached, practically begging for her to let loose into her dry pull-up. “I could just let go, and she wouldn’t be that surprised…” Paisley muttered to herself. She pondered the thought for a few more seconds, before shaking her head. “Nah, can’t let her think I need these THAT bad.” Paisley thought, chuckling to herself. 

As if on cue, Ruth’s footsteps stopped, as the door swung open.

“How’s my little Pumpkin’ today!” Ruth said with a jolly tone. Paisley began her nearly perfectly rehearsed lines.

“Good, Grandma. How did you sleep?” Paisley said, as her Grandmother came around the bedside.

“Oh, wonderful, slept like a log. But the bigger question is, how did you sleep? Not too heavy I hope…” Ruth said, before placing a hand on the side of her hip. Paisley responded with the same words she had the last month and a half.

“I’m all dry, Grandma.” She said, before instinctively lifting the blankets to show Ruth her pull-up. Ruth squinted from the bedside to get a good look. She always patted the sides of the bed to make sure there wasn’t any leakage. 

“You sure are! Good job!” Ruth said to the beaming Paisley. Ruth continued with, “You know, I’m still surprised at how much more control you have at night than during the day.” Ruth said, shaking her head as she walked to the small stack of pull-ups across the room. “Normally it’s the other way around, yet you’ve only wet during the day.” Ruth said, Paisley’s face always flushed the slightest shade of red at that part. It was a new line Ruth had been saying in the last week.

“Like I said, if you start having accidents during the nighttime too, I’m going to have to—” Ruth said, Paisley quickly sighed before cutting her off.

“—Diaper me. I know, I know, Grandma.” Paisley said, before swinging her legs out of the bed. Her feet landed perfectly on the shaggy white carpet. 

“Haha, that’s right! So, unless you want to go all the way back into diapers, you better keep yourself dry at night!” Ruth said, before pointing at Paisley’s pull-up. “I still think you’re ready to make the jump from pull-ups to underwear, but if you start wetting again at night, you’re going right back into diapers, missy.” Ruth said sternly, before turning around to a dwindling pile of pampers.

“It looks like you need new pull-ups anyways, you went through that last pack quicker than I thought you would…” Ruth muttered, she paused for a moment before whispering, “Yeah… I might want them on hand just in case she keeps slipping.”

“I’m sorry, what was that, Grammy?” Paisley said, she was caught off guard by the new addition to her morning script. Ruth quickly turned around and smiled at Paisley.

“Nothing, sweetie! Well, let me get downstairs to get breakfast ready for you!” Ruth said, matronly, She turned toward the door and walked out of the room. Paisley maintained a curious look as Ruth left. 

“Eh whatever, she’ll repeat it tomorrow anyways. I’ll just actually pay attention when she comes in for my morning check.” Paisley said, before finally letting out her morning stretch. “Ahh… Time to use the bathroom.” Paisley said with a smile. She pushed herself up off the bed and into the middle of the room. In a quick motion she spread her legs to a wide stance.

Paisley felt her bladder muscles release quickly. Nearly the split-second Paisley wanted to let go, her bladder pushed a torrent of pee into her waiting pull-ups. The wet stream would pool briefly from the force, before gently absorbing into the soft cushion. Paisley had become an expert at knowing just the right rate to keep her flow out before spilling over the sides. 

“Mmm… thank you pull-ups. Phew, I almost felt that one go before it came in.” Paisley said to herself, before feeling another wave of relief wash over body. A secondary push of pee started gushing into her already near capacity undergarment. Paisley considered reducing the flow, so as she wouldn’t leak down the leg. She pondered the thought for a moment. Quickly though, she shrugged and began walking out of the room. “If I leak then I’ll just tell her I didn’t know or something. She’s not going to care.” Paisley said. 

Walking and peeing had been a tough skill to master. But she had been getting the hang of it in the past few weeks. She felt the last drops fall into her at capacity pull-up slowly sink into the padding. “Damn, this thing already needs to be changed…” Paisley thought, before immediately brushing the thought off. She normally dealt with the state of her pull-ups after breakfast anyways.

Paisley shuffled into the dinning room, feeling her droopy pull-up sway side to side with each step. “Watcha got for me today, Grammy.” Paisley said as she pulled her chair out. She swiveled he pull-up squelch between her butt. The sudden squish caused her pull-up to bleed pee into her pajama pants. Paisley raided her eyebrows in surprise as small crescent stains grew around her crotch.

“Just the usual for you today.” Ruth said, before plopping a plate in front of Paisley. A pancake with bananas for eyes, and bacon for a mouth!” She said, dropping a fork and knife along with the plate. Paisley beamed at the pleasant face below her. She quickly snatched her utensils and dug into the meal. 

Ruth turned back toward the kitchen and started talking from across the room.

“I’m going to be heading out to pick up some things up at the store. Can I trust you to be good home alone while I’m gone?” Ruth said. Paisley’s ears perked up the moment she heard it. She loved it when Granny left her home alone. She hadn’t spent much time out of the house lately, and most of that was because she didn’t want to. Paisley relished the fact she’d finally get some alone time in this house. She started nodding up and down immediately. 

“Yupp! I’ll be good Granny. You can trust me!” Paisely said, doing her best to add a cute girly accent at the end. It always worked like a charm on Ruth.

“Alright, being by yourself is a privilege! Remember that!” Ruth said, as she walked back into the dining room. She walked up to Paisley’s chair with purse and keys in hand.

“I’ll be gone for a few hours, I have to get—Oh Pais, you already wet through to your pants?” Ruth said, before placing a probing hand down onto Paisley’s pants to inspect the damage. “You were dry just a minute ago, why didn’t you tell me?” She said, looking worringly into Paisleys eyes.

“I uh… just didn’ know I had to go.” Paisley said nonchalantly, she turned her face back toward the food. Ruth let out a heavy sigh. She began rifling through her purse.

“Yeah, I definitely need to go out and get them… Here.” Ruth said, as she pulled out a pull-up. “I know you can be a big girl for me and change yourself. Go do it before you leak anymore.” She said, gesturing toward the bathroom. Paisley groaned in response.

“Can I just finish first? I’m almost done, and I like eating the bacon when it’s still warm on the-“Paisley said, Ruth swiftly cut her off.

“No, now, Paisley. I don’t want you leaking all over my furniture.” Ruth said sternly. The conviction in her Granny’s voice struck an embarrassing chord with Paisley. She dropped her utensils and grabbed the pull-up from Ruth.

“Alright, alright. I’ll go.” Paisley said, as her chair scraped across the floorboard. Ruth shook her head as the leaky waddle by. 

“I’ll be back in a few hours. Please make sure to change yourself if you feel like you’re full!” Ruth said out to the girl.

“I got it!!” Paisley yelled from down the hallways. The sound of the bathroom door opening and closing filled the house. 

Paisley dragged her feet across the bathroom carpet and toward the toilet. Her right hand tossed the fresh pull-up into the sink She stopped right in front of the toilet, opened the seat, plopped her squishy bum down onto the seat. She felt beads of pee eek the side of her pull-up and into the toilet. Paisley quickly whipped out her phone and started scrolling through her Facebook feed. 

Paisley waited nearly ten minutes before she heard the front door open and close. She felt herself let out a short laugh before shaking her head.

“She really thinks I’m just some little kid… heh..” Paisley said, before standing up from the toilet. She looked to the pull-up in the sink. She felt an ocean of laziness crash into her. The thought of taking everything off, then putting a new pull-up on, just to pull her pants up again. It all seemed so exhausting to Paisley. She waved a hand at the pull-ups and PJ pants.

“I’ll change later.” Paisley said, as she started walking out of the bathroom, wearing nothing over her pull-up. “I’ve only been wet for like what? 20 minutes?” Paisley said, seemingly content with wearing the cool wet pull-up for the time being. “I’ll change in a little bit.” She reasoned, while her feet took her toward the couch. 

Paisley smiled while picking up the TV remote. “Ugh I’m so ready to chill….” Paisley thought. She flicked the TV on, before sitting down in her usual corner spot. Paisley’s loved the spot so much that the couch was practically formed to her body. 

“Man… This is the fucking life…” Paisley thought, while she flipped through channels on the TV. 

Life had gotten rather “cushy” for Paisley in the past month and a half. Ever since Ruth put her into that first pull-up, Paisley gradually tried less and less to keep her pants dry. Ruth had practically encouraged the childish behavior at the start. She was all too willing to remind Paisley day after day that if she wasn’t quite ready for underwear, then it was perfectly normal for her to have accidents. What Ruth meant as a loving acceptance, Paisley took as a free pass to lose into her pants whenever she wanted.

Paisley had been critical of herself at first. She went back and forth multiple times about her pull-up use. It didn’t take much to know what she was doing was completely out of the norm. No one in the early 20s just starts wearing/using pull-ups all day long. Potty training is supposed to be a permanent skill adults use throughout their lives. 

After a couple weeks of the baby treatment though, Paisley started to gradually settle into her role with Ruth. It dawned on her one lazy morning, like the coach potato one  she was starting today, she actually had it pretty damn good.

Her mother had dropped her off for the summer, but that didn’t mean she would necessarily care if she stayed a little bit longer. Her and her mother would argue nearly every single night about finding a place of her own. With college in her rear-view mirror, and no actual job leads to follow, Paisley felt like it was finally time for her to relax a little in life.

“Why go back to working at McDonalds and endless job search when I can just chill here for a little bit?” Paisley finally concluded with herself. And although she wouldn’t admit it to herself, Ruth’s perception of Paisley was a little too enticing.

Pull-ups had been fun. And it was fun that Ruth didn’t recognize Paisley as a grown adult. Rather, someone who was too little to be trusted with keeping their pants dry. She simply loved the fact that she could just let go into her pull-ups whenever she felt like it. She’d never considered herself a kinky person before. However, the thirsty padding between her legs had been simply been too much fun to use. She enjoyed peeing herself. And if Ruth didn’t care, no one else would in Paisley’s life.  

She hadn’t made the final jump to real diapers though. A lingering part of her adulthood kept nagging in the back of her head about them. She knew that if Ruth started making her wear diapers, then it would seriously be all down hill for her potty training. She already knew the sizeable dent she was putting in it already.

Wetting was almost too natural for Paisley at this point. If she felt even the slightest of urge, she would release automatically into her underwear. This is fine for her short term situation. But in the long, Paisley had noticed she was picking up a slew of bad habits in her pampers.

Paisley knew wetting automatically was setting a dangerous precedent. When she inevitably wanted to return to adult panties, she obviously couldn’t release her bladder into her unprotected pants. No functioning adult was allowed to do that in public.

It had all been worrying at first, but Paisley eventually reasoned that she wasn’t actually a baby, and if she wanted to hold it, she would be able to. No matter how many pull-ups she wet. She just had to make she didn’t go completely off the diapered deep end.

Otherwise, life had become a never-ending string of days like the one Paisley was living right now. Phone scrolling, couch lounging, the possible hit or two from the bong, and a never-ending stream of used pull-ups.

“It’s an… easy one now….” Paisley said, feeling her eyes grow heavier as she sunk a little more into her seat. Her morning post-breakfast nap was starting to roll through. Paisley had developed the habit not too long but loved how refreshed and energetic it made her feel afterwards. 

Paisley didn’t even fight it when her eyes softly closed. Her vision went dark, and sleep quickly took the still soaked adult-child.


 “And I said, if you’re going to ticket it me for this, then everyone in front of me should have gotten one!” Ruth’s muffled voice drifted through the front door. Paisley’s heavy eyes felt like a million pounds to lift. The sharp sound of keys jostling rang into Paisley’s ear drums.

“Oh shit!” She yelled, her eyes suddenly flying open. Ruth was home, and with someone else. She had to get out of the living room fast before anyone saw. Her legs quickly pushed up off the couch, she leapt in one jump to the center of the room.

It was all too late though. Ruth was already swinging the door open when she caught the sight of Paisley jumping from the couch and to the middle of the room. It was painfully obvious that she had just realized Ruth had come home. 

Paisley froze like a deer in the headlights for two reasons. The first, the pressure in her bladder became suddenly immense. In that same moment, Paisely felt herself automatically release this heavy bladder of urine into her totally drenched pull-up. She didn’t have a chance to stop things if she tried. The over saturated garment did nothing to absorb the pee flowing out of Paisley. The pee immediately spilled out the sides of her pull-up and streamed down her leg. The whole process just happened too quickly for Paisley. 

The wetting alone didn’t cause Paisley to freeze in fear. It was the sight of the person Ruth was with. 

Paisley’s mother.

“Paisley I…” Her mother said, clearly flabbergasted by the sight of her daughter peeing an already soaked pull-up. 

“MOM I CAN…. I.” Paisley said, clearly at a loss for words. She felt herself unable to get another word out in her shock. 

“Ugh look at you, Paisley. I thought I told you to change into another pull-up before I left!” Ruth said, walking closer toward Paisley to inspect the damage. Paisley’s mothers shock still hadn’t dissipated from her face. She took a step back from the door and down the concrete steps.

“I think I left my… purse in the- …” Paisley’s mom stuttered, unable herself to form a coherent sentence. She quickly responded with, ”Ruth I’m gonna go okay? Nice seeing you today.” She said, before turning around and quickly walking toward her car. Paisley felt herself melt back into command of her legs.

“Mom, wait! I can explain this!” Paisley said, running out into the front yard. She felt the heat of the sun on her face for the first time in weeks.

“Paisley just, don’t!” Her mother said, as she swung her car door open. Paisley was quicker though. She closed the distance to the car right before her mother started closing it. Paisley grabbed the car door and stopped it from shutting.

“Mom I can explain! I don’t actually wear these. She just made me wear them. I think she’s crazy or something.” Paisley said, pointing toward the still leaking pull-up. Paisley’s mom simply shook her head and scoffed.

“You know I thought your Grandmother was acting strange when she mentioned buying diapers for you. I just thought she was having a mental slip. Turns out she was actually completely right to.” Her mother said, before grabbing the door handle again. Paisley pleaded with her mother.

“Please, Mom I’m sorry! Don’t leave yet, I can explain everything. It’s all going to make sense; I don’t think I should be here if she’s going to be putting me pull-ups like this!” Paisley said, trying her best to make up a story on the spot. Her mother could see instantly through her ruse.

“I think you’re exactly where you’re supposed to be. Look at yourself, Paisley!” Paisley’s mother said, she gestured toward the half-naked leaky girl. Paisley looked down at the overflow site. Even for someone first attempting potty training, it looked bad. She tugged a little harder at the door. Paisley stopped resisting and let the door close. Her mother instantly started the car a split second later and reversed back out of the driveway.

Paisley sighed heavy in frustration. “What the fuck?! She wouldn’t even let me get a word in!” She said, feeling her legs stomp the ground in anger. She spun around and stormed off toward the house. Her eyes did their best to hold back angry tears. 

“Is everything okay, Dear?” Ruth said, as entered back into the house. Paisley didn’t even look at her. She kept walking toward the hallway.

“I’m fine, Granny.” Paisley said, while she stomped her way to her room. She grabbed the door handle in a huff. She pushed it open, then immediately threw it close behind her. The loud sound of a door banging shut rang through the house.


*Knock Knock Knock* “Hey Paisley?” Ruth said gently on the other side of Paisley’s door.

“What?” Paisley said muffled from her pillow. The sound of her bedroom door creaked open.

“I know today was a really tough day today with your Mom.” Ruth said, as she walked closer to the side of the bed. Paisley didn’t lift her head from the pillow. She knew already what was about to come next.

“But… I think we need to try something different at night.” Ruth said, Paisley already had her argument ready to fire. She shot her head up from the pillow and spat back.

“I don’t even wet myself at night! Just because I leaked in front of my mom today doesn’t mean I need to wear diapers at night!!” She said, realizing almost instantly how strange that sentence was to say out loud.  

“Well, it’s not just my decision, Paisley.” She said sternly. Paisley shot a confused look back before Ruth clarified with, “Your mother called me after she left, and we agreed. If you were going to wet yourself like that, then you need to go back to diapers for a little bit.” She said. Ruth always knew the right tone to take at exactly the right moments with Paisley. 

“Wait you talked to her?! After she left? And she told you to put me back in diapers?” Paisley said in shock. 

“It wasn’t exactly like that, but yes, essentially. Please don’t fight me about this, Paisley. If you don’t need them then you won’t be in them for very long anyways.” She said, before placing the diaper on the bed. She started unfolding the garment in front Paisley.

“UGH!” Paisley said, shoving her face back into the pillow. “This is so stupid.” She muttered, feeling a wave of anger and embarrassment bubble up in her chest. It was one thing for Ruth to know about Paisley’s pull-ups. But for someone in the outside world to find out, let alone her mom, it was frustrating to Paisley. She felt like her control over the situation was slipping dangerously away.

“Fine. Whatever.” She said, before flipping around to face Ruth. She got out of the blankets and draped herself over the bed. “Let’s just get this over with then.” Paisley said, as her Grandmother started taking her pants off.

“Like I said, just for a little. You’ll determine yourself how long these need to be on for.” Ruth said, before patting Paisley’s butt to lift. Paisley followed the orders and felt the diaper slide underneath her bum.

Ruth finished diapering Paisley a few moments after. She lightly patted the front to indicate she was finished. Paisley sat up onto the side of the bed.

The diaper was noticeably thicker than the pull-up. It felt 4-5 times bulkier and was clearly designed to take on multiple wettings. Paisley squeezed her thighs a couple times to get used to the thick feeling around her thighs. It’s was a sobering feeling for Paisley when a person expects you to use a diaper instead of the potty.

“I’ll let you be tonight. We’ll talk more in the morning, okay? Don’t worry Pumpkin, this is all going to work itself out.” Ruth said, as she walked toward the door again. She flicked the light off and said, “Sleep well, little one.” 

Paisley didn’t say anything back. She simply huffed and dug herself back into the blankets. The bulk of the diaper was a constant reminder of the new situation she had just sunken into. It sent off a chain reaction of frustrated thoughts.

“If they want me to be in a diaper, fine.” She thought, as she felt a rebellious urge overcome her. It felt good to defy her parents. “She probably expects me to wet this bed tonight anyways. If she wants me in diapers, then I’ll show them.” She thought, as she pushed. It took no time at all for pee to stream into her first wet diaper. It gushed and warmed her crothc. “I’ll… Show- *Grunt*.. Them!” Paisley said, feeling herself push harder. The mess slowly expanded and mushed against the seat of her diaper. “They’ll *Grunt* See- Ah…” She said, feeling the last push dump and settle into the diaper. 

Paisley let the rebellious emotions exploded inside of her. It felt fun to rebel like that. It felt good to act babyish. 

She smiled into the darkness. Within a few moments, she was already contently asleep. Her diaper decision still warm underneath her blanket.


Nathan Johnson

Intense! Something tells me things are about to start tumbling. Wonder if she'll realize before its to late :o