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Katie was shaking from excitement… Or rather, ‘squishing’ in her filled to the brim diaper. Taking a leap of faith and moving cross country to live with your internet girlfriend was giving Katie the worst jitters as she rounded the corner onto Becca’s road. It didn’t help her bladder was also minutes away from letting loose into her already heavily soaked diaper. 

Katie learned a long time ago that wearing protection on long car rides was a necessity. She didn’t have the biggest bladder, and a few accidents during family vacation car trips had burned it into her brain. Wearing protection on car rides was almost a necessity.

Necessity slowly became a convenience after driving for so long. She didn’t want to waste anymore time stopping. So, she started letting loose into her diaper during the last leg of the trip. Her diaper had gotten to near max capacity a few hours before making it to her destination. “I can just hold it.” She had reasoned. But the soda she stupidly picked up before the last few hours was starting to rear its ugly head.

“You go this, Katie. Just get in. Hug her, then go right to the bathroom.” She thought, before pulling into the driveway. She’d considered changing out of her swollen diaper before heading in. But she was getting close to a point of no return. The mix of nerves and the urge to pee were nearly unbearable. With a shaky hand she opened the door and got out of the car. Her droopy diaper swung with each waddle-like step she took toward the front door.

Katie bounded up the steps, and instantly pressed the doorbell. The silence that ensued brought to attention to just how much she needed to pee. Standing up and walking around hadn’t helped her aching bladder. The sound of muffled footsteps grew louder and louder. Until they finally stopped right in front of the door.

“OH MY GOOODDDD!!!!” Becca screamed, before flinging the door open. Lightning quick she threw Katie into the tightest hug of all time. “ohmygodohmygodohmygod YOU’RE ACTUALLY HEREEEE!!!” Becca screamed, while nearly squeeze Katie to death. 

“I… Know…” Katie said, trying to catch her breath from this bear hug. She tapped Becca on the back a few times to tell her to stop. Becca released her strangle hold. She expected to see a wide smile on Katie’s face after the embrace. But instead, she saw a wide eyed, shocked look on Katie’s face.

“What’-“ Becca said, before Katie pushed her to the side. Katie knew she had mere seconds now before her bladder was about to release into her waiting diaper. She ran into Becca’s apartment, and made a b-line for the bathroom.

Except… Katie had never been here before. She stopped in her tracks in the middle of the room, frantically looking around for any hallways.

“I need… I need to…..” Katie thought, before the feeling of release unwillingly washed over her. It was too late. A wet “Hsssss” splashed into her full diaper. There was no stopping it now. Katie knew she’d lost the battle. The warmth pooled beneath her, before quickly spilling out the sides.

“Hey, is everything… okay?” Becca said, Katie spun around to show her girlfriend the wet lines spilling down her inner thighs. Becca recoiled in shock, “Oh…”

“I… I can explain.” Katie said, feeling her brain frantically think of a way to make light of this situation. She went with the first thing that came to mind.

“I.. need diapers.” Katie said. She regretted that lie instantly. “FUCK..” She said in her head.

Becca recoiled from this rapidly developing situation. Never in a million years would she have suspected this would be her first interaction with Katie. Weird as it may be though, she knew in that moment, she should at least comfort the clearly shaken girl.

“Hey… Hey don’t worry. It’s okay. I don’t mind you need diapers.” Becca said, walking over to the leaky girl. “Here.. let’s…. let’s get you out of these pants.” Becca said, as she started pulling Katie’s leggings down. It exposed to both of them just how swollen and used Katie’s diaper was.

“I’m so fucking stupid…” Katie thought to herself, as she looked down at the pee stained diaper. It was practically mocking her, knowing the lie she had just spun herself into.


Becca had been more than accepting of Katie’s “Condition” as she called it. She spoke emphatically about how she’d love Katie just the way she was, even if it meant she couldn’t control her bladder or bowels. It was almost overwhelming, she even mentioned how she’d gladly chip in to offset the cost. The icing on top, Becca thought they were actually, “Kinda cute, even a little sexy.” 

Katie felt trapped after Becca’s fervid plea of acceptance. She didn’t think she could just tell the truth after Becca practically poured her heart out. Katie thought the best course of action was to stay in diapers for a few months, then make up some story about how she was getting better at controlling herself. 

The first few weeks had been brutal to say the least. Katie didn’t know the first thing about being diapered all the time. Adjusting her clothing just right so no one would notice, ventilating a diaper if it was too hot out, or even using them. She’d never worn diapers for any other purpose than for road trips. Breaking that potty-training barrier of not going in your pants was a serious challenge. It didn’t help she still tried using the toilet as often as she could.

All was going according to plan until the first night Katie had alone in the house. It had been nearly a month of diaper-use at that point. Her bladder was fine, but she had become increasingly comfortable with wetting, and even messing at that point. Katie felt the pressure in her bladder build while scrolling on her phone on the couch. She instinctively shifted her legs to get up and head to the bathroom. 

She stopped though, as she was reminded of the familiar feeling of a diaper around her waist.

“I could just…” She thought, feeling herself let go before thinking too much about it. The wet warmth felt different as it spread through her diaper. Katie had a choice this time. She was alone. Yet she wet her diaper anyways. It wasn’t how easily she decided to just go that surprised Katie, it was how normal it oddly felt. “Becca probably expects me to be wet she gets home anyways…” Katie justified, before turning back to her phone.

Her diaper use skyrocketed from that night on. The mental barrier holding her back from letting go whenever she wanted simply dissolved. If you don’t have to be uncomfortable from holding it in, then why hold back? Why not just use your diapers? 

Katie simply stopped paying attention to her bladder and bowl muscles at that point. Her girlfriend and new friend group thought she was supposed to be in diapers anyways, it hardly mattered if they were full to any of them. Why should it matter to Katie then? Katie found herself letting go at times she never would have dreamed of in the past. Standing in line to get some coffee, driving anywhere in her car, even past a public bathroom alone. Her pants slowly became where she used the bathroom.

It truly struck Katie one day while searching the calendar for a date. 

“October 17th… am I free…?” Katie mumbled to herself, while checking the calendar to see if she had any plans already. After deciding she was, her eyes caught a glimpse of just how many months had gone by since she’d moved in with Becca. “Oh my god… Has it really been 10 months?...” Katie thought, as she thumbed through the flipped months. As if on cue, she felt a quick squirt of warmth absorb into her diaper.

“I didn’t even… know I had to…” Katie thought, as she looked down at the state of her diaper. She was completely soaked, yet she barely remembered even going once. She anxiously folded her arms around her back, and got a look at her pink and red diapered butt. She nervously pressed the back of her diaper to see how much was actually in there.

“Wow.” Katie thought, feeling a large mess mush behind her. “I mean, I remember messing a little bit, but I didn’t know it was this much.” She thought, before letting the mess fall back into place. Her mind went quiet, while her full diaper stared back.


“I think I’m going to stop wearing diapers.” Katie said to Becca one night at the table.

“HA! Yeah and I’m gonna stop eating.” Becca said teasingly to Katie. She responded with a sharp look and tone.

“No I’m serious! I’m going to try pull-ups for a little bit. I don’t think I need them that much anymore.” Katie said, she had the slightest tone of uncertainty. Katie stopped eating and looked up from her food.

“Honey, you’ve worn diapers ever since I met you. Why do you want to get out of them all of a sudden?” Becca said, before heading back to her food. Katie shifted in her seat, feeling the familiar mush of her soggy messy diaper. She was in way too deep to tell the truth at this point. Katie shrugged and looked down meekly.

“I don’ know… I just want to wear regular underwear like you.” She said, looking somber to Becca. 

“Hey, diapers are your regular underwear.” Becca said, attempting to sound reassuring. The words stung Katie. Still, in her head she felt that diapers didn’t have to be a part of her daily wardrobe if she didn’t want them to be.

“Yeah well, I’m just going to try pull-ups this week. See how it goes.” Katie said, Becca shrugged in response.

“Alright… If you want to. I don’t see the point, but whatever.” Becca said, clearly skeptical of Katie’s plans. Katie didn’t care though. She wasn’t diaper dependent before she got here, which means she probably wasn’t as bad as she thought now.

In fact she wasn’t, she was actually way worse.

The first pair of pull-ups didn’t even last 20 minutes before Katie felt a strange puddle of pee pooling beneath her butt. That one wasn’t fair though, Katie had reasoned. She was too absorbed in the movie she was watching to pay attention to have a fair chance. 

The second pull-up didn’t go any better. Katie didn’t even register the back of her pull-up was expanding before it was too late. By the seventh full pull-up in just one day, Katie knew she had a long, long way to go before she’d be back in normal underwear. 

After a full week of trying, Katie made it to the bathroom zero times. The best she could do was tell she was wetting herself a whole 5 seconds after it had already started. She didn’t even fight it when Becca asked her to wear diapers to her company’s banquet. It just made too much sense.

Katie put on the most adult looking dress she could find in her closet that night. After so many failures to keep her pants even remotely clean, she needed a confidence boost. She stood in front of the mirror and adjusted her hair until it felt just right. After a few minutes, an adult woman in a sleek black dress stared back confidently. Suddenly, Becca’s head popped into the doorway.

“Hey you got your underwear on?” Becca said quickly. Katie smiled and lifted up her dress.

“Yepp. I’lll be down in a sec.” Katie said instinctually. It didn’t even register in Katie’s mind what had just happened until a few moments after Becca left the room. She slowly lifted the hem of her dress again to reveal the dinosaur print diapers underneath.

“Yeah…my underwear is on….” She whispered, before noticing she was standing on her right foot’s toes. One of her classic signs that she was wetting herself.

Sure enough, Katie suddenly became aware, yet again, of the growing pee stain warming near her diapered crotch. She breathed in a defeated sigh, and let her dress fall back into place. 

She didn’t even have the heart to change into a new one before they left. It’d be a waste throwing it out at this point after only one wetting. She looked toward the door and started walking out of the room. Katie grabbed a couple diapers before exiting. She knew she’d probably have to change her underwear during the night at some point. 



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