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Your eyes remained locked onto the package for a solid 5 minutes. Hundreds of emotions were coursing through you. Pure excitement and joy boomed through your chest. It was like you were 5 years old again getting your first gaming system. You couldn’t stop yourself from calming down if you tried.

The diapers weren’t the kind you get from the store. The diapers were clearly a specialty type from online. They were white with cute babyish stickers printed all over. The designs were cute, but thickness really showed how childish they were. You’d only seen diapers that thick on models online.

This wasn’t a situation where Sadie was experimenting with diapers. These diapers were purchased by someone who knew the AB/DL community well. A person who knew these diapers even existed had to be an Adult Baby.

It sent another wave excitement through your spine.

You slowly walked over toward the bed. Once you made it to the mattress, you bent down onto your knees. Your arm fished for the package for a few moments, before you felt the plastic packaging. You laced your hands around the first diaper and yanked out from under. 

The diaper felt slightly warm to the touch. It was puffy and unfolded easily. Electricity felt like it was running through your fingertips with each crinkle you heard. These were Sadie’s diapers. Not just regular diapers under the bed. Sadie’s. Your signature high school crush. You simply couldn’t contain the emotions that were running rampant through you. This was, frankly, one of the greatest days in your life.

“Yo! You in here!?” Sadie’s voice echoed from the front door. Your eyes went wide with fear before you quickly gasped. 

“FUCK” You muttered to yourself, getting back on your feet and shoving the diaper back into the package. You had to make it look like the diaper wasn’t just unfolded and manhandled. You did your best to straighten it and look neat. The footsteps were getting louder. You had mere seconds before Sadie was about to walk in.

You got up and straightened your back. Thinking on your feet, you jumped onto the bed, and whipped out your phone. “Just look casual… Just look cool..” You repeated in your head. The moment you flicked on your iphone, Sadie walked in.

“Hey! What’s up!?” Sadie said in her classic jolly tone. You tried your best to look calm and cool, like it was a regular Friday hangout.

“Oh hey! Yeah nothing. Nothing, just ah. Just hanging here.” You said. Sadie looked back at you a little strange. She walked over to her closet doors and opened them. She shrugged off her backpack and threw it into a pile of clothes.

“Cool man, hey why are you breathing so heavy? Did you like run or something?” Sadie said, while she continued to move around her room. 

“Oh uh, no I just…” you said, “Found your pack of diapers under the bed, and now I’m hornier than any moment in my entire life” you thought in your head for a split second but decided on, “…Intense shit I’m reading online. You should check out r/horrorstories. It’s a great subreddit.” 

“Hm. Yeah if it’s making you this scared. Then yeah I’m gonna have to check it out.” She replied, seemingly taking the response at face value. You breathed a sigh of relief in your mind. 

As if to break the moment of silence on cue, Sadie responded with a very common question.

“Hey you wanna play some Mario Kart?” She asked, already extending the controller in front of your face. You smiled and quickly snatched the joy cons from her hand.

“Hell yeah I do, and we’re playing rainbow road again. I know the shortcut to actually beat you this time!” You playfully snapped at her. She immediately welcomed the challenge by flipping on the game. 

“Oh you’re on.” She said with a determined look. The exchanged softened the situation. You’d gotten away with it. She had no clue you knew about her secret. You felt the fear and anxiety from before lifting off your shoulders.

Your body looked like you were playing the game, but your mind was somewhere completely different. The reality of the situation was slowly dawning on you. Sadie had the same diaper fetish you had. The scenarios and questions that ran through your mind seemed to be endless.

Did she like being the baby? The one who’s making the messes? Or is she the kind of girl who likes to be the dominate type. Maybe put you in your own diaper because you’ve been having trouble making it lately? Your mind started to paint even strong visuals in your head.

Sadie walks up to you with just the right amount of shame on her face. Her eyes look upset, her face seems troubled.

“Hey, what’s wrong Baby girl?” You ask. She starts playing with her fingers and sways nervously side to side.

“I um.. I…” She says, her face growing red from embracement. She can’t even bare to look at you right now. 

“Come on, dear. You can tell me.” You say with a clear tone of dominance. She winces at your last sentence.

“I… I had an accident.” She says, lifting up the hem of her dress in response to reveal a large droopy adult diaper around her waist. It’s the same diapers you found underneath her bed. This time though instead of being dry and puffy, they’re wet and saggy. Sadie had clearly soaked the garment to its max capacity.

You smirk back at her. She has been such a little wetter recently. Sadie had been plowing through diapers like it was her job. You decided you had to make note of that to keep her in her little place.

“My, dear. Are you even trying to make it anymore? This is your third wet diaper just this morning!” You say back. Your words strike a chord with Sadie. In an instant, her demeanor changes from submissive to dominate. Her eyes quickly grow sharp and glare at you.

“Oh yeah? I’m such a wetter? Look at you!” She says, the fantasy suddenly shifts the focus onto you. She grabs at your crotch, getting a handful of wet diaper.

“You’re practically soaked through. How are you gonna call me a baby when you can’t keep your pants dry either? Hm?!” She says, as you suddenly notice you’re so wet in this diaper. You want the fantasy to go further, but back on earth, Sadie’s loud yell brings you back to reality.

“FUCK YEAH! You can’t touch this shit! You ain’t ever gonna stop me on this level!” She shouts. The music change indicates she did in fact get first place, while you put along into 5th.

“Ah shit..” You mutter, trying to make it sound like you weren’t just fantasizing about you two in diapers. She playfully punches you in the arm.

“Told you man. You’ll never beat me on this track. I’m just too good.” Sadie says with an aire of confidence. Her left hand lets the controller drop onto the bed, while the other pulls out her iphone. You groan in response, trying your best to act normal. Seeing that Sadie is taking a minute to browse on her phone, you decide to do the same. You pull it out, and just stare at the home screen.

You feel adrenaline flow through you the second the idea comes into your head. It’s perfect. It’s the best way to get it out in the open, but also hide your motives at the same time. Your palms grow sweaty around the metal case. You know if you dwell on it for too much you’ll never say anything. With one quick breath, you let the words spill out.

“Hey Sadie.” You said plainly, trying your best not to sound too interested in her response.

“Yeah?” She says simply, not even looking up from her phone. You feel one last burst of fear. You know once you say it there’s not going back. You push through it for her.

“You ever heard of an Adult Baby fetish? I’m looking at a list of common fetishes. Literally didn’t know that existed.” You say, trying your best to make it sound jokey and not that big of a deal. You look up to watch Sadie’s response.

Her eyes light up for a second. It’s clear in NO way was she expecting that kind of question. She winces for a moment, and her body language becomes guarded. 

“Oh, what? No! That sounds really weird! Haha.” She says. It sounds like every word is forced and coming from a robot. The laugh at the end is short. Her fake funny response melts back into a guarded demeanor. 

Silence. For a full 15 minutes. Neither of you say a word to one another while the brief two sentence conversation runs through both your minds. Sadie’s worried reaction slowly morphs back into her old self before long. She drops her phone, looks back up at you and says:

“Hey so wanna start making the pizza?” She says. You look right into her eyes and nod yes. 

The rest of the afternoon goes by without any mentions of diapers. Your conversations are mostly about school and random stuff on the internet. But the awkwardly brief conversation you had before about never comes up again. All the while though, it dances in the back of your minds.


Your bed feels cool tonight, which is just what you wanted given it’s 85F degrees out. You flip on the AC and hear it mumbled to life. 

“It better not be like this all summer…” You mutter to yourself before hopping into bed. You grab your phone from the nightstand and flip it open. One last quick look at social media before bed.

Surprisingly, for the first time the entire day, your mind isn’t thinking about Sadie. You’d run though so many scenarios in your head while you were there, that it was time to shut off and dream about it. You were just about to hit the lock button, when you receive a text.



Damn! Really bringing the tease on this one aren’t you?? Lol