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Days like that flew by for Elissa. She frankly enjoyed the new life the show had handed her. Everyday she would wake up to the warm loving embrace to her mother. She’d change out of her nighttime diaper (She could barely squeeze her thighs together when she had them on), and into daytime ones. She’d be completely free to do anything. If she wanted to lay in a warm sunbeam cast through a window all day. She was more than welcome to. She could do anything all day, and not have to worry about a single thing. Going to the bathroom? Her diaper was the bathroom. And besides, Elissa’s mother was in no rush to start her potty training. It was all on Elissa’s pace. Which seemed to be way behind the average person her “age”.

Two years went by. Elissa could feel her mind “Growing up” over time. She never lost any of her adult thoughts or intentions. She’d learn how to shut them off (Sometimes for weeks at a time), but it was always still there. And as she got “older” the haze from playing baby all day seemed to lift over time. It was still fun to play dolls in front of her TV, but it was kind of losing its babyish playful edge.

Her graduation into Pull-ups hadn’t helped her get into a babyish mindset either. Her mother slowly encouraged her to wear Pull-ups more and more throughout the day. She hated the fact she had to actually pay attention to when her bladder or bowels had to go. She knew that regular adults did that all the time, really without thinking about it. But now, after spending years just letting it go, it was a major nuisance. 

She put practically no effort into it at first. No part of her tried to keep track of any bodily functions. She’d suddenly notice a puddle around her, or a warm streak of pee running down her leg. Everyone has a limit though. After hundreds of soaked through Pull-ups. Even she knew it was time to start trying to get back to the toilet. Elissa could remember the first time she made it to the toilet.  The pride she felt from finally making it. Her mother’s praise was everything. But on the flip side, the disappointment from finally growing up. It was strangely a tough day for her.

It took her a while to even keep them sort of dry during the day. She had accidents constantly, but over time, they became fewer and far between. She’d never trust of herself out of Pull-ups (especially if she was going to watch TV or play with some fun toys), but she could at least tell when she had to go now. “Hey for starting out with absolutely zero potty training, that’s not half bad” She’d reason with herself.

Today was the first day of Kindergarten for Elissa. It’d been a whole 4 years since that TV show sent her back to a second childhood. She was a complete mess of emotions as she sat on her bed. 

Part of her really did want to grow up again. Let’s face it, being a kid is carefree and fun, but there’s still so much you can’t do. “I do miss parts of my old life. Hanging out with my friends, traveling around the world, learning. You just don’t do those things as a baby.” She thought, looking up and around her room. She had seen it change gradually from a nursery to a toddler’s room. “Quite the 4 years, huh?” She muttered before sliding off the bed and onto her feet. 

Her Pull-up crinkled going down the steps. She used to have a lot of trouble with them a year or two back, but now she was really good at them. Her mother was waiting for her at the bottom.

“Hey, Sweetie! Are you excited for the first day of school?!” She said with a beaming smile. Elissa just nodded back.

“Mhm.” She said quietly. Her mother looked lovingly at her.

“Don’t worry Honey, you’re going to love school! You’re going to make so many new friends, learn so many new things, it’s gonna be a blast!” She said enthusiastically. She was obviously trying to excite Elissa. Not trying to be rude, Elissa nodded again.

“Yeah, I’m ready, Mommy. Let’s go.” She said, lifting her right hand up instinctively to take the hand of her mother. Their hands locked and they began heading toward the door.

Elissa looked out into the living room before her mother opened the door. Her eyes caught the image on the TV. Instantly, her eyes shot wide open.

“HOLY- “Elissa thought, not able to finish the though in her mind. Goosebumps ran through the back of her neck. There it was. The episode that sent her to this in the first place. The rising sun. The swirling colors. She could see it all.

She knew she only had a second or two to decide. Her mother was already pulling the doorknob to open the door. The memories of before all this bubbled up. The moments she’d spent with her girlfriends on the town. The day she bought her first house. The paperwork that was involved. The days she’d spent at her job.

Elissa knew what she wanted the moment she saw that cartoon. In her old life she was an adult. A stand up women that had made it completely on her own. Most people assume that normal human progression goes from infancy, to childhood, adolescences, then into adulthood. For Elissa’s life though, that was reversed.

This is who she was now. It’s who she wanted to be. There wasn’t a single doubt in her mind as she closed her eyes. “I wish this could all go back to the way it was….” She almost stopped there, but the thought kept going.”….Before I was potty trained. Back when things were fun and happy again. Back to when I was a baby. Forever.” Her eyes shot open at that last part. Had she really said that?!

She expected to see her mother in front of her. But instead of holding her hand in the doorway, she was holding onto her stuffed animal, standing in the middle of the living room. 

“*Gasp*” She let out. Her eyes softened though, and her head slowly turned down to see what was below her waist. 

The happiness that exploded inside of her was greater than any emotion she’d ever felt in her life. She instantly jumped in the air and squealed, “YETH! YETH YETH YETH!” She boomed, running to the floor next grab some of the fun looking blocks on the ground. Her head had that familiar whimsical, slow feeling to it. Everything was so much brighter. So much more colorful and funnier. Her emotions just flew through her without any filter.

Her diaper finished warming from all the excitement once she settled down. Elissa had zero clue what state it was in. Frankly, she didn’t care. It faded away into the background of things she didn’t care about anymore. Just like the little bit of drool that spilled out of her pacifier, the complete mess of toys she was making on the ground, or even the adult life she used to have. Many. Many. Lifetimes ago. 



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