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“Oh…. Oh no.” Dana said, she quickly lifted up her shift, and placed a hand on her thick adult diaper. “Oh gosh darn it, my diaper is doing that thing again!” She said, moving her head closer toward her crotch. She rolled in her eyes in frustration. “Ugh, I thought I talked to da nurses about this. Stop giving me broked diapers that get all warm without me telling dem to!” Dana mumbled to herself. She subconsciously started chewing on her shirt as she examined her diaper more. Its what she did to whatever was closest to her mouth when she didn’t have a pacifier in now. She sighed and did what she always did now the second her emotions became a little too much to handle. She whined.

“Miss Nuuuuurrrseeeeeeeyyyy! Come here again!!!” Dana yelled, sounding like a little brat who didn’t get their way. Two nurses across the room heard her cries. They looked at each other and smirked.

“You’re turn to get her.” One of the said. The other chuckled.

“Fine, but I’m not changing her if she shit herself again. That’s YOUR job this time. I’ve done it like 3 times in a row.” The nurse said, the other just chuckled and nodded. 

“What is it sweetie? Did you have another accident in your diaper? Hmm?” The nurse said sweetly to Dana. Dana responded with an exaggerated head shake.

“No! My diap… daipo-…. daipa…” Seemingly struggling with the word, Dana just shrugged and kept going, “..Diapie did dat things I tolds you abouts wike, a.. a… a 3 diapie changes ago! This one just gots warm, and I didn’t say for it to get wet!” Dana said matter-of-factly. She looked up into the air as if she was completely in the right. The nurse just shook her head.

“Honey, I don’t know how many times we have to keep telling you this. You are having these accidents, that’s why your diaper is getting wet. You’re going pee pee in them without knowing!” The nurse said, patting Dana on the head. She shot back a very confused look.

“No, I’m wike, reallllly smart tho. Wike, I know chem…tem…temresstary. Temrestary!” Dana said, smiling know that she was a chemist, simply because of the fact she could say it. The nurse chuckled at that.

“Baby, you can’t even tell me what the letter after B is.” The nurse said, placing her hand on her hips. Dana knew she was smart enough for that one. Just the other day she was able to count all the way up to 3, so this was just like that right. Dana smirked at how easy the question suddenly was, and opened her mouth to respond. But just as quickly as her confidence had built inside of her, it came crashing down in an instant. Her face suddenly looked like a deer in headlights.

“…Uh……” Was all she mustered as her brain seemed to work overtime. She looked through all the different files in her brain. She came up with something, but she wasn’t entirely sure it was right. With a shrug, she cautiously said, “…Purple?...” She was genuinely unsure if that was the correct answer or not.

“Yeah, exactly. Go on little one, you still have a ways to go before I change you.” The nurse said, beginning to turn around and walk away. Dana felt a shot of fear run through her as the weight of what just happened hit her. Was she really becoming this dumb? Was something going on? She had lost track of some of the days, but she was pretty sure she had only been here for at most one week. There was no way her mind had taken this much of a hit. She had to get out of here.

She had been contemplating cutting the chord on all of this the past few days. She loved this more than anything she had ever done, but it wasn’t reality. She had already come up with a plan, it was just time to enact it.

“Wait!” Dana said, grabbing onto the nurse’s shirt. The first step in any plan like this was to ask a big kid like the nurse to help. The nurse looked at her plainly. Dana felt incredibly nervous with what she was about to say. She knew that the nurses probably wouldn’t help, if anything, they’d probably make her worse. They were trained to stamp out escape plans like this in the patient’s minds. But if she could just explain her situation. 

“Me not a wittle kid okay? I works here. I…. I put on a diapie…. And..” Dana said, looking away in shame. She started to sway a little back in forth like a little kid telling an adult a bad thing they just did, “… and I’m really really sorry. If yous helps me I.. I can…” She scanned the room trying to think of the best reward for her escape out of her, “…. I will.. *Gasp* You can pways with Mr Bunny!!” Dana said, happily exclaiming and pointing toward her stuffed rabbit in the back in the room. The nurse’s face had a small smile. She was quiet for a few moments, then nodded her head. She looked over at the other nurse who was laughing quietly to themselves in the back.

“You owe me that $5!” They said. The nurse in front of Dana just shrugged.

“I really thought she was done, she hadn’t told her ‘Master Plan’ in like a week!” The nurse said, throwing their hands up in the air. “It just keeps getting worse and worse! Hahah!” 

Dana looked completely bewildered. What on earth was this nurse talking about? 

“Me never tell you my pwan before!” Dana said, looking intensely at the nurse. The nurse yet again shook her head.

“Listen, Dana.” The nurse said. Hearing her own name sent shivers down Dana’s spine. “I don’t even know why I’m wasting my breath. The second we go through this, you seem to always shit yourself, then you go back into goo-goo ga ga mood for another few weeks. But eh, what the hell?” The nurse said. Dana looked at the nurse in complete shock. That shiver in her spine seemed to cause a strange sensation to build in her bowls. 

“Sweetie, you’ve been here for 5 months. You told us about 3 months ago that you weren’t supposed to be here, but you were already way too far regressed for us to do anything. You have slightly lucid moments like this, but then you just…. Yep… there you go.” The nurse said, but Dana was having a hard time concentrating. The back of her diaper was starting to feel all way and squishy in the back. It sent waves upon waves of blinding babyish pleasure through her mind. It was like every train of thought was chopped up into a million pieces. A dumb grin grew on Dana’s face, and a pool of drool started flowing down her chin.

“hehe me babaaaa!” She giggled through babyish babble, as she fell back onto her mushy diaper bum. The act of messing only took her max 7 seconds from how much baby mush she has been eating. She giggled and clapped her hands in excitement from how warm everything was!

“I think that’s finally the last time!” The nurse in front of baby Dana yelled out. The nurse in the back snorted.

“I’ll bet you another $5.” They said.

“You’re on!” The nurse said, producing the baby bottle they hid behind their back the whole time. They popped it into Dana’s mouth. 

“mmm maaaamaaa” Danna muttered behind the bottle, as the sweet delicious milk sent her into a warm, blissful, permanent babyish high. 



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