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“You’re so weird Kacey, why would you buy something like that? Why didn’t you just get weed off him like you always do?” Abby said while shaking her head in disappointment.  Kacey frowned, and extended out the diaper in her hand toward her friend. 

“He told me that they were the new best thing! He had like five different colored ones, each doing different things I guess? Said that this was the last of his supply too because they were selling out so quickly. He gave me such a good deal on them, Abbs! Come on just try it.” Kacey said, Abby let out a heavy sigh in response. Still always one for getting fucked up though, she grabbed the diaper from her friend’s hand. 

“What’s this thing supposed to do anyways? Am I just supposed to put it on or something?” Abby said, looking quizzically at her friend. 

“ We’re just supposed to put them on like regular diapers. He told me this was called ‘Mind Melter’? Said he had other ones called ‘Leaky’, ‘Messer’, and ‘Dumb Down’. If we liked these ones and wanted to try some more, he told me to hit him up.” Kacey said, unfolding her own diaper onto the floor. Abby was hesitantly doing the same on her couch.

“They just better be worth it is all. God I haven’t put on a diaper in years, let alone one for myself.” She said, fumbling around with her pants. She didn’t even slide them all the way off. She plopped the open diaper onto the couch and sat in between it. “I bet they’re not even going to work.” Abby said, positioning her butt on the padding so it was even on both sides. 

“Will you just shut up and try it? It’s supposed to be a super intense high. And its free for you anyways!” Kacey said, all while getting ready to pull up the diaper she was laying on. The two girls stared at each other before doing the final step. 

“Whelp, here goes nothing I guess.” Abby said. She pulled the diaper up toward her belly and started pressing the plastic tapes onto it. There was a 20 second silence between the two girls. The only thing that could be heard was the sound of those tapes opening. 

The two girls sat in silence for about 2 minutes. They both just laid on their respective floors, waiting for the diapers to kick in. Abby of course, was the impatient one.  

“Kace, these are fricken duds. They ain’t doing anything like, real. Like, I think you got not gooder ones.” Abby said, not realizing her speech acting goofy toward the end there. 

“He said they should act instantly. Like, the moment you put it on.” Kacey said, examining her diaper to make sure she put it on right.

“Yeahs well maybe yous jus-“ Abby stopped dead in her sentence. She had tried getting up from the couch, but suddenly, her mind slowed down almost to a hault. It hit her like a bat to the head. Her mind started to feel so light, so warm and funny inside. Her diaper suddenly felt like the most comfortable, and fun thing she’d ever worn in her entire life. Her mouth felt funny, but it really didn’t faze Abby at all. Everything seemed bubbly, and so much more fun.

“Hehe, Kace-Kace… I tink sometin’ happeninnnn’ ahehehe!!” She said, giggling her adult mind away. She got on all fours and closed her eyes. The euphoria of the diaper was seeping deep into her brain. A soft “Mmmm…” escaped her lips as she let the high take over. 



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