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“Diapers….. Diapers…. Diapers…. Diapies… Diapies…” Alice kept muttering to herself as Maddy began changing her new diaper high friend. The drivers had started to seriously take hold of Alice’s mind now. They not only flooded her brain with an intense high, they secretly were re-working the very core to make her absolutely obsessed with diapers, and babyish behaviors.

“Woahh….” Alice said, as Maddy popped a pacifier in her mouth. Every suck felt better than the next, she was instantly hooked. Her mind literally couldn’t comprehend ever letting this thing out of her mouth. If anyone even tried to take it out, oh boy would there be some tears and screams. 

The nursery suddenly felt like the only place that Alice should ever be. The happy little animals on the walls were all nodding and telling her that this was her home. It had always been her home in fact. She wasn’t really sure if she was hallucinating anything, or if all the stuffed animals around her really did normally walk around and talk. She couldn’t for the life of her remember either way, until she honestly didn’t care anymore. Alice truly couldn’t think that hard anyways now. Her mind was starting to slow down, and the euphoria of the drivers wouldn’t stop increasing. She felt almost like she was floating on this immaculate baby high. The biggest, dumb drooly smile was across her face. 

“Done! Have fuwn you siwwy widdwle baby!” Maddy said, picking up Alice, and guiding her to the soft cushy floor. Alice felt like she was on a cloud. She never ever wanted this to end. All her mind was focused on right now as getting more baby high, and staying this way forever. She wanted to communicate that to Maddy. She wanted to show her that she was just a baby now, and really everyone should just treat her like that from now on. 

“Me dabba raaa maaa!” Alice practically yelled, she wasn’t sure if she was just pretending to act more like a baby on her own free will, or if the drugs were making her say that. It really didn’t matter to be honest. With virtually no effort, the muscles around Alice’s crotch started to relax. A split second later, a decision that would totally change Alice’s life forever happened right before Maddy’s eyes.

“Wetting her diaper already? Jeez, I need to get to her level!” Maddy thought, before grabbing a small pill bottle next to the changing table. She kept her eyes locked on her new baby sister’s diaper the entire time. Alice’s diaper slowly turned from tight pristine white, to obviously saggy dull yellow. Maddy smiled, popped the pill bottle open, then shoved a couple drivers into her mouth.


“Heheh, here I come sista….” Maddy giggled, as her pupils dilated. It hit her like a bat to the brain. Instantly she popped down onto the floor with a squish. Her diaper was already soaked before, but now it was leaking on the sides as a torrent of pee gushed out of her. She didn’t care though, some really big kid might have to take care of that for her. She looked up at her sister. “Awice, you otay?” She said, trying to be somewhat coherent before the drugs really started taking full affect.

Alice didn’t even respond. Her mouth was still wide open, and her face was in a dreamy shock. Her brain literally couldn’t comprehend what was going on in her diaper. Not just how it was happening, but mostly how incredible it made her feel. The only sensation that Alice could really feel right now, was the warm wet padding around her crotch expanding. All of her senses were just focused on that. Somewhere, entire worlds away in her mind, tucked in very deep, any career aspirations she had before had suddenly dissolved permanently. And in it’s new place, was an obsession to soak as many diapers as she could in her one lifetime. 

She wanted it tattooed across her forehead that she was just some dumb girl who was on a mission to soak through as many diapers as possible in life. Being a doctor? Psh, come on. Some kind of secretary? Wayyy too far above her mental capacity. Working at some McDonalds? Like she’d even had the chance. It didn’t matter anymore. The drivers were slowly tinkering away in the back of her mind, implanting new features and desires. They affect everyone in their own unique way. Even if Alice had the willpower to get sober off of the drugs, she’d still have only one real aspiration in life. And that was filling up every diaper possible while she was still on this earth. 

“Youws wike, weawwy wike usin’ your diapie huh?” Maddie said with a huge smile across her face. She was rocking onto her back, then returning to her diapered butt. Her thumb was planted firmly into her mouth. Her intense slurping was causing drool to spill out the sides, and drip all over her bare naked chest. 

“I woooooove diapies, Madda. Me pee pee in dem!” Alice managed to say back with the maximum amount of focus her mind was capable of. Her mind continued to wander around the play room. That was when she caught a glimpse of something rather shiny in the corner of the room.

“Madda, was dat in da corn… cowrn….cowrnra…. ova dare?” Alice said, pointing with a few fingers toward the television. Alice was sure she’s seen that kind of electronic device before, but really, any knowledge past around a year old was really hard for her to grasp. Words were nearly impossible, she was frankly impressed with herself she was even able to get some off.

“Oh das!...... uh…” Maddy said, trying her best to remember as her own drivers started to seep into her brain. The world was starting to dance and hum around her. Any train of though was almost instantly derailed. If she didn’t try really hard to focus on a sentence, it was pretty much gone. 

“….Wha you say…?” Maddy said, Alice just looked at her with a giggly smile, she shrugged and threw her hands up a little bit.

“Idon waawy nunnss” Alice said, letting out a fit of laughter after that. Her speech was severely limited at this point, it would only be a matter of minutes before she’d be reduced to coos and gurgles. The two girls lost all social communication skills, as they simply started to stare off into babyish space. They each had wide smiles, and complete glazed over eyes. It was like the most intense heaven they’d ever experience in their life. 

Whether it was a minute or an hour later, Alice honestly didn’t know. She just enjoyed the feeling of floating around the nursery. Sometimes her diaper would get warm in the front, and even the back sometimes. She didn’t know why that happened, but still loved how nice it felt for her diaper to surprise her with that. At some point though, that flashy shinning thing in the corner caught her eye again.

There was no decision making in her mind. Her body just suddenly found itself crawling over toward it. The average person would have gotten over there in maybe a few seconds, but it took Alice a solid 20 minutes to crawl the 30 feet over to the TV. She didn’t care though, and she especially didn’t mind that her diaper was creating a leaky trail on the floor. She was simply adding to the already stale piss smell of the nursery. 

The TV had a wonderful program on. It was focused on teaching the babies of the room all about how much fun it is to rub their diaper until they felt “Really really good.” Three adult toddlers were mindlessly humping away on top of some teady bears scattered in front of the display. Alice, not knowing that the hypnotic TV was guiding her, found herself on top of one herself. 

Her head mindlessly nodded along to the suggests of the swirling TV. It taught her such fun things like always cuming in diapers from now on, never thinking about anything that wasn’t diaper or baby related, and even teaching her that acting like a complete baby in public was the most natural thing in the world! She learned so much from the TV, especially once it started to tell her to grind even faster.

The waves of pleasure that echoed from her pussy were unlike anything she’d felt up until that moment. They sent shock waves through her brain that broke it even more than it already was. That was one of the most dangerous parts about drivers. They made you a horned up, kinky, and mindless of course. But if you happened to cum while on them, they altered your brain even further. Sending you deeper into your kinky spiral.

Alice knew she was close, the sexual power emitting from her crotch was stronger than every galaxy in the universe. Her mind felt like it was overloading, and you could see it on her face too. Completely cross eyed, tongue hanging out of her mouth, and babyish garble emitting from her mouth. It took only a few more seconds after that.

It was like every firework in the world exploding in her mind at once. “UUUHHH---- AAAAAHHH!!!” She yelled as she came harder than her body was physically able to. Her mind seemed to pop instantly after that, the world went dark, as she rode wave after wave of euphoric nirvana. Each crash taking another couple IQ points permanently off her brain…


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