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Karen’s hand trebled around it. She knew what was about to happen if she took this step; it was going to set her down a path that no one she knew came back from. The rational, adult part of her told herself to stop. But, for better or worse, that part was already losing the battle of the growing, more fuzzy fun part of her brain.

With a flick of her fingers, she pressed the last tape onto the right side of her diaper. She instantly gasped from how easy it was for her mind to make that decision. The diaper felt so soft around her bottom. So much warmer and crinkly than she ever could have imagined. She got up from her bedroom floor, and started to quickly examine herself in the mirror. 

A brown haired girl, donning a hello kitty t-shirt and thick adult diaper stared back at her. Part of her really couldn’t believe it. She’d fought for months against these people. She knew that all these school “teachers” were just trying to turn her friends into diaper loving idiots that drooled and pissed in their diapers. But here she stood though, wearing a colorful printed adult diaper like the rest of them.

Part of her rational mind seemed to creep back. Her being seemed to wash back up onto the shore of her mind. A moment of clarity washed over her.

“Holy fuck what am I doing?” She thought in genuine fear. “I’m…How did I get in this… I.. I need to get this off!” She said, shooting her gaze down toward the diaper taped around her waist. And that’s when she saw it. 

A growing, dark yellow stain slowly growing on the crotch of her diaper.

Just like that, as quickly as her mind seemed to clear, the babyish fog roared back with a vengeance. The wave of infantile thoughts hit her like a ton of bricks. “Uff!” she said, falling back with a giggle onto her bed. Her bladder was still releasing a torrid of pee into her slowly expanding diaper. She could feel the warm wetness now flowing into the back.

“He… Hehe..*Snort*..Aheheh” She giggled uncontrollably. Everything started seeming so much more fun to Karen. The world just stopped being so heavy and serious. All of that melted away in her mind, as a fit of laughter escaped her. Her body started to feel warm, almost like it was humming. It started around her waist, then slowly grew toward her limbs, and almost all at once, her head. 

“Who.. cares if I wet my pants? It happens. It’s why I’m wearing diapers anyways, right? Heheh” Karen said in a higher pitch than she normally talked. The dumb smile around her face wouldn’t seem to go away. Her legs spread wide open subconsciously, as if she was ready for someone to check her diaper. 

“Who really makes it to da potty on times? Really? No ones! Why was I worryin’ so mush.” She said, absent mindedly shoving a thumb into her mouth. “Hehe, I needs ta call mha mommy to make sure my diapie is all changed soooonnn.” She said lazily, grabbing her cellphone off the side table. She clumsily slid the phone open. “Otay, ‘Momma, I needs you to changes my diapier!’ there, all done!” She said, clicking send. What actually sent though was, “mommaaa sdf neeadd diapieeeeeea!” it was the clear message of someone little kid who had gotten ahold of a grown ups phone.

Karen kept giggling and giggling the night away in her new diaper. The warm humming from the center of diaper got stronger and stronger with each passing minute. Her mind went from coherent, to slightly understandable, then just a complete jumbled mush of babyish babblings. Whatever the dose was in that diaper was stronger than most. Karen didn’t care though, she didn’t care about anything anymore. Well, except how quickly her Mommy would change her into another diaper once she finally walked in.



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