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“Mom, please. Is there nothing that’s going to change your mind?” Paisley said to her mother. The two were sitting in a Range rover, parked in the driveway of an older looking house. Kathy, Paisley’s mother, cleared her voice to respond. 

“You know it won’t be for that long. We just, aren’t going to have enough room in the house. With your sister coming home from college and everything. One of you has to move out for a little bit. Honestly Paisley I wish you wouldn’t keep fighting me on this.” Kathy said with an obviously strained tone. Paisley just rolled her eyes in response. 

It was true. They’ve had this conversation about a million times in the past few months. Paisley’s sister had come home from college after graduating this past May, and there really wasn’t any room in the house anymore. Paisley was the oldest by a few years, so she was the one her parent’s had decided to kick out.

Paisley wasn’t a lazy person by any means. In fact, she normally was the type of person who was on time, did her job well, and even earned high praise from her employers. Her last job was just such a drag though. Working at McDonalds can only last for so long before you’re burnt the hell out; and with an associates degree in anthropology, it was gonna take some time before she could find anything worthwhile. 

So she had just been lounging around her parent’s house ever since. The first couple months were okay, and things were still alright, but she was definitely starting to overstay her welcome. When it was clear that her sister would be coming back to school for some time off, it seemed like the perfect opportunity to ship Paisley off with Grandma until she was back on her feet.

“You can move out of there anytime you’d like. All you have to do is find another job.” Kathy said, motioning toward the luggage in the back, as if to tell her to get out. Paisley just let out a sigh.

“*Sigh* Fine.” She said, then pushed the car door open. “I’ll be out of here in like two weeks, tops!” She said, while she made her way to the hatchback. Her mother smiled into the rearview mirror. Paisley swung the hatchback open, and laced her fingers around the grips of her suitcase. With a tug she hoisted them out of the trunk. Their wheels hit the ground with a “thunk

Paisley made her way around to the driver side, her luggage rolling behind her. Kathy rolled down the window, then looked up into her daughter’s eyes.

“Listen, you can come back in two months if you really want to. I’m sure I can get your sister to move out sooner. She’s been home for a few days and already wants to go back.” Kathy said, Paisley just stared at her with a slight dull/irritated face. Her mom chuckled and continued with, “Hey come on, it’s the summer. Go hang out with your friends or something. You don’t have to spend all day locked up in that house. You’re just staying with your Grandma; it doesn’t mean you have to take care of her.” 

“Yeah, yeah.” She said, looking up toward the front door. She stared at it for a few moments, then took in a deep breath, followed by a long exhale. “Well, I guess I’ll call you if I need you.” She said, before leaning in to give her mom or kiss.

“That’s what you got your Grandma for now!” She said back, while turning the keys to start the car. Paisley watched as her mother quickly threw the car in reverse, and began pulling out of the driveway. “Be good to her.” Kathy yelled once she got to the end. 

“I will!” Paisley yelled back, giving her mom a wave goodbye. Kathy reciprocated, then slowly drove away. With another deep breath, Paisley turned around to see her Grandmother’s house again. Or rather, her house for the time being. She took in the view for a few moments before thinking, “Well, who knows, maybe this will be fun.” She thought, before taking her first steps toward the next chapter in her life.

She bounded up a couple stairs toward the door. With a quick motion, she turned the knob and swung the door open. Paisley was in that kind of family where it was just okay to walk into the other’s home.

“Oh, you’re here!” Ruth said to her granddaughter from across the living room. She was sitting down in a lazy boy chair. The smell of old person instantly hit Paisley’s nose the moment she took her first steps in. With a slightly scrunched face she responded.

“Uh-Hey Grammy! Nice to see you again!” She said, walking over toward her. Ruth slowly got up to give Paisley a hug. 

“Oh my goodness you’ve gotten so big!” She said, wrapping her arms around her into a tight hug. Paisley smiled from the warm embrace, but also raised an eyebrow from the odd comment. 

“Grandma, I’ve been this big for years now. I’m 26! Haha.” She said, with a slight chuckle at the end. Ruth shot her own slightly confused look.

“Have you really? I could have sworn you had just started going through one of your growth spurts! Oh, silly me, I must have forgot!” Ruth said with a smile. Ruth’s memory had started to become a little hazy lately, to put it lightly. In typical old person fashion, her sense of reality was starting to slip a little bit. Some things were harder to recall than others, while some pieces of her memory were almost totally wrong.

“Yeah.. Well, what room you got me in this time, Gram? Same as last time? The guest room?” Paisley said, already starting to take her feet toward the hallway. Her Grandmother stopped her though.

“Oh no, no, no! You are right across from me! Just in case I need to check up on you in the middle of the night!” Ruth said, motioning toward another hallway. Paisley was instantly confused. 

“Um, you don’t have to do that… Grandma?” Paisley said, trying to make light of the situation. Ruth just chuckled and shook her head. 

“Go on, get yourself settled in.” She said, before starting to make her way toward the kitchen. She stopped herself a second later, and spun back around. “Oh, and by the way, I have some fresh diapers out in case you need a new one, dear!” She said haphazardly, before turning around and making her way back toward the kitchen.

“Haha, okay!” Paisley said, taking a couple steps, before stopping in her own tracks. Ruth’s words suddenly processed in her head. She pivoted on her back foot to look at her grandmother again. “Wait, Grammy.” She said in a concerned tone.

“Oh, yes?” Ruth said, turning around. She looked completely unfazed.

“Did you just say… um…” She paused for a moment, then continued, “…Diapers?... For me… in my room?” She said, looking complexed. Ruth slowly nodded.

“Well… yes of course! I remember your Mother telling me you weren’t quite there yet with your potty training. And you’re big enough to get your own diapers on, so I left some out for you! Why? Do you need a change?” Ruth said, looking slightly concerned. Paisley just shook her head in disbelief. 

“Grandma.. I dont…” She said, trailing off. The look in her Grandmother’s eyes. They looked just so sweet, so... out of touch with the world. It was clear that no matter what Paisley said right now, her Grandmother wouldn’t understand. “She’ll snap back in a couple hours… hopefully..” Paisley thought. She continued her sentence, “…I’m… uh… Thank you.” She said, just nodding in response. Her grandmother quickly returned to all smiles.

“Oh, no problem! Let me know if you need any help!” She said, returning toward the kitchen.

Paisley stood there for a few minutes, before shaking her head, and walking toward her new room. “God, this is gonna be a long two months…” She thought, before entering the guest room across her grandmother’s. It was the most childish room in the house. Typically, the youngest of the house always stayed in here. It was complete with its own light pink wall paper, and teddy bear prints.

Sure enough, a stack of adult diapers was also piled on a bureau on one of the room. Paisley closed her door, and immediately walked over to the childish underwear. The smell of baby powder wafted up toward her nose as she approached them.

“She wasn’t kidding.” Paisley thought, as her hands gripped one of the diapers. It crinkled to the touch. The noise seemed to echo throughout the room. She stood there and examined the diaper for a few seconds, wondering how on earth her grandmother was this out of touch. She really thought Paisley, a 26 year old college graduate, was little enough to still need diapers.

“You know, I could wear these, and she wouldn’t even question it. Heh.” She mumbled with a smirk, and slight chuckle. She subconsciously shook her head ‘no’ to that statement. “Jeez she’s so weird for getting me these.” Paisley said, shaking her head and dropping the diaper back onto the pile. “I guess I’ll be looking at these for a couple months…” She thought, before plopping onto her bed for the first time. 

Her gaze didn’t seem to escape the pile of diapers though. Her mind seemed to go quiet for a few moments. She just stared at the diapers, taking in every detail. As the minutes started to float by, an interesting idea popped into her mind…
