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A Day In The Room Part 2

“Uh.. Avery, dear?” Her aunt said with an incredibly confused tone. Avery had just started to wake up from one of the most peaceful sleeps she’d had in a very long time. 

“*GASP*” With a sudden jolt, Avery’s eyes flung open at the sight of her elderly aunt. She suddenly became aware of the cold, damp feeling feeling around her crotch. The pull-up was still thoroughly soaked and had even leaked a little on the crib padding. “Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.” Avery thought to herself, she was in some deep shit now. This had been tons of fun slipping into this babyish role, but she never intended for someone to actually find out. Her aunt took a few steps toward the crib. Her face wasn’t actually filled with shock, but rather genuine confusion. There was a lingering silence before Aunt Jen said something Avery wasn’t expecting.

“Aren’t you potty trained? Maybe I’m thinking of one of your older sisters.” Jen said, gazing up in thought. Avery recoiled at her aunt’s response.

“Huh? What are you-” And then it dawned on Avery. Her aunt had been starting to forget a lot of things the past year or so. Could it be that she might not be remembering if Avery was potty trained? Or perhaps even that she wasn’t a college student about to get her degree, but rather an un-potty trained little girl playing dress up with some pull-ups. She certainly looked the part for the ladder, so she couldn’t really blame her aunt. Testing her theory seemed like the best option here.

“Aunty, how old am I?” Avery said plainly. In the back of her mind though, a bold, devious plan was starting to play out in her mind. 

“Why, I’m not entirely sure. I know I’ve missed a few birthdays… I think. I suppose from the looks of it you’re what… about 3?” Her aunt said, genuinely thinking that Avery was that age. A wicked smile grew on Avery’s face. 

She loved this feeling. Honestly she hadn’t felt this alive or stress free for years. Sucking on a pacifier, wetting her pull-ups just because she can, and sleeping in a crib like a baby. How on earth did she forget that these were the best parts of life? She had a serious choice to make. Should she really go all in on this new lifestyle? Or should she go back to the adult realm that she’d been living in for the past few years…

She looked down, found her pacifier, and popped it in her mouth. With a little push of her bladder, she released a small stream of new warm pee into the bursting pull-up.

“No auwnty, me jush won wears owd!” She giggled back to Jen. She felt a sudden rush of pleasure in her vagina. She never imagined how wet she’d get from deciding to drop her adult life in favor of diapers and bottles. But here she was, on the edge of rubbing herself silly in HER pull-up.

“Oh! Yes, yes of course you are! Little one. Come here then, let Aunty check you.” Her aunt’s face melted into a smile before making her way over to check up on “Little Avery.” 

“My goodness you are soaked! We better get you into a new pull-up, shouldn’t we? Or would you prefer a diaper deary?” Her aunt said, turning to the changing table. She pulled out a pair of pull-ups, and a pair of baby diapers. Avery was a smaller women then most, and had the kind of hips that would easily fit into a pair of those diapers. 

“Diapos!” Avery squealed with a smile. She wasn’t really sure why, but she found herself slipping back into that babyish role she felt from earlier. “I’m dressed and expected to be a baby, so why not act like one?” She reasoned with glee in her mind. 

“Alright then little one, come on out of that crib then.” Her Aunt said, snapping the bars down so Avery could crawl out. She slinked down, and then crawled on all fours over to the table. Hopping on up, she flopped herself right on the table, completely content to let her Aunt do all the work to change her. 

Avery’s bum was taped into a fresh diaper in no time. Her Aunt masterfully secured it over her waist, giving her a pat on the bum once Avery stood up off the table. “You go run along and play now dear. How long are you supposed to be here for again? A few more hours before your mommy comes and picks you up?” Jen said, Avery just giggled and shook her head.

“She doesn’t even remember that I drove myself here haha.” Avery thought, before plopping her butt down on the carpet. “Ooo! A blue elephant!” She giggled, greedishly clutching the stuffed animal. Moments later she began animating it playing with a stuffed tiger to the right of her.

The world seemed to slow down when she was in full little mode. Her mind completely lost track of time, instead focusing on which things she should play with next. She’d never had this much creative juice flowing through her mind. Everything was just so much fun. Rolling around the floor, bouncing on your butt, just making random noises while you played. None of it made any sense. Yet, Avery was already 100% hooked.

Two hours of babyish bliss flew through Avery. It was pure heaven being in this state. A nuisance of discomfort echoed out to Avery while she was just rolling around on the floor and playing with her toes. It was her bladder. Instinctively she shifted to get on her knees to lift herself. When she got on all fours though, something happened. Her gaze caught the stacks and stacks of diapers that were laid out on the changing table. Her mind went quiet. There wasn’t even a conversation in her mind as to what she should do. She knew what she was.

Her bum plopped back down onto the carpet. She looked like she was staring a thousand miles away. Suddenly, her diaper started to warm and discolour around her crotch. Her blank expression was coupled with her mouth slowly opening, causing her pacifier to drop from her lips. She didn’t care though, she was in nirvana. The pure warmth from wetting her diaper was the greatest feeling she’d ever experience in life. She relished in the wetness for what felt like an eternity. She didn’t even realize a rather large wet stain was growing on her shirt from how much drool was dripping from her mouth. She was way too spaced out to even care. All that mattered, was the warm wet diaper around her waist.

Ever so slowly she came back to Earth. Even so, she had sunk even farther into her baby mindstate. She barely tried moving her limbs to crawl over to more toys across the room. A few babbles here and there escaped her lips with each new feel of a bright and colorful toy. She was in full baby mode now. Far far away, in her shelved adult mind, she already concluded that she was going to shape her life around this mindstate.

Another hour flew by in her heavily regressed state. The only thing that could sort of pull Avery from the depths was her Aunt walking into the room again. “Avery, little one, do you remember when your mommy was supposed to come pick you up? It’s already 5 pm!” She said quizically to her “baby niece.” Avery smiled at her Aunt’s question.

“Me tinks she be heawr soown!” She said, getting up to her feet. Her diaper sagged heavier then she expected around her waist. “Shoot, did I wet again without knowing..?” She wondered, the fact she probably did made her body hum all over again. 

“Well first things first little one, we need to get you into a new diaper! This one is absolutely soaked!” Jen said, leading Avery back to the changing table. A quick diaper change later, and she was ready to wet her pants all over again. “There, now let me call your mother to see when she’ll be coming over.” Jen said. Avery, already knowing how she’d play this, just shook her head. 

Avery bounded down the hall, into her “old room” and grabbed her bag of things. She didn’t even think about taking her diaper off when she made her way to the house’s front door. She turned the handle and called out to her Aunt, “She’s heawr Aunty, bye bye!” She yelled out, her pacifier still around her lips. 

“Oh! Well then, see you soon darling!” Her Aunt called out from the kitchen, home phone in hand. Avery just smiled and walked out the door. She made her way to the car in complete Pj’s, and of course, a diaper wrapped around her waist. Avery did nothing to hide the plastic waistband that was riding up from her underwear. “Why would someone care if a baby’s diaper is showing?” She reasoned. Hopping in her car, she turned the key, and drove back home to show her mom the new (previous?) her.

The entire car ride home she had trouble focusing on the road. All she wanted to do was plunge her hands into her diaper and just go to town on herself. The feeling of the padding brushing up against her constantly wet pussy was always there. It would send shocks and waves of pleasure through her entire body each time she randomly rubbed a certain way. She was falling fast for the feeling of padded underwear around her waist at all times.

“Hey mom, I’m home.” Avery said, walking in through the front door. Her mother was on the couch watching some TV. She shout a curious look at her daughter.

“Hey there… so uh… you didn’t even think to get dressed into some real clothes for the day? Did you honestly wear PJs the entire time at Aunt Jen’s?” She said, turning the TV volume down. Avery just rolled her eyes.

“So? It’s not a big deal mom. She didn’t care or anything.” She said, ready to throw some bratty sass at her mom. She wanted to proudly show her mother the new diaper choice she was making in life. Her hips wiggled a little bit so as to show her diaper riding up over her pants a little better.

Her mother opened her mouth to say something, but then immediately closed it. Her eyes caught a glimpse of the white lining around her daughter’s pants. She cocked her head to the side and furrowed her brow at first. She had a pretty good idea of what it was, but didn’t quite want to believe it.

“Avery are you….” She said, focusing her eyes even harder at Avery’s waist. 

“... Am I what, Mom?” She said, trying to suppress a smile. Her mother shook her head in disbelief.

“...Wearing a Diaper?!?” She said, getting up from the couch. Avery just shrugged her shoulders and smiled.

“Yeah? So?” She said matter-of-factly. It was as if she was responding to her asking if she was wearing her hair in a ponytail. Her mother recoiled from her response. Never in a million years would she expect her daughter to come home from her Aunt’s house in a diaper at this age. And to be so nonchalant about it just added another layer of bewilderment. 

“WHY on EARTH are you wearing a DIAPER, Avery?!?! 20 year olds don’t just put those on!!” She nearly yelled, getting up from the couch as she did so. Avery again had a “Couldn’t care less” kind of face on. These diapers mattered way more to her than her mother’s opinion.

“I don’t know, babies don’t have to explain themselves, so I don’t have to either.” She said, placing her hand on her hip. She was going all in on this lifestyle. She didn’t care what anyone, including her mother, had to say about the matter. She wanted to wear diapers, and act like a baby. If anyone had a problem with that, they could kiss her pampered ass.

Her mother still couldn’t believe the words that were coming out of her daughter’s mouth. She had never been this defensive before about anything. She was almost acting like a little brat that was determined to get her own way. 

“Wha… What are you even SAYING, Avery Jones! Are you trying to tell me that you want to be a baby?! I.. I don’t know what the hell has gotten into you!” Her mother yelled back, throwing her hands up in protest. Avery knew there was only way to really show her mother she meant what she was talking about. If she was going to be serious about this, she had to prove it. 

She widened her stance. Looked toward the wall. And began to push. Her face grew red for a moment while she fought her potty training. It didn’t take long after that for a stream of pee to start trickling out of her. The sound of the pee hitting her diaper echoed through the whole room. Soon, the unmistakable “Hissss” of a filling diaper was heard by both Avery and her mother. 

“I… uh…. Ave…” her mother stammered, completely flabbergasted. “You’re not…. Wetting…. Oh my god.” She said with complete shock in her eyes. What struck her most wasn’t even the fact her daughter was wetting a diaper in front of her. Rather, it was the grin, and spacey look she had while she did it.

It was all too much. Her mother scoffed in disgust; extending her hands to grab her keys from the coffee table. She walked right past her still spacing daughter, and right out the door. The sound of her mother starting her car woke her up from her wetting daydream state.

“Hehe, Mommy will realize soon that I’m just a diaper girl!” She giggled, popping the pacifier from her pocket into her mouth. She bounded up the stairs to her room lightening fast. She practically sprinted toward her laptop once she was in. Her hands couldn’t turn the computer on fast enough to log onto Amazon. It only took a few minutes for her cart to fill up with packs upon packs of adult diapers….


It didn’t take that long for her mother to at least understand the fact that Avery was wearing diapers full time. There were plenty of arguments at first, but they always ended with Avery saying something along the lines of, “Whatever mom, I’m just not going to making it to the potty anymore, who cares if I go in my pants?”

Her descent into 24/7 diaper dependence was slow at first. She wouldn’t always wear diapers to school if she was super late getting up, or if she didn’t quite have the money to pay for another pack. She was definitely starting to slip though. Her first initial burst of 24/7 diapers lasted about 3 months. To say she had absolutely fallen in love was the biggest understatement of her life. Her bladder was much weaker than the average person by the end of her first binge. If she sneezed, coughed, or was totally engrossed in a cartoon, she’d leak right into whatever she was wearing. Which, more often than not, was at the very least pull-ups.

By the time her current semester came to a close, she knew fully well that this was how she wanted to live her life. Plenty of her friends had aspirations to go on and become wealth CEOS, make breakthroughs in science, or even become the greatest athletes of all time. Avery though? She just wanted to soak diapers and dive deeper into her thumb sucking habit. She didn’t care about money or anything like that. Avery just wanted to be a diaper needy girl who played with her dolls while she subconsciously filled her pampers. 

Her plan was a simple one. It really didn’t take much to convince her Aunt again that she was just a baby girl who needed diapers. Everyday she would head to her house, start sweet talking her in her baby voice, and get taped right into the thick diapers her Aunt had bought her because she was “A bit bigger than the ones at the store.” 

Avery’s mother grew increasingly annoyed by this. Mostly because she’d see her daughter leave with perfectly good panties on in the morning, then come home with a full diaper. Her daughter’s stock of adult underwear dwindled further and further each day until, finally, she literally had wet herself right out of panties. 

Overtime she didn’t agree with Avery’s choice, but more or less just accepted it. She slowly stopped seeing her daughter like the young adult she should be, and more of the babbling baby who was playing with random toys on the living room floor. Diaper completely exposed for anyone who came in. She even stopped trying to convince her to go back to panties once she realized Avery wasn’t noticing when she was wetting anymore. Countless times she would check her daughter to see if she needed a change. To the growing surprise of both of them, she almost always did. 

There really wasn’t a set date, but over the course of the next year it just sort of happened. It started as Avery just staying the night at her aunt’s house. She was going to just drive there the next day anyways, so why waste the gas? Her mother made the decision for Avery one day. Her mother was the one to always drive anyways because, “Babies aren’t supposed to drive mom.” Avery would always argue.

Overnights became multi-day stays, which then melted into weekly visits. It really all cascaded down hill after that. Avery was spending so much time as being a little, she was literally losing her adult social abilities. Whenever she was home, she would just say the one word of whatever she wanted, often times in baby talk. If her mother didn’t hear her, or blatantly tried to ignore her, she would just start crying. Her mother already raised her once, and she didn’t want to again. So she started spending even more times at her aunt’s. Before long, she was spending more time in babyland than at home. 

The day finally came when her mother got a new job a few states away. Avery had been at her Aunt’s house for a full two months when her mother came in that day, asking her if she wanted to move with her, or stay here full time with Aunt Jen. The choice really wasn’t that hard for Avery. 

The two hugged, and Avery yelled “Bye-Bye, Mommy!” with glee as she walked out the door. You see this entire time there was always that one, very small piece of Avery that knew she could go back to being an adult at any time. Her mother would help her get back on track if she wanted to. As she watched her mom leave from the living room window, diapered butt fully on display, that piece of her finally quieted down and went dark. She was, without any question, just a baby girl now.

A drooly smile grew on her face once she realized that. She did what she always did now when that kind of happiness and excitement washed over her. She pushed with all her might for about 1 second, then felt the warmth from both sides of her diaper envelop her. She fell back to the floor with a *Squish* and went back to playing with her toys. Just like she would for the rest of her life.



Good story but I was under the impression the whole thing would be a choose your own, not to mention I thought that it was meant to be set up as a longer running series? The way the description in part 1 was set up it sounded like that at least.


I was really intending the start of it to be a chose your own at first, then become a story where (because of your choices) Avery cascades into an ABDL lifestyle.