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Kaitlyn threw the car in park, a heavy sigh accompanying the action. She rubbed her eyes with her left hand, while the other turned the ignition off. The journey home from college this spring break had been much longer than she expected. Traffic was a mess, and she was quite frankly ready for a short nap in her old bed room.

“Hey mom! I made it home!” She yelled out as she walked into the house. 

“Hey Honey, welcome home!” Her mother yelled back, quickly turning the corner into the living room to give her daughter a big hug. “Oohh it’s so good to have you here, thank you for making the time for your father and I. I know this is your last spring break before your big graduation, and we just had to see you!” Her mother said. Kaitlyn’s tired face spoke a million words as she just nodded. 

“Yeah if you actually don’t mind mom, think I’m gonna take a little nap after the ride. It was absolutely crazy.” Kaitlyn said, dropping her stuff and already making her way up to her room. Her mother nodded and completely understood.

“Alright! See you in a little bit Hun. Wanda is still coming over to pick you up around 5 right?” Her mother said, Kaitlyn just gave her the thumbs up as she ascended the stairs into her old room.

She swung her door open, then quickly shut it behind her. The room smelt exactly as it had the entire time she had grown up there. The white walls that used to be lined with pink colorful princess wallpaper caused her pupils to shrink from the amount of light. She always chuckled to herself whenever she first walks into her old room after being away for months. “God if they knew about the shit I used to do in here…” She whispered. Her mind wandered to all the sexual experiments she would conduct in her late junior to senior years in high school.

The average person might have started thinking about a sexual fling with a hot shot quarterback, but not Kaitlyn. Her mind wandered to all the times she would double diaper herself up on almost a nightly basis and wet the fuck out of that thing until it was literally leaking all over the floor. She would just go the second she felt any kind of pressure on her bladder. She always thought, “If I’m wearing my diaper, then that means I’m not big enough to make it to the potty anyways.” Her diaper would warm almost instantly after thinking that, as she flooded it with a smile across her face. That of course meant it was time for the finale. She would rub and rub her diaper almost over every single square inch of that floor. She’d edge easily 15-20 times a night until she was practically too raw to keep going anymore.

“Oh god those last 3 or 4 times I’d cum.. holy shit my mind would be in total baby land by that point.. god that was so…” She thought to herself, biting her bottom lip at that last part. Her AB/DL fetish had not wavered since heading to college. She simply just didn’t have the time or as much money to support her lust for diapers anymore. Still though whenever all her roommates were gone for a weekend, and she had a little money, hands down she’d be wasted in soaked diapers, masturbating all night long until she passed out.

Her gaze shot to her old closet as her mind thought about all her crazy diapered nights. She’d store everything she ever needed for a diaper night in that closet under a bunch of clothes. Without really thinking about it, Kaitlyn’s feet took her to paint chipped doors. Her hands laced around the handles and pulled them open. A sly smile grew on her face. There on the floor, was the same pile that hidden baby toys, pacifiers, bottles, and the thickest diapers she could afford for years. 

Of course, she’d gotten rid of all that stuff before she went to college. Most of it she packed away with her, but a few things she just straight up threw out. “Wonder if there’s anything else I missed..” she thought with a little giggle. She knew she’d triple checked before she left, but still the nostalgia was enough to dig her hands into the pile. Quickly the pile became a scattered mess of clothes strewn across the closet floor. Deep down a small part of her hoped that she’d find something. It’d be fun to maybe play with something before she took that nap.

“Oh…” She whispered to herself. Her hands hit something that felt like hard cardboard. Instantly her mind started to race. “What the fuck? I totally cleaned this thing before I left. What the hell could this be?” She said, gripping the object. She hoisted it out of the pile, slightly recoiling at the sight. In her hands she held a small little book, “Pinkies Elephant” read the title. It had those kind of pages that weren’t quite paper, but rather hard and stiff. Her mind raced at how honestly reckless it was that she didn’t catch this before she moved out. Kaitlyn shook her head as she flipped through the pages briefly. “Got reallll lucky here. Ah well, at least I have a cute bed time story before I head to bed.” She thought, immediately turning around and slipping into her bed.

The story was about some silly elephant that would grant all of Pinkie’s (The name of the girl in the story) wishes and desires. The moral was that sometimes getting everything we want in life doesn’t always help us. It was cute, but only lasted a few pages. At the very end of the book there was a small picture of the elephant. It had a wide smile, and a text bubble above it. “Sleep with this book, and I’ll teach you the same lessons Pinkie learned!” It said, Kaitlyn smiled at the cute words. Her eyes had already very heavy from her soft bed in the matter of only a few minutes. “How cute…” She thought to herself, before falling asleep with the book still in her hands…


“Yep! Someone is my wittle wet girl isn’t she!” Kaitlyn’s mother said loudly, pulling Kaitlyn out of her slumber. Her blurry vision quickly came into focus to see her mother’s glowing smile beaming right in her face.

“Ugh wha… what you talkin’ bout’ mommy…*GASP*” Kaitlyn said, her eyes suddenly shooting wide. “That is NOT what I meant to say.” She said, “Mommy me no mean ta say dat’! Ugh why me tawkin’ wike a baby!” Kaitlyn said, pounding her fist on the bed. Her mother just giggle and shook her head.

“Look at you, quite the talkative baby we have today. Come on little one, let’s get you into a fresh diapie!” Her mother said, easily lifting her daughter up. Kaitlyn’s mind was going a million miles per hour, “What the actual fuck is going on? Why the fuck can’t I talk, why the shit am I in a wet diaper, and why does my mother think this is all totally normal?” she thought, as her mother untapped her and started pulling out a new thick disposable diaper.  Kaitlyn’s gaze shot back to her bed.

“OH FUCK, that fucking book!” She thought, “That thing actually fucking… ‘Teach you the same lessons pinkie learned’ Shit that girl got everything she wanted… And I want … oh fuck…” She thought. Fear coursed through her veins as the adrenaline started flowing. Well, at least that’s what she thought was the reason for the adrenaline. Deep down she knew what really caused it. Excitement. 

“She thinks I’m a.. baby now?” She whispered, as the final tape was pushed down on her waist. Part of her knew that this was a horrible situation for a near college graduate like her to be in. But another part of her, the much more emotional and sexually charged, was in pure ecstasy.

“Here baby, have your book back while I get lunchies ready for you!” Her mother said, plopping Kaitlyn on the floor, and shoving the book that was on the bed into her face. The book had completely changed into a potty training guide for little kids.

“Holy shit…” Was all Kaitlyn could think as she flipped through it. Pictures of step by step instructions taught her how to make it the potty if you ‘start feeling same urges.’ “Fuck everyone is really going to see me as a baby now, don’t they?” She thought, putting the book down in her lap. The whole reality of what was going on finally hitting her. She was truly in baby land now, whether she liked it or not.

She looked around her room, baby toys now scattered everywhere. Her mind was quiet, almost as if it was waiting for her to make the decision on what to do. Slowly, a smile started growing on her face, as joy started flooding her chest. As if on cue, her diaper followed suit as pee started gushing into it, growing droopy and wet. “Looks like I get to find out if getting just what I wanted in life really is a curse.” She said with a giggle. “…As if this will ever be a bad thing…” She thought right after that, before playing with the pretty light up toys in front of her. 



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